Uncovering Go: From Novice to Pro in a Blink

Uncovering Go: From Novice to Pro in a Blink

A Swift and Definitive Guide to Golang Mastery

About the Book

From Novice to Golang Pro in a Blink

Are you standing at the cusp of Go programming, eager to delve into its depths, or perhaps contemplating employing it in your upcoming project? Are you already well-versed with at least one programming language and now itching to decode the enigma of Go with unmatched speed?

If this resonates with you, you've found your ideal ally in this book. Say goodbye to the monotony of relearning the basics you've encountered countless times. Bid adieu to lengthy video tutorials that could have been condensed to a few lines. In fewer than 400 pages, this book will set you on a direct path to mastering Go, solidifying your foundational understanding with each step.

Here's what this book offers

A Streamlined Learning Experience:

Crafted for beginners and seasoned programmers alike, this book journeys through Go's essentials while directing a spotlight on unique Go-specific concepts like Goroutines, Channels, methods, testing, and reflection.

Expertly Chosen Examples:

The examples in this book are the fruit of careful selection, designed to progressively build your understanding. Each example reinforces the previously learned concepts, presenting complexity at just the right intervals. Plus, immediate outputs are provided, reducing your dependency on having a computer at all times.

Efficient Learning for the Busy Professional:

Time is of the essence, and we respect that. This book is all about brevity and focus. It zeroes in on the key concepts and examples that matter the most, empowering you to dive into complex projects quickly, buoyed by Go's exceptional documentation.

A Guided Expedition:

With this book, you're never alone on your learning journey. It guides you every step of the way, nurturing your confidence as your Go knowledge expands. By the end, you'll be primed to tackle any Golang project with ease and expertise.

So, are you ready to uncover the power of Go and transform into a Golang Pro in a blink? Click on "Add Ebook to cart" and let's get started!

About the Author

Jimmy Frai
Jimmy Frai

Hello, internet!

My name is Jimmy, and I have over 14 years of professional software development experience. I've worked on a wide range of projects over the years, from simple websites to critical government reporting applications and high-performance solutions.

My favorite programming languages are Go, C#, and C++. I started with PHP 22 years ago (I was twelve).

Table of Contents

  • Before We Begin
    • About the Author
    • The Objective of This Book
    • Charting the Course
    • Making the Most of This Book
    • About the Cover Illustration
    • Reach Out to Me
  • Chapter 1: Go Basics
    • 1.1 Introduction to Go
    • 1.2 Installing Go
    • 1.3 Go’s Roadmap to Success
    • Wrapping Up Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2: Understanding Go Data Types
    • 2.1 Introduction to Variables
    • 2.2 Basic Data Types
    • 2.3 Type Inference
    • 2.4 Zero Values
    • Wrapping Up Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3: Control Structures in Go
    • 3.1 Control Structures
    • 3.2 The ‘if’ Statement
    • 3.3 The ‘for’ Loop
    • 3.4 Switch Case Statements
    • Wrapping Up Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4: Building Blocks - Composite Types
    • 4.1 Introduction to Composite Types
    • 4.1.1 Understanding Composite Types
    • 4.1.2 The Role of Composite Types
    • 4.2 Arrays and Slices
    • 4.5 JSON and Go
    • Wrapping Up Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5: Making Functions Work for You
    • 5.1 Introduction to Functions
    • 5.2 Function Parameters and Return Values
    • 5.3 Anonymous Functions and Closures
    • 5.4 Defer, Panic, and Recover
    • Wrapping Up Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6: Go Methods and Interfaces
    • 6.1 Understanding Methods in Go
    • 6.2 Understanding Interfaces in Go
    • 6.4 Wrapping Up Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7: Basic Concurrency in Go
    • 7.1 Understanding Concurrency and Parallelism
    • 7.2 Goroutines
    • 7.3 Channels
    • 7.4 Wrapping Up Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8: Advanced Concurrency in Go
    • 8.1 Dealing with Concurrency Issues
    • 8.2 Concurrency Patterns in Go
    • 8.3 Concurrency in Networking
    • 8.4 Wrapping Up Chapter 8

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