Inside Enterprise Architect
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Inside Enterprise Architect

Querying EA's Database

About the Book

This book shows details of what is at the low level of EA: its database. The information gathered in this book is a summary of what has been found out by quite a number of EA users including me. If you need to dive into details which the official API does not provide, this book is what you might have been looking for.

About the Editor

Thomas Kilian
Thomas Kilian

Working since mid 1970 in the IT industry. Having gone through development and management in almost all industries (international but based in Germany). Currently focused on UML based projects (Embedded Systems/SysML, SOA, BPM) preferably using EA. And of course customization and CM for EA projects.

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Table of Contents

  • 1. Preface
  • 2. Copyright and Disclaimer
  • 3. Accessing the Database
    • 3.1 Inspecting EA’s Tables
    • 3.2 Ways to Query Tables
    • 3.3 A List of All Tables
  • 4. Most Important Tables
    • 4.1 More things than you find in the Project Browser: t_object
    • 4.2 The Repository Structure: t_package
    • 4.3 The Diagram Frame: t_diagram
    • 4.4 Elements Inside Diagrams: t_diagramobjects
    • 4.5 Non-Standard Connectors: t_diagramlinks
    • 4.6 Connecting Elements: t_connector
  • 5. Element Feature Tables
    • 5.1 Attributes: t_attribute
    • 5.2 Operations: t_operation
  • 6. Tagged Value Tables
    • 6.1 Element Tagged Values: t_objectproperties
    • 6.2 Attribute Tagged Values: t_attributetag
    • 6.3 Operation Tagged Values: t_operationtag
    • 6.4 Connector Tagged Values: t_connectortag
  • 7. Security Related Tables
    • 7.1 Settings: t_secpolicies
    • 7.2 Users: t_secuser
    • 7.3 Groups: t_secgroup
    • 7.4 Assignment of users to groups: t_secusergroup
    • 7.5 Group permissions: t_secgrouppermission
    • 7.6 User permissions: t_secuserpermission
    • 7.7 Locks: t_seclocks
  • 8. Rarely Used Tables
    • 8.1 Stereotypes: t_stereotypes
    • 8.2 Not the Tagged Values: t_taggedvalue
    • 8.3 Attribute Constraints: t_attributeconstraints
    • 8.4 Table Attribute Tags: t_attributetag
    • 8.5 Linked Documents and Baselines: t_document
    • 8.6 Mixed option: t_genopt
    • 8.7 Alternate Images: t_image
    • 8.8 User Defined Scripts: t_script
    • 8.9 Element Requirements: t_objectrequires
    • 8.10 Element Constraints: t_objectconstraints
    • 8.11 Element Files: t_objectfiles
    • 8.12 Scenarios for (mainly) Use Cases: t_objectscenarios
    • 8.13 Parameters for Operations: t_operationparms
    • 8.14 Various Profiles: t_trxtypes
    • 8.15 Status Types: t_lists
    • 8.16 Maintenance: t_objectproblems
    • 8.17 Various Profiles: t_xrefsystem
    • 8.18 RTF: t_rtf
    • 8.19 Repository Settings: usys_system
    • 8.20 Auditing: t_snapshot
  • 9. Marvelous References
    • 9.1 A simple table: t_xref
    • 9.2 Definition of Multi-Stereotypes
    • 9.3 Default Composite Diagrams
    • 9.4 Profile file locations
  • 10. API Cross References
    • 10.1 t_package — EaPackage
    • 10.2 t_object — EaElement
  • 11. Bits and Pieces
    • 11.1 CSV Lists
    • 11.2 Object Types
    • 11.3 What is an Instance
    • 11.4 Concurrency
    • 11.5 GUID
    • 11.6 Object Run State Property
    • 11.7 TPos Property
    • 11.8 Object StyleEx Property
    • 11.9 Package Flags Property
    • 11.10 Diagram PDATA Property
    • 11.11 Diagram Swimlanes Property
    • 11.12 Diagram StyleEx Property
    • 11.13 DiagramObject ObjectStyle Property
    • 11.14 Connector SubType Property
    • 11.15 Connector Direction Property
    • 11.16 Connector PDATA5 Property
    • 11.17 Connector StateFlags Property
    • 11.18 Connector StyleEx Property
    • 11.19 Binary Data
    • 11.20 RGB Values
    • 11.21 Boundaries and Placeholders
  • 12. User Settings
    • 12.1 Registry
    • 12.2 APPDATA
    • 12.4 Multiple EAs in Parallel
  • 13. GUI References
    • 13.1 Element
    • 13.2 Diagram
    • 13.3 Diagram Element Context
    • 13.4 Connector
    • 13.5 Attributes
    • 13.6 Operations
    • 13.7 Miscellaneous
  • 14. Query Caveats
    • 14.1 Debugging SQL
  • 15. SQL Search Builder
    • 15.1 Search Results
    • 15.2 Search Tagging
    • 15.3 Some Sample Queries
    • 15.4 Combine Script with Search
  • 16. Further Reading
    • 16.1 Feedback
    • 16.2 Scripting Enterprise Architect
    • 16.3 Sparx Forum
    • 16.4 Sparx Community
    • 16.5 SQL in General
    • 16.6 Geert Bellekens
  • Notes

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