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About the Book
Step with us to a land of our mythic past. An age when Vikings haunted the seas and northern lands were covered with dark and unbreachable forests.
Vierra is a strong-minded girl of the Kainu tribe. When she, along with her cousin, heads for a journey toward her adulthood, the forces that are to direct her life are set in motion.
Can Vierra break her path painted in stone, a path leading her toward a life filled with great turmoil? Can she find her place among her tribe, or will she fulfill her destiny as the Fargoer?
Fargoer begins the series of fantasy novels that draws its power from the harsh, yet beautiful nature and folklore of Finland. Its roots are at the same time in mythology and in the ancient, unwritten history. The foundations have been laid on the wonders of the ancient world, and the fast-paced storytelling is colored by poetry, the age-old tradition of self-expression.
About the Author
I'm a writer from Central Finland, a software designer by day and a dad/husband/dreamer/martial artist by night.
It all began when I was eight years old. I found out that there were books of Tarzan, my childhood hero. My mother started to read them to me, but censored them - all of you who have read them know why. Annoyed by this, I started to read them on my own. Dreams and legends have followed me from those days, as companions on my voyage through life.
Only few years after that I thought about writing for the first time, but for a long time I pushed it away from my mind for supposedly more important things. Finally I understood that none of my stories would ever see the daylight until I got started, and I did.
From the days of Tarzan, exciting adventures and fantasy stories set in the past and the future have been my interest. Thus, the natural choice for me was to start writing science fiction and fantasy. Some years ago the idea of Fargoer made its way into my consciousness, and it hasn't loosened its grip of me since.
New Fargoer stories and paths of Vierra's future circle in my thoughts until I write them out. There are so many stories to tell until the end, and that end is painted clearly on my mind.