The Bismark

The Bismark

An Izzy Colcannon Novel

About the Book

It is the time of the Third Gospel. The Galaxy is recovering from the last Wars, in which the intelligent batleships that served both sides went mad and rebelled.  While the priests and monks of the Tird Gospel stitch together a new civilization, there are fortunes to be made for those swift enough and brave enough to take advantage of opportunities...

Esmerelda "Izzy" Concannon is a scoundrel and rogue, a lost Terran whose homeworld was destroyed generations ago. Floating from settlement to settlement as a gun for hire, she just might be at the end of her rope...

Until the Bismark, the last of the great rogue ships, appears from the edges of Known Space, and Izzy hires on to a doomed ship led by the mad Capt. Jameson and crewed by outcasts and losers just like her and the hunt is on.

About the Author

Lou Yuhasz
Lou Yuhasz

Lou is an aspiring writer and typical family guy. I've  lived in modern urban metropolises, small Montana towns, and is currently a resident of the rust belt town of Youngstown, Ohio. I've been Married for over twenty years, we've raised one daughter to be an amazing person, and are working on our second daughter. Yes, both know how to spell "Cthulhu" and can quote the first stanza of "The Raven." I've long been a tech hobbyist and run Linux on my home PC, have a Raspbery Pi hooked up to my Living room TV so I can play "Wesnoth" and love learning Markdown. I Hope you sick around as I play with and support the Leanpub platform, and please visit or to subsscribe for all the latest news.

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