97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended
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97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended

About the Book

Welcome to the extended version of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Collective Wisdom from the Experts.

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (http://programmer.97things.oreilly.com) site contains amazing collection of essays about programming practices. Kevlin Henney has created a nice book "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know" of the selected 97 essays.

This books is a collection of additional 68 essays available at the site but doesn't appear in Kevlin's book.

The text in the book is taken from site **as is**. If you find any typographic error, please let us know and/or go ahead and update the original site.

About the Editor

Shirish Padalkar
Shirish Padalkar

I loved computers since I got introduced to computers in my school days. Started programming with QBasic, used WS4, Lotus-123, DOS and Windows 3.1.

Programming has been my passion. I work at ThoughtWorks and code for living. I love Java, Ruby, and I can read Python code. I had small time affairs with Haskell, LISP and Prolog as well.

Besides programming I like to find and report vulnerabilities in web applications.

I enjoy playing Tabla and love listening to Indian classical music.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Permissions
    • About
    • Acknowledgement
  • Abstract Data Types
  • Acknowledge (and Learn from) Failures
  • Anomalies Should not Be Ignored
  • Avoid Programmer Churn and Bottlenecks
  • Balance Duplication, Disruption, and Paralysis
  • Be Stupid and Lazy
  • Become Effective with Reuse
  • Better Efficiency with Mini-Activities, Multi-Processing, and Interrupted Flow
  • Code Is Hard to Read
  • Consider the Hardware
  • Continuous Refactoring
  • Continuously Align Software to Be Reusable
  • Data Type Tips
  • Declarative over Imperative
  • Decouple that UI
  • Display Courage, Commitment, and Humility
  • Dive into Programming
  • Don’t Be a One Trick Pony
  • Don’t Be too Sophisticated
  • Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
  • Don’t Use too Much Magic
  • Done Means Value
  • Execution Speed versus Maintenance Effort
  • Expect the Unexpected
  • First Write, Second Copy, Third Refactor
  • From Requirements to Tables to Code and Tests
  • How to Access Patterns
  • Implicit Dependencies Are also Dependencies
  • Improved Testability Leads to Better Design
  • In the End, It’s All Communication
  • Integrate Early and Often
  • Interfaces Should Reveal Intention
  • Isolate to Eliminate
  • Keep Your Architect Busy
  • Know When to Fail
  • Know Your Language
  • Learn the Platform
  • Learn to Use a Real Editor
  • Leave It in a Better State
  • Methods Matter
  • The Programmer’s New Clothes
  • Programmers Are Mini-Project Managers
  • Programmers Who Write Tests Get More Time to Program
  • Push Your Limits
  • QA Team Member as an Equal
  • Reap What You Sow
  • Respect the Software Release Process
  • Restrict Mutability of State
  • Reuse Implies Coupling
  • Scoping Methods
  • Simple Is not Simplistic
  • Small!
  • Soft Skills Matter
  • Speed Kills
  • Structure over Function
  • Talk about the Trade-offs
  • There Is Always Something More to Learn
  • There Is No Right or Wrong
  • There Is No Such Thing as Self-Documenting Code
  • The Three Laws of Test-Driven Development
  • Understand Principles behind Practices
  • Use Aggregate Objects to Reduce Coupling
  • Use the Same Tools in a Team
  • Using Design Patterns to Build Reusable Software
  • Who Will Test the Tests Themselves?
  • Work with a Star and Get Rid of the Truck Factor
  • Write a Test that Prints PASSED
  • Write Code for Humans not Machines

Causes Supported

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Defending your civil liberties in a digital world.

Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported membership organization working to protect fundamental rights regardless of technology.

From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990—well before the Internet was on most people's radar—and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.

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