Documentation in IT. Lost of Time Or Strategic Value?,
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Documentation in IT. Lost of Time Or Strategic Value?,

System Thinking in IT, Part one: The journey to goal: 7Ds-7 Disciplines for successful solution

About the Book

!!!! >>>>WARNING<<<< !!!!

This publication is obsolete in the moment of generating. The current, actual information is in the model only!

Right information for the Right role at the Right time

Without communication there is no understanding, with no understanding

there is no trust, with no trust ...all activities are much more complicated.

“7Ds-Seven Disciplines for Successful Solutions” - the original Journey-to-Goal methodology

“APV-Assets-Perspectives-Views” - The original methodologies focused on the Current state and the Goal.

The methodologies itself does not bring any breakthroughs, and the reader or the user may find known truths there. What is unique, however, is the combination of these general truths into a comprehensive single system supported by recommended workflows (Methodology 7 Disciplines), recommended system environment concepts (database storage, metadata storage) and specific technology (SparxSystem-EA UML Modeler ). This creates the basis for extraordinary synergy effects. Every member of the team contributes to the knowledge system with their specific experience in the scope of their role in a team or organization, creating model relationships that exist in the real world, whether explicitly or implicitly.

About the Author


Roman studied at the faculty of Electrical Engineering - Technical Cybernetics (Department Measurement Technics) at Slovak Technology University. For 8 years he worked at his alma mater as a assistant at the Department of Measurements. He has worked in many international companies (SIEMENS, Hewlett-Packard, Trenkwalder Technologies, Philips, Sagem, Wabash Technologies) in different positions. From a specialist in computer-controlled measurement and automation, SCADA systems, to the top manager for the development of an international system for a personal agency. Over the last 15 years, he has been involved with IT support and services in manufacturing businesses, especially in the automotive industry where he worked in technical roles (Solution Architect, Test Designer) in ITIL processes roles (ITSC Manager, Capacity Manager, Availability Manager) and in Professional managerial roles (CTO). He has certificates from ITIL and TOGAF 9.1 and practical experience of running and supporting IT services in the automotive industry. All his professional life is devoted to the creation of professional documentation at all levels. From Business Level, Process Description, Strategic Planning and IT Design at Enterprise Architecture level. Many years of his experience are now being translated into practical methodologies and their implementation. He works as an external lecturer at universities, organizes workshops, lectures and writes publications. He cooperates with FABLAB CVTI in Bratislava, where he runs workshops for children from the age of 14. He promotes the term “Model Driven Book”. This term emphasizes the new paradigm of work in creative activity, such as book creation. This new paradigm of work consists of using single source of truth about the area concerned, modeling the solution before it is implemented, within the entire lifecycle of the solution. From the idea, design, implementation, operation to decommissioning. Over the past 15 years, he has been using the Sparx system UML Modeler of Enterprise Architect and has been popularizing it not only as a drawing tool, but as a system-based tool for teamwork.

The key is to systematically build a system approach that meets the criterion       

“Right information for the Right position at the Right time” so called 3R.

This new paradigm sees the way to the solution as just as important as the goal itself.

The destination may vary, but the experience from the Journey remains.

The author is of the opinion that this experience is part of the strategic values of each firm but also an individual.  

Table of Contents

Whom is this publication intended for? 16

Prologue 16

Typographical rules 18

How To read this book? 19

Chapters Overview 21

Introduction 24

1 First discipline: D1 - Management 26

1.1 D1-01.Goals and expectations 26

1.1.1 D1.01.01-Goals 26

1.1.2 D1.01.02-Expectations 29

1.1.3 D1.01.03-Features 30

1.1.4 D1.01.04-Success Criteria 32

1.2 D1-02.Strategy 32

1.3 D1-03.Plans, Roadmaps 33

1.3.1 D1-03.01.Deliverables 33 Overview of planned publications 34 Versions of plugins to EA - MDG 35

1.3.2 D1-03.02-Specific plans 36 01.Versions/phases 36 01. Version/Phase 37 02.Version/Phase 38 3.Version/Phase 40

1.3.3 D1-03.03-Project management 41 01.Kanban 42 3 Stage Workflow-Three-step workflow 42 02.Perspective on project tasks via“Gantt chart” 44 03.Tracking events within the lifecycle of elements in a model 46

1.4 D1-04.Decisions 49

1.4.1 D1-04.00- Decisions 49

1.4.2 D1-04.01 Principles 51 List of principles 51 001.Common sense is more than any methodology 51 002.Before you break the rules, learn them well 52 003.Every information has its place 52 004.“Common understanding” is the key to success 53 005.Without a picture there is no solution 53 006.The generated document is already old at the moment of generation 53 007.Keep things as simple as possible 54 008.The cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people 54 009.We do not have to be perfect 55 010.Principle 80-20 55

1.4.3 D1-04.02.Rules 55 List of rules 56 001.Name convention 56 002.Directory names in a common repository 56 003.Back up and check backups 56 004.Every working meeting must have a meeting minutes 56 005.Every working meeting must be prepared 57 006.Not verified means not functional 57

1.4.4 D1-04.03-SWOT analysis 57

1.4.5 D1-04.04-Risks 60

1.4.6 D1-04.05. Risk minimization measures 61

1.5 D1-05. Evidence of project activities 61

1.5.1 Example of time records during book development 61

1.6 D1-06.Reportings, Statements 64

1.6.1 D1-06.01. Reports for project management 64 Number of time records in trend chart 64 List of time records 65 Example of details in “Change Management” process 66 Reports via external applications 67 LibreOffice-Calc 68 Timesheet report 68 Plan vs. reality 68

1.6.2 D1-06.02. Reports for monitoring model quality 69 Elements in model according their status 69 Number of elements in a model by author–initial control 70 Search for incorrect data and correction 71 Subsequent model quality control from contributors to the model 72

1.7 D1-07.Publication, Presentations 73

1.7.1 Practical examples 73 “Model document” directory example 74 Static and dynamic documents 75 Presentation options in EA 76

1.8 D1-08.Resources 78

1.8.1 D1-08.01.Human resources 78

1.8.2 D1-08.02.Time resources 78

1.8.3 D1-08.03.Finances 78

1.9 D1-09. Intellectual Property 79

2 Second discipline: D2 - Motivation 81

2.1 D2-01.Stakeholder analysis 81

3 Third disciplines: D3 - Analysis 89

3.1 What approaches are used to create technical documentation in IT? 89

3.2 What technologies are used to create technical documentation? 89

3.2.1 List of Technologies supporting TOGAF implementation in companies 90

3.3 What are the problems of the current “documenting”? 91

3.4 What we understand when we say“documentation”? 93

3.5 How to keep the knowledge, experience and the subject of the work delivered? 94

3.6 Understanding the solutions from the point of view of their life cycle 94

4 Fourth discipline: D4 –Solution design 97

4.1 How can we distinguish what is methodology itself, and what is the book about the methodology? 97

4.2 Description of solution 3R- Right information in the Right time for the Right role 98

4.3 Design of a technical solution for 3R approach 99

4.4 Story of Solutions, Goals and Journeys 100

4.5 7D and APV methodologies design 101

4.5.1 7Ds-Seven disciplines for successful solutions 102 What is the main feature of 7Ds methodology? 102 Design of 7D methodology 102 7D – Seven Disciplines - Overview 102

4.5.2 What is the main feature of APV methodology? 103 Assets-Perspectives-Views 103

4.5.3 What is the 7Ds methodology about? 105

4.5.4 What is the APV methodology about? 106

4.5.5 What is the relationship between 7Ds and APV? 107

4.5.6 How to use the methodologies in specific solutions? 108

4.6 Story of the design of the book about 7Ds methodology 109

4.6.1 Designing the book Page format 109

4.6.2 Book structure design – concept 110

4.6.3 Working environment for book writing (Enterprise Architect - Sparxsystem) 111  01.Version-Working environment – everything on my local laptop – working with an eap file

111 02.Version-Working/Development environment – Everything on local laptop with MySQL 112 03.-Version-Working/Development environment – Version with the “cloud” 113 04.Version – Model Web EA Access 114

5 Fifth discipline: D5 – Solution implementation 118

5.1 University class - System thinking and digital fabrication 118

5.2 Implementing 7Ds in Enterprise Architect 119

5.2.1 Deployment diagram for Cloud solution 119

5.2.2 Directory structure in the model – “Project Browser” 120

5.2.3 Directory structure in file system 121

5.2.4 Example of export into HTML 123

5.2.5 Example of export into CMS system “Joomla!” 124

5.2.6 Example of Access to the model via WebEA 126

5.2.7 01.“EA Cloud Sparx Services” solution concept 131

5.2.8 Model structure in “Project Browser” for book generation 134

5.2.9 Spelling check 137

5.2.10 Model mapping and printed book 137

5.2.11 Navigation diagrams in model for 7D methodology 139 7D – Navigation diagram 139 D1-Management – Navigation diagram 140 01.01.Goals - Navigation diagram 142 01.02.Strategy – Navigation diagram 142 01.03.Plans – Navigation diagram 143 01.04.Decisions – Navigational diagram 144 01.05.Work evidence – Navigation diagram 144 01.06.Reporting – Navigation diagram 145 01.07.Publishing – Navigation diagram 146 01.08.Resorces – Navigation diagram 146 D2-Motivation – Navigation diagram 147 D3- Analysis – Navigation diagram 147 D4-Design – Navigation diagram 148 D5-Implementation – Navigation diagram 148 D6-Verification/Testing – Navigation diagram 149 D7-Lessons learned-Navigational diagram 149

6 Sixth discipline: D6 – Verification and Testing 152

6.1 01.Methodology verification 152

6.2 02.Technology verification 152

6.2.1 20170911-Output document format verification 154 Findings during the document format verification 154 Findings – Authentification certification 154 Problem with numbering of Right and Left pages 155 Incorrectly displayed KANBAN diagrams 155 Template should be supplemented with the stereotype information 155

6.2.2 Check – overview of templates for output document 156

7 Seventh discipline: D7 – Lessons learned 159

7.1 D7-01.Best practice 159

7.1.1 Habits are hard to break 159

7.1.2 Work evidence 159

7.1.3 Synergic effects in a team - Self-learning organization 159

7.2 D7-02. Bad practice 160

7.2.1 Book creation process 160 Book comprehensibility - too many topics 161

7.2.2 Technologies 161 Experience with EA as a tool for writing books or other publications 161 Chapter title will be shown at the bottom of the page 161 Writing in Slovak characters is not possible... 164 Test of Cinnamon Ubuntu 17.04 164 Generating Element Properties Tables 165 SparxSystem User Guide 166 Incorrect table formatting Example 1 166 Incorrect table formatting Example 2 167 Expected Output – Generation of Time Report, Resource, Role, Times 168  “Chart Time Series” does not allow to view results of mathematical operations - SUM and 

similar 169  Word formatting according to dictionary does not work in texts in artifacts with the 

“Document” stereotype 170 Diagrams are incorrectly formatted to into size A4 173 RCA-Rootcause Analysis - Cause – Figure was saved into “frame” 175 Watermark in templates is not transferred to the resulting document 177 Mathematical operations cannot be used with an item in the SQL command 177 Do not use “,” as a delimiter when assigning a “Role” 179 How to publish more complex documents?-"Master Document" or "Report Package" 181 Very cumbersome, unintentional work with templates and styles 183 How to generate a table of elements in a diagram? 183 Wish to have 185 Document Generation' settings-very important! 185 Diagram as a source of information for table of references 186 “Report manager” configuration 187 Configuration hierarchy in “Master Document” and “Model Document” 189 Problem with creating model with the help of “Add a Model using Wizard” 191 01.Configuration 191 02.Symptoms 193 03.RCA-Rootcause analysis 193 04. “Workaround” - Solution 194 It is not possible to insert the document into the model (Linux OS only) 194  Freezing of the operating system (Linux, CrossOver) during import picture from image 

library 194 'Project Constants' cannot be imported during 'Cloud Connections' session 194 'Internal Links' Feature Is not running under linux 196  'Background color' in Text element is not changed properly, the same is with 'Hyperlink 

element' 196 The diagram frame does not appear in the output document 199 Diagram title will be shown on the next page 201 How to return windows "Search" back to tabbed windows? 203 Symptoms 203 Troubleshooting 204 Wrong Style Numbering in master Document 205 01.Symptoms 205 02.RCA 206 Which Templates configuration is used in virtual document for chapter 7? 206 03.Solution 207

7.3 D7-03. Opened Questions 209

7.3.1 How to reach “Time Series” elements – automatic update? 209

7.3.2 How can I switch the “spell check” off? 209

7.3.3 How to create a working hyperlink? 209

7.3.4 How can we modify the TOC? 211

7.3.5 How to create a table of figures? 211

7.3.6 How to create an index? 211

7.4 D7-04. Proposals for further continuation 211

7.5 D7-05.Next steps 211

8 Concluding summary 213

PCG_00055_EN-References 215

PCG_00464_LieberLieber GmbH 215

PCG_00032_How to make use EA 215

PCG_00033_Model Packages and Report Packages 215

PCG_00034_01.User Guide 215

PCG_00035_What Is Master Document 215

PCG_00036_What is Report Package? 216

PCG_00040_What is the difference between the stereotype "master document" and "report package"


PCG_00041_StackOverflow 216

PCG_00037_How To use Linked Document templates 216

PCG_00042_How To use Artifact Report Specification? Relationship to 'Master Document' 'Report 

Package' 216

PCG_00043_What is 'artifact' in Enterprise Architect? 216

PCG_00053_Styles, Special Text & Table of Contents 216

PCG_00054_GlossaryStyle 217

PCG_00056_Create Search Definitions 217

PCG_00069_Notes on Creating Tables of Contents 217

PCG_00070_Styles, Special Text & Table of Contents 217

PCG_00071_Apply User-Defined Section Numbering, Lists, override Lists 217

PCG_00073_Insert Headers, Footers, Footnotes and Endnotes 217

PCG_00074_Document generation 217

PCG_00075_Nonlinear generation of documentation in Sparx Enterprise Architect 218

PCG_00091_SQL Search in model In Branch 218

PCG_00092_01. 218

PCG_00093_SQL Examples 218

PCG_00094_ find all t_object s with name containing 'a' 218

PCG_00209_Publishing-How To Use Template Selector? 218

PCG_00210_Sparx 218

PCG_00211_How To force New Page for every Topic 218

PCG_00225_How To switch Off Spelling in 13.5 219

PCG_00253_Publishing = How to skip Root package in publishing 219

PCG_00255_How to select Stylesheet in template manager? 219

PCG_00275_Document Reports 219

PCG_00276_Working with Bookmarks 219

PCG_00152_01-8D Overview 219

PCG_00166_EA as a Publishing Reporting Tool 219

PCG_00167_Peter Senge - The Five Principles of self learning Organisation 220

PCG_00168_Steven Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 220

PCG_00173_Publikovanie na Webe 220

PCG_00174_LeanPub 220

PCG_00175_What is GitBook? 220

PCG_00176_Amazon Direct Publishing 221

PCG_00364_Joanna Penn -TheCreativePenn 221

PCG_00365_7 steps to write your novel or non-fiction book 221

PCG_00366_00.Introduction 221

PCG_00367_ 221

How To Market A Book: Third Edition (Books for Writers Book 2) 221

PCG_00369_webka 221

PCG_00368_01.Author BluePrint 221

PCG_00370_Successful Self-Publishing: How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and print 

(Books for Writers 1) Kindle Edition 222

PCG_00371_Webinars 222

PCG_00374_Print On Demand, Podcasts,... 222

PCG_00375_Online Courses 222

PCG_00376_Creative Freedom 222

PCG_00372_Whatpadd 222

PCG_00373_Scrivener 222

PCG_00377_AIDA (marketing) 223

PCG_00378_Draft2Digital 223

PCG_00379_IPR License 223

PCG_00380_pubmatch 223

PCG_00194_OSLC -Open Service for Life Collaboration 223

PCG_00214_Free Barcode Generations 223

PCG_00215_01.-Online Barcode generator 223

PCG_00330_EA User Groups 223

PCG_00331_Thomas Killian 224

PCG_00332_Gert Bellekens 224

PCG_00354_Seven Disciplines of A Leaders 224

PCG_00362_Creative Common 224

PCG_00381_Alliance Of independent Authors 224

PCG_00427_MDSE-Model Driven Software Engineering 224

PCG_00432_TOGAF 9 Tool Certification register 224

PCG_00442_SysUML 225

PCG_00443_01. 225

PCG_00014_EN-Dictionary 225

PCG_00015_EN-Index 225

Glossary 226

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