



欢迎来到我的极限精益思维世界,精益的好处,可真不少。您体验到 之后,就会特感兴趣,特想了解,想尽办法把它学到手! 精益思维让我这辈子“换了人间”咯(甭管是我,还是我的事业) ,所以我得让书名儿您一看就知道:建立起一个生机勃勃的精益文化, 完全可以做到!精益方面儿的书倒有不少,但写得妙趣横生的,我一本 也没见到。那种死板板的说教,我那帮山地自行车旅行的哥们儿准会 说:“恶心死了!”这么说吧,我找精益方面的书啊网站啊什么的,想 推荐给大伙儿,可找啊找,尽是些文绉绉的玩意儿——哪儿哪儿都是复 杂的图、商学院似的说教,压根儿就不是我体会到、我喜欢的那种其乐 无穷的精益。 如果您要攻读MBA,如果您感兴趣的是精益制造的理论或图表,那就 别碰我这本书。我这书,是“嘭然”打开机会之门的!给谁打开呢?给 那些想要把日子过得更好的人打开,甭管他(她)是上班,还是在家。 精益可不像那一个个专家、一本本教材给弄得那样复杂!实际上,只要 您学着把精益的方法融入生活,您就会明白:生活里,精益思维越多, 您就活得越带劲儿!

这本书是 2 Second Lean 的翻译,原文是用 英语 写的,现在被翻译成 简体中文。


Paul Akers
Paul Akers

Paul Akers is an entrepreneur, business owner, author, speaker, Lean maniac!

He is the founder and president of FastCap, a product development company with distribution in 40 countries. FastCap, based in Ferndale, Washington, launches 30+ new innovative products each year and is regarded as a model Lean manufacturer.

The grandchild of Greek immigrants, Paul was born and raised in Southern California. At the age 14 he became an Eagle Scout, at 16 he built his own guitar and earned the attention of guitar builder Bob Taylor, who mentored and eventually put Paul to work for Taylor Guitars.

Paul graduated with honors from Biola University and then went to work in Pasadena restoring historic homes and teaching High school industrial arts.

In 2000, Paul discovered Lean manufacturing or Toyota Production System (TPS). This newfound knowledge helped him and his wife Leanne take FastCap from a small start up in their garage into the successful product development company it is today.

Paul is an international speaker whose core passion is teaching others how to implement Lean thinking in their business and personal life. Paul has worked with the US Navy, IDF Israel Defense Forces, Amazon, major European banks as well companies and organization all over the world.

In 2010 Paul ran for the US Senate in Washington State on a Lean platform of transforming government by developing a Lean thinking as a key strategy for all government organizations.

For the past five years Paul has produced a weekly radio show/podcast called “The American Innovator” where he interviews interesting people and tours sites and organizations from his travels around the world, including such notable people like Louis Zamperini.

Paul is an avid outdoorsman and regularly does day hikes up 14,000 foot mountains in California and Colorado. In 2014 he led back-to-back expeditions summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro and Everest Base Camp. He is also an instrument-rated pilot and has flown his plane all over the world, including 3 North Atlantic crossings in a single engine aircraft.

Paul has written two books, “2 Second Lean” and “Lean Health”, and is currently writing “Lean Travel”.



第1章: 啥叫精益?

第2章: 你是说,我真的那么糟糕吗?

第3章: 单件流(one piece flow

第4章: 越走越精彩

第5章: 烦你的是什么?

第6章: 非常感谢,雷克萨斯先生!

第7章: 学学Hoks公司的思维!

第8章: 我们来构建精益文化

第9章: 晨会之外

第10章: 洗手间里的精益

第11章: 实施精益的步骤

第12章: 极限精益

第13章: 谦逊地精益

第14章: 精益的三根支柱

第15章: 贼棒的问题

第16章: 精益是一种“鸟语”

第17章: 有组织的浪费

第18章: 精益真正的威力

第19章: 90%是浪费

第20章: 精益“全明星”

第21章: 让精益腾空而起

第22章: 视频“加力燃烧”

第23章: 我们的新家!

第24章: 参观FastCap


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