10x Software Engineer
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10x Software Engineer

Curated resources for software engineers.

About the Book


The books will cover all the stages of a developer career, from the beginning to the advanced roles, the main core is focusing on improving your career when you’ve already started.

Contents of this Book 

In each chapter, you'll find a list of useful contents (articles, videos and books) to be actioned during the week.

Thousands of resources have been vetted to find the best picks for you.

About the Author

Fabio Cicerchia
Fabio Cicerchia

I'm Fabio, a Passionate Engineer and Engineering Manager with nearly 2 decades of expertise. Focused on optimising Architecture & Infrastructure (Containers & VMs), as well as Processes (Pipelines & Deployments).

Bringing value to the company by helping engineering teams in delivering value faster with higher standards.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Preface
    • Audience
    • Competency Levels
    • Contents of this Book
    • How to Use this Book
    • Stay Updated
    • 10xSE Academy
  • Level: Advanced Beginner
    • Schedule
  • Week 1: Build Up Dictionary
  • Week 2: Ground Rules & Manifestos
    • Coding Standards
    • Etiquette
    • Job
    • Manifestos
    • Roadmaps
    • Roles
    • Skills
    • VCS
    • Books
  • Week 3: Software Development Life Cycle
    • Agile
    • Time Management
    • XP
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 4: Algorithms
    • Articles
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Big O
    • Videos
  • Week 5: OOP
    • Basics
    • Calisthenics
    • Clean Code
    • Cohesion & Coupling
    • SOLID
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 6: Design Patterns
    • Creational
    • Structural
    • Behavioral
    • Books
  • Week 7: Design Patterns
    • Mix
    • UML
    • Books
  • Week 8: Asynchronous Programming
    • Basics
    • Messages
  • Week 9: Testing
    • Arrange Act Assert
    • Bottlenecks
    • Mocks & Stubs
    • Mutation
    • Test Pyramid
    • Test Driven Development
    • Mix
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 10: Refactoring
    • Articles
    • Code Smells
    • Refactoring Techniques
    • Books
  • Week 11: Refactoring
    • Software Development Antipatterns
    • Software Architecture Antipatterns
    • Project Management Antipatterns
    • Books
  • Week 12: Database
    • ACID properties
    • Consistency
    • Joins
    • Normalisation
    • Sharding
    • Tuning
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 13: Extra Resources
    • RegEx
    • VCS
    • SEO
    • Books
  • Level: Intermediate
    • Schedule
  • Week 14: Build Up Dictionary
  • Week 15: Caching
    • Antipatterns
    • Best Practices
    • ESI
    • Invalidation
    • Security
    • Strategies
    • Web
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 16: DDD, Functional & CQRS/ES
    • Books
  • Week 17: DDD, Functional & CQRS/ES
    • DDD
    • Functional
    • CQRS
    • Event Sourcing
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 18: Networking
    • HTTP
    • IP
    • Time
    • Books
  • Week 19: Cloud
    • Cloud
    • Best Practices
    • Books
  • Week 20: DevOps
    • Deployments
    • Infrastructure
    • MVP
    • SRE
    • Tools
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 21: Security
    • SSL/TLS
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 22: Architecture
    • Distributed
    • Documentation
    • Enterprise
    • Event-Driven
    • Hexagonal
    • Microservices
    • The Twelve Factors App
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 23: Architecture
    • Mix
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 24: Jobs
    • Career Ladder
    • Freelancing
    • Job Offer
    • Preparation
    • Questions
    • Quit
    • Remote
    • Resume
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Level: Advanced
    • Schedule
  • Week 24: Build Up Dictionary
  • Week 25: Operating Systems
    • Virtualization
    • Container
    • Shell
    • Mixed
  • Week 26: Productivity
    • Cognitive Biases
    • Critical Thinking
    • Decision Making
    • Destructive Approaches
    • Stress
    • Time Management
    • Mix
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Week 27: Standards & Best Practices
    • Generic
    • Architecture
    • Data
    • Design
    • HA
    • Observability
    • Scalability
    • Security
  • Week 28: Standards & Best Practices
    • Books
  • Week 29: Management
    • Approaches
    • Leadership
    • Product/Project Management
    • Public Speaking
    • Roles
    • Quit
    • Mix
    • Books
  • Week 30: Management
    • Books
  • Week 31: Management
    • Videos
    • Books
  • Appendices
  • Appendix A: Extra Learning Paths
  • Appendix B: Exercises
  • Appendix C: More IT Books
  • Appendix D: IT Trends
  • Appendix E: Tech People

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