10 Days to Become a Better Developer
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10 Days to Become a Better Developer

About the Book

Designed around small simple exercises, this 10-Day Challenge provides interested developers with approachable actions to start owning their growth. Each exercise is designed to allow you to grow in small steps taking 15-30 minutes a day, ideal for working it into a busy work schedule.

Not all growth is created equal. Practice trumps lecture. And not all growth as a developer is around the technologies we use. In fact, the most valuable skills to learn apply to any language you write in. So let's take a step back and focus on the skills which will make us better Developers. How far can you get in 10 Days?

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About the Author

Daniel Scheufler
Daniel Scheufler

Daniel Scheufler is a Principal Consultant at Improving with experience in ECommerce, TeleMedicine, and of course Oil and Gas. As an Electrical Engineer turned Software Developer, He prides himself on highly disciplined development leading to more effective products and processes. He is a problem-solver at heart and leverages this strength in applying industrial theory to the challenges of software development. Among the key challenges facing development is the communication gap. So Daniel has taken to writing, public speaking, and consulting to help bridge the gap and demystify the technology our world depends on. When not engaged in tackling the gap, or coding, you'll find Daniel playing with his five children, reading, or tinkering whether in the woodshop or in a computer.


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Table of Contents

  • Background
    • Discovery
    • Development
    • Delivery
  • Using this Book
    • Each Challenge
    • The Series
    • The Book
  • Overview
  • Day 1
    • The Context Switching Game
  • Day 2
    • That Potent Little Tomato
  • Day 3
    • A Unit for Testing
  • Day 4
    • If you want to go far…
  • Day 5
    • Learn to Listen
  • Day 6
    • Appreciate your QA
  • Day 7
    • What’s your Brand?
  • Day 8
    • Take Time to Learn
  • Day 9
    • Stacking the Books
  • Day 10
    • Share your Knowledge
  • Afterword
  • Appendices
    • The Context Switching Game
    • Context Switching Game - Expected Results
    • The Pomodoro Technique

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