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About the Book
There are several problems that haunt us as Java developers; especially it haunts the beginners, as well as the experienced ones when they are asked the same questions in the interviews.
What do these terms, fields, states, variables, parameters mean? Is everything in Java object? What are the primitive data types and what is the range of their values? What is reference type? What are access modifiers and how should we use it? How we can use external libraries to manipulate an array? What are the golden rules of the truth table?
How do we find PalPrime or Twisted prime numbers? How we can change decimal value to binary? What are fixed and unfixed iterations? How could we distinguish between Exit and Entry controlled loops? How do we use them to solve many different types of mathematical problems?
How to test whether a number is prime or special? How to find the frequency of digit? How we can set elements of an array in an ascending order? How we can find the sum of prime divisors of any number? How to find the sum of first ten Fibonacci numbers? How to check whether a number is Duck Number or not? Finding Armstrong numbers based on user's input is really easy when you know how to use loops. The same way, reversing any number is also very easy.
This book is all about these common problems that haunt us as Java developers. In that sense, this book breaks some typical patterns.
It will not exhibit the same characteristics that start with a distinctive introduction to Java, principles of object oriented programming, Values and Data types, Operators, Input in Java, Library methods, etc. Instead it presents problems for learners to solve and learn from them.
This book will empower computer science and programming students to build their applications in Java. It is for the first time that a book with a "problems-solutions-explanations" approach will help you develop logical and analytical thinking so that you can easily solve interactive problems, not only in Java, but also in any programming language.
About the Author
A Freak, a split personality, in an absurd journey that starts from nowhere, and ends up nowhere. Sanjib Sinha no longer writes tech, but Sanjib Deb Sinha writes stories.