TranslateAI for Leanpub Authors

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With Leanpub's TranslateAI service, you can translate your book into one or more other languages!

We're Here to Help You Translate Your Book!

  • Leanpub Will Translate Your Leanpub Book Using GPT-4
  • This service is for authors whose books are written in plain text using Markua (essentially it's Leanpub's "Markdown for books"), are published on Leanpub, and are 100% complete.
  • If your book is written in Leanpub Flavoured Markdown, you can buy the Convert to Markua service for $149, and we will convert your book into Markua for you first, so that you can use this service.
  • Pick the book you want us to translate
  • Pick the language you want us to translate your book into (you don't specify it on the form currently; instead, we'll email you to ask)
  • Leanpub will preview your existing book to ensure it works and that there are no EPUBCheck errors
  • Leanpub will create a new book for you in that language in Browser mode
  • Leanpub will use GPT-4 to translate your book manuscript into the desired language
  • Leanpub will ensure that code samples are handled appropriately, and that filenames are not translated
  • Leanpub will preview your translated book as a PDF and EPUB ebook, and will ensure your translated ebook successfully generates and has no EPUBCheck errors
  • This service is priced at $249 per language. Since Leanpub pays 80% royalties, if your book is $20, you earn $16 per copy. So, if you sell 16 copies in the translated language at that price, you earn $256 in royalties, which pays for the cost of the translation!

To get your book translated, please go here. Thank you for being an early adopter of Leanpub TranslateAI!