How do Leanpub's "Reader Memberships" work? What do I get with a Reader Membership?
The short answer is that with a Leanpub Reader Membership, you get access to participating "Free With Membership" books for free!

The Short Answer
The short answer is that with a Leanpub Reader Membership, you get access to participating "Free With Membership" books for free!
You can browse these books here.
You can get a lifetime Reader Membership for a one-time payment of just $99. Get yours today, just choose "Lifetime":
The Long Answer
Our Reader Membership is actually a bit complicated!
A Lifetime Reader Membership can be purchased for $99 from here:
There are three types of books on Leanpub:
1. Not Free
2. Free With Membership (this is what you get with your Reader Membership)
3. Free For Everyone
Here's the long version of what this means:
1. Not Free
Many books on Leanpub are not free, even if you have a Reader Membership.
So, if you are interested in a particular book, you should look at its landing page. If it has a paid minimum price, it is not free, even with a Reader Membership.
For example, this book is not free, even with a Reader Membership:
2. Free With Membership
We have hundreds of books which are free if you have a Reader Membership. You can search them here:
These books all say "Free With Membership" on their landing pages, right before the suggested price.
For example, this book is free with a Reader Membership:
Getting access to these books for free is the value of the Reader Membership.
3. Free For Everyone
We also have a number of books which are free for everyone, even without a Reader Membership. You can search them here:
These books say "Free! Minimum Price". on their landing pages.For example, this book is free for everyone:
Note that you can search all books which are Free With Membership or Free For Everyone on this page:
If a book is free, with or without a Reader Membership, it will be searchable there.