5 Reasons to Create Discount Coupons for Your Self-Published Book

Discount coupons links are a great way to market your book and get attention from influencers.

5 Reasons to Create Discount Coupons for Your Self-Published Book

Discount coupons links are a great way to market your book and get attention from influencers.

Here are five reasons you should create discount coupons for your self-published ebooks:

You can provide free copies to influencers

Sending a coupon link for a free copy of your ebook to a popular author in your genre, an expert in your area, or anyone with an audience who might be interested in your book, is a great way to prompt them to write a blurb or a review, and promote you and your book on their favorite platforms.

You can do flash sales

People love flash sales, where an ebook is discounted for a limited time. Create a discount coupon link that expires in an hour and get it out on social media - you can create great buzz this way from your followers.

You can provide discounts to conference goers

If there's a conference going on that is related to your book topic, create a special coupon for the people attending the conference and post the link online, @-mentioning the conference using its social media handles, as well as including any # keywords they're using.

You can provide desk copies to professors and teachers

Before assigning a book in their class, a professor or teacher will want to get a free "desk copy" to see if the book is the right one for their students. Having a coupon link for a free copy ready to give to professors or teachers when they reach out to you can help you get your book on their class reading lists.

If there's a # trending issue related to your book, create a coupon link with the # keyword and get it out on social media. This is a really great way to reach people interested in your book's topic.

Learn how to create discount coupons on Leanpub here:

Can I create coupons for my books, bundles, or courses, to give them away for free or at a discount, as part of a promotion?