Leanpub: Easy Self-Publishing
It happens to every aspiring self-published author, all around the world: You have a great idea for a book, maybe you've started or even finished writing it, but you have no idea where to begin your journey in the world of self-publishing.

It happens to every aspiring self-published author, all around the world:
You have a great idea for a book, maybe you've started or even finished writing it, but you have no idea where to begin your journey in the world of self-publishing.
Like everyone else with the same personal hopes and ambitions, you'd love to reach an audience for your work, and potentially earn a great side income from your book sales, or even switch careers, but you have no idea how to start.
The Experts Make Self-Publishing Seem Really Hard
Faced with all this uncertainty, you go online and search for something like, "How can I self-publish my book?"
Right away you'll find lots of great resources from bloggers and self-publishing experts.
But you'll also be faced with a bewildering set of things you're told you need to learn:
- How to set up your own website
- Setting up an author profile page online
- How to set up a merchant account so you can sell your book on your website
- How to set up a form for people to share their email address with you so you can build an audience for an email newsletter
- How to buy ads on Facebook and Instagram and elsewhere, and then learning how to succeed with their algorithms
- How to get your book on Amazon KDP, or Kindle Unlimited, and how not to break any of their special rules and get your account frozen
- How to outsmart Amazon's bookstore algorithms with pre-sales and the timing of your publication and other insider tricks
- ...and a million other mind-boggling things
It can all be so bewildering, you just give up, or try to do something much, much harder: getting a professional literary agent to represent you, and then hope they can help you get a publishing company to take care of all of this stuff for you, in exchange for a huge cut of your book sales and a bunch of your rights.
It Doesn't Have To Be This Hard At The Start
But it absolutely doesn't have to be this hard at the start.
At Leanpub, we've made writing and self-publishing your first book really easy.
You can create a book on Leanpub in under a minute, clicking a single button.
This will shock all the experts who make self-publishing seem so hard, but after you click that button, within seconds you'll have a web page set up for your book, and an online profile page too.
The web page for your book will automatically have a form where people can share their email address with you, and let you know that they're interested in your book.
If you've already got your ebook file, you can upload it in seconds.
If you haven't written your book yet, you'll have a Write page where you can write your book in your web browser, without downloading a special app or any software.
You can also upload your book cover image in seconds and have it displayed on your book's web page.
And if you don't have a book cover image, we'll show you the details of what you'll need, and give you instructions for making one with common tools.
Within just ten minutes, you can fill out your book's "About" information, and upload a picture of yourself and your details, for your very own online profile page.
And when you're ready to publish, you just click one button, and your book will instantly be available for people all around the world to buy on Leanpub.
What To Do Next
Just click this link and create your book on Leanpub:
You'll instantly get a web page for your book for you to fill out, and a web page for your personal author profile.
You'll also get a Leanpub account with lots of amazing things to explore, and access to complete step-by-step tutorials, but we'll get to that later.
We've got your first steps taken care of.
And if you get stuck, even if it's right away, you can reach out to the Leanpub team at hello@leanpub.com for help.
Or, you might be able to get an instant answer by searching hundreds of articles in our Help Center, that we've written in response to questions from people who were just getting started themselves.
For example, if you want to upload an ebook file, you can see every step set out for you here.
Or, if you want to write a book from scratch, you can see every step set out for you here.
You can even import a Word document, if you've written a book that way.