Selling self-published books is hard. Here are five ways Leanpub helps authors reach new readers Here are five unique ways Leanpub helps self-published authors grow their audience, sell more books, and improve their author income.
How Can Leanpub Translate Entire Books with AI? Translating books with AI is a big challenge for a number of reasons, some of them obvious, some of them maybe not so obvious.
5 Reasons to Create Discount Coupons for Your Self-Published Book Discount coupons links are a great way to market your book and get attention from influencers.
Watch Leanpub Co-Founder Len Epp Talk About TranslateAI Leanpub co-founder Len Epp participated in a panel discussion for the Book Industry Study Group webinar on the topic "Can AI Be Useful in Book Translation?"
Why You Should Publish An Ebook About Your Online Course Creating a high-quality online course is a great way for professionals to create content that can change people's lives - including their own, by supplementing their income and even allowing them to go independent.
How "Variable Pricing" Helps Authors Sell Self-Published Ebooks Different people may have different price points and expectations for buying in-progress ebooks.