Forming Agile teams (Personal License)
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Forming Agile teams

Techniques for structuring and get sustainable Agile teams high-performance ready

About the Book

This workbook contains a set of tools and techniques to help Scrum Masters, Facilitators, Agile Coaches and Agile Practitioners when Forming teams. It has been created mainly to share the artifacts and techniques that I’ve developed from what I’ve learned, the challenges that I’ve faced and how I’ve got through it when forming teams; I hope you get inspired to create your own version of these tools and I wish the techniques that I’m sharing here would bring new perspectives to your journey.

Wishing you all the best


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About the Author

Jesús E. Méndez A.
Jesús E. Méndez A.

Soy Licenciado en Computación, egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV-2001), con una especialización en Gerencia de Tecnologías y Telecomunicaciones (UNIMET-2006), especialista en infrastructuras de Tecnología de Información, coach en gestión de proyectos de tecnología de la información, especializado en cuadros agiles y optimización de procesos Lean. Descubrí la panadería durante la pandemia en 2021 y se quedó sembrada en mi corazón para siempre.

Mi primera hogaza de pan en casa la hice en Agosto del 2016, luego de hacer un curso de panadería en La Guilde Culinaire, que me regaló mi esposa para festejar nuestros 13 años de matrimonio.  A partir de ese momento, comenzó mi pasión por el pan. Comencé a leer sobre panadería, a preparar otros tipos de panes utilizando el libro de recetas de pan de Don Armando Scannone y el libro de panes del Cordón Bleu.  Al inicio de la pandemia por el COVID-19, exactamente a finales del mes de marzo del 2020, el Grupo Académico Panadero y Pastelero de Venezuela (GAPP) abrió inscripciones para su curso de panadería en línea y gracias a mi esposa me inscribí. Me gradué de maestro panadero en noviembre del 2021 de la GAPP Venezuela y comencé a compartir mis creaciones a través de mi cuenta instagram @1painalafois. Durante ese período conocí a Alexander, mi socio, amigo, profesor, mentor, con quien rápidamente hice clic. Fue tan fuerte el zing, que en abril del 2022 inspirados por la idea de producir un mapa de panes venezolanos, comenzamos este hermoso proyecto panadero que dió origen a nuestra página web y ahora, a este nuestro primer libro de Panes Venezolanos. 


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Reader Testimonials

Joanna Stone
Joanna Stone

Joanna Stone - Agile Coach/ Enterprise Agile Evangelist

Just finished reading your book!!! Awesome stuff. I love the Retros you shared. I am planning on using some of them next week!! @chuzzete you did a good job ... You should be proud and happy!!

Ashis Dutt
Ashis Dutt

Agile Coach & Development Leader

Thanks Jesus. The book is really helpful, nice work.

Karin Dames
Karin Dames

Transformation Coach (EverydayAgile)

The abundance of diagrams and visual aids makes it an easy to implement book. It does not only rely on words to explain concepts, adding visuals, external resources and references for even more details, and templates for a comprehensive guide. The tone and writing style reads like a gentle, down-to-earth conversation, making it accessible to anyone, from new team member to share holder. Most of all, I simply love the explicit focus and practical examples on the desired a

Franco Martinig
Franco Martinig

This book is easy to read and well-structured, offering a detailed description of the proposed activities used in team formation. Many tables and figures help also in understanding clearly the proposed concepts. An appendix provides step by step instructions for using the tools and exercises mentioned in the earlier parts of the book. I will recommend this book not only to Scrum Masters and coaches involved in the early stages of Agile projects.

Table of Contents

- About the workbook

- The Author

- Introduction

- Forming Teams

    - Bruce Wayne Tuckman Theory of group development (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning)

- Forming Agile Teams

   - Challenges

   - Our roles in the Team transformation process

- Techniques

Forming Agile Teams Flow

It's all done by iterations

1. Planning the team transformation process

2. Team transformation process Kick-off

       - Project Stakeholders

       - Product Owner

       - Line Managers

       - The Development Team 

3. Iteration Planning 

- Iteration Planning Template - Overview 

- Instructions

- Visual Instructions 

- Simple Explanation 

- Detailed Explanation 

4. Iteration Daily Sync 

5. Helping the team to stay focused

The six (6) Levels of Agile Planning

   Team's Product Road Map

- Team's Product Road Map Template – Overview 

- Instructions - Part A 

- Instructions - Part B 

- Visual Instructions

- Simple Explanation 

6. Iteration Product Backlog Refinement 

7. Iteration Review 

- Iteration Review Template – Overview 

- Instructions - Part A 

- Instructions - Part B 

- Visual Instructions – Part 1

- Visual Instructions – Part 2 

- Simple Explanation 

- Detailed Explanation 

 Team’s Performance Satisfaction 

- Team’s Performance Satisfaction Template - Overview 

- Instructions 

- Visual Instructions – Part 1 

- Visual Instructions – Part 2 

- Detailed Explanation 

8. Iteration Retrospective

9. Iteration Report

- Iteration Report Template – Overview – Part 1

- Iteration Report Template – Overview – Part 2 (Optional)

- Final Thoughts

- Tools and Exercises

- Iteration retrospective agenda template

- Personal Stories

- How do we work map

- Agile at glance

- Team’s Identity

- Expectations

- Glossary

- Table of figures

- Bibliography

- Stay in Touch

- What’s next

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