Prison Yoga Project

You may never set foot in prison but you can change a prisoner's life.
The Prison Yoga Project is dedicated to bringing yoga and mindfulness to incarcerated and at risk populations in the US and worldwide.
With twelve years of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness in San Quentin State Prison, James Fox founded Prison Yoga Project to bring his unique methodology to prisons and rehabilitation facilities everywhere. We believe in Restorative Justice and victim-offender education. We provide a cost-effective method of improving prisoner health with a focus on changing behavior; we believe in addressing the damage done and providing tools for self rehabilitation. We’ve helped hundreds of prisoners by instilling self-control and fostering accountability. While they’re ‘doing time,’ we focus on violence prevention, impulse control, mood disorders, depression, despair, addiction and PTSD. We have trained over 600 teachers in the last three years and have operating classes in over 50 American prisons and dozens of rehab facilities. Prison Yoga Project is fiscally sponsored by Give Back Yoga Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) corporation.