Windows 10 System Programming, Part 1
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Windows 10 System Programming, Part 1

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Who Should Read This Book
    • What You Should Know to Use This Book
    • Sample Code
  • Chapter 1: Foundations
    • Windows Architecture Overview
      • Processes
      • Dynamic Link Libraries
      • Virtual Memory
      • Threads
      • General System Architecture
    • Windows Application Development
      • Your First Application
    • Working with Strings
      • Strings in the C/C++ Runtime
      • String Output Parameters
      • Safe String Functions
    • 32-bit vs. 64-bit Development
    • Coding Conventions
      • C++ Usage
    • Handling API Errors
      • Defining Custom Error Codes
    • The Windows Version
      • Getting the Windows Version
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Objects and Handles
    • Kernel Objects
      • Running a Single Instance Process
    • Handles
      • Pseudo Handles
      • RAII for Handles
      • Using WIL
    • Creating Objects
    • Object Names
    • Sharing Kernel Objects
      • Sharing by Name
      • Sharing by Handle Duplication
    • Private Object Namespaces
      • Bonus: WIL Wrappers for Private Namespaces
    • Other Objects and Handles
      • User Objects
      • GDI Objects
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Processes
    • Process Basics
      • Processes in Process Explorer
    • Process Creation
      • The main Functions
      • Process Environment Variables
    • Creating Processes
      • Handle Inheritance
      • Process Drive Directories
      • Process (and Thread) Attributes
      • Protected and PPL Processes
      • UWP Processes
      • Minimal and Pico Processes
    • Process Termination
    • Enumerating Processes
      • Using EnumProcesses
      • Using the Toolhelp Functions
      • Using the WTS Functions
      • Using the Native API
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Jobs
    • Introduction to Jobs
    • Creating Jobs
    • Nested Jobs
    • Querying Job Information
      • Job Accounting Information
      • Querying for Job Process List
    • Setting Job Limits
      • CPU Rate Limit
      • User Interface Limits
    • Job Notifications
    • Silos
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Threads Basics
    • Introduction
      • Sockets, Cores, and Logical Processors
    • Creating and Managing Threads
      • The Primes Counter Application
      • Running Primes Counter
    • Terminating Threads
    • A Thread’s Stack
    • A Thread’s Name
    • What About the C++ Standard Library?
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Thread Scheduling
    • Priorities
    • Scheduling Basics
      • Single CPU Scheduling
      • The Quantum
    • Processor Groups
    • Multiprocessor Scheduling
      • Affinity
      • CPU Sets vs. Hard Affinity
      • System CPU Sets
      • Revised Scheduling Algorithm
    • Observing Scheduling
      • General Scheduling
      • Hard Affinity
      • CPU Sets
    • Background Mode
    • Priority Boosts
      • Completing I/O Operations
      • Foreground Process
      • GUI Thread Wakeup
      • Starvation Avoidance
    • Other Aspects of Scheduling
      • Suspend and Resume
      • Suspending and Resuming a Process
      • Sleeping and Yielding
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Thread Synchronization (Intra-Process)
    • Synchronization Basics
    • Atomic Operations
      • The Simple Increment Application
      • The Interlocked Family of Functions
    • Critical Sections
    • Locks and RAII
    • Deadlocks
    • The MD5 Calculator Application
      • Calculating MD5 Hash
      • The Hash Cache
      • Image Loads Notifications
      • Event Parsing
      • Putting it All Together
    • Reader Writer Locks
      • RAII Wrappers
      • MD5 Calculator 2
    • Condition Variables
      • The Queue Demo Application
    • Waiting on Address
    • Synchronization Barriers
    • What About the C++ Standard Library?
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Thread Synchronization (Inter-Process)
    • Dispatcher Objects
      • Succeeding a Wait
    • The Mutex
      • The Mutex Demo Application
      • Abandoned Mutex
    • The Semaphore
      • The Queue Demo Application
    • The Event
      • Working with Events
    • The Waitable Timer
    • Other Wait Functions
      • Waiting in Alertable State
      • Waiting on GUI Threads
      • Waiting for an Idle GUI Thread
      • Signaling and Waiting Atomically
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Thread Pools
    • Why Use a Thread Pool?
    • Thread Pool Work Callbacks
      • The Simple Work Application
      • Controlling a Work Item
      • The MD5 Calculator Application
    • Thread Pool Wait Callbacks
    • Thread Pool Timer Callbacks
      • The Simple Timer Sample
    • Thread Pool I/O Callbacks
    • Thread Pool Instance Operations
    • The Callback Environment
    • Private Thread Pools
    • Cleanup Groups
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Advanced Threading
    • Thread Local Storage
      • Dynamic TLS
      • Static TLS
    • Remote Threads
      • The Breakin Application
    • Thread Enumeration
      • The thlist Application
    • Caches and Cache Lines
    • Wait Chain Traversal
      • The Deadlock Detector Application
      • Asynchronous WCT Sessions
    • User Mode Scheduling
    • Init Once Initialization
    • Debugging Multithreaded Applications
      • Breakpoints
      • Parallel Stacks
      • Parallel Watch
      • Thread Names
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: File and Device I/O
    • The I/O System
    • The CreateFile Function
      • Working with Symbolic Links
      • Path Length
      • Directories
      • Files
      • Setting File Information
    • Synchronous I/O
    • Asynchronous I/O
      • ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx
      • Manually Queued APC
    • I/O Completion Ports
      • The Bulk Copy Application
      • Using the Thread Pool for I/O Completion
      • The Bulk Copy 2 Application
    • I/O Cancellation
    • Devices
    • Pipes and Mailslots
      • Pipes
    • Transactional NTFS
    • File Search and Enumeration
    • NTFS Streams
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Memory Management Fundamentals
    • Basic Concepts
    • Process Address Space
      • Page States
      • Address Space Layout
      • 32-bit Systems
      • 64-bit Systems
      • Address Space Usage
    • Memory Counters
      • Process Memory Counters
    • Process Memory Map
    • Page Protection
    • Enumerating Address Space Regions
      • The Simple VMMap Application
      • More Address Space Information
    • Sharing Memory
    • Page Files
    • WOW64
      • WOW64 Redirections
    • Virtual Address Translation
    • Summary

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