Vagrant CookBook
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Vagrant CookBook

A practical guide to Vagrant

About the Book

Portable and Disposable environments for effective development

How many times did you hear the sentence "it works on my machine"? With Vagrant, this excuse won't cut anymore. Your environments will be exactly the way you want them to be, targeting specific projects for different needs. Portable, disposable and reproducible. As easy as cloning a repository and running "vagrant up".

This book covers from basic to advanced concepts on Vagrant, including important ProTips to improve your Vagrant projects and to avoid common mistakes. It is updated to cover recent features like Vagrant Share and Vagrant Push.

Configuration Management Tools

Vagrant Cookbook comes with quick guides to 3 of the most popular configuration management tools out there, which can be used as provisioners for Vagrant: Ansible, Puppet and Chef. Following the guide, a practical example will show you how to provision a basic web server running Nginx with PHP 7. Choose the tool you like the most!

Recipes for common tasks

The book also includes useful recipes for common tasks, written in Ansible, Puppet and Chef.

Code Samples

The complete provisioner examples are available for free on GitHub.


Vagrant Cookbook targets beginner to intermediate users, also serving as a quick getting-started guide for Ansible, Puppet and Chef.


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About the Author

Erika Heidi
Erika Heidi

With a background in Linux systems and software engineering, Erika is passionate about open source, online communities, and the intersections of art and code. Erika loves writing, teaching, and creating. Apart from coding, Erika enjoys tinkering with 3D printers, drawing and painting, and going for a bike ride when the weather is good.

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Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface: Second Edition
  • Preface: First Edition
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • What to expect from this book
    • Assumptions
  • Getting Started
    • How Vagrant Works
    • Terminology
    • Requirements
    • Installation
    • Updating Vagrant
    • Vagrant Commands
    • Your first Vagrant Up
  • The Vagrantfile
    • Basic Example
    • Defining the Box
    • Defining a Provisioner
    • Showing a post-up message (1.6+)
    • Setting up the Network
    • Setting up synchronized folders
    • VBoxManage Customizations
    • Vagrantfile Quick Reference - Common Options
  • Provisioners
    • Overview
    • Getting Started with the Shell Provisioner
    • Configuration Management Tools
    • Practical Example
  • Ansible
    • Overview
    • Quick Ansible Guide
    • Provisioning a PHP Web Server
  • Puppet
    • Overview
    • Quick Puppet Guide
    • Provisioning a PHP Web Server
  • Chef
    • Overview
    • Quick Chef Guide
    • Provisioning a PHP Web Server
  • Pro Tips
    • Update First!
    • NFS Performance Improvement
    • Permission Problems on Synced Folders
    • Debugging
    • Log In, Fix, Automate
    • VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • Advanced Topics
    • Running Multiple Virtual Machines
    • Provisioning VPSs on cloud services
    • Custom Boxes
    • Snapshots
  • Vagrant Share
    • Logging In
    • Sharing your Environment
    • Vagrant Connect
    • Securing your Shares
  • Vagrant Push
    • Setting Up the Vagrantfile
    • Recommended Usage
  • Recipes
    • System
    • Packages
    • Other
    • Conditional Execution
  • Appendix One: Vagrant Changelog
    • Vagrant 1.8
    • Vagrant 1.7
    • Vagrant 1.6
    • Vagrant 1.5

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