Teaching Team Collaboration
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Teaching Team Collaboration

The Human Side of Software Development

About the Book

This book for those who teach people to build software. I found that the software engineering, and software development textbooks were missing the collaboration issues that challenged my students.

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students at a university in Scotland. I cover the basics of programming applications through to training in agile processes. Maybe you do the same, or are an agile trainer, or guide people through coding bootcamps. You can also follow the story further by joining the email list at https://simplybegin.co.uk, where I also write on this important topic.

I have found textbooks on software engineering never discuss how the students should collaborate together. There is never anything about how to do the work: individual work, pairing, or mobbing, for example. Nor is there anything about how they should integrate their code, or build slices of the application in an agile process. My notes over the years on these topics have led to this book.

My goal is to help you teach people the human side of software development. This book shows you the topics, and options that are available to help your students find their way to have more fun developing software, and be prepared for what life throws at them. This book also provides you with details and examples that you can adapt to your classroom.

You will be able to pick the software engineering textbook, that suits you, and then use this book to fill in the gaps on how you guide your students to do the work together. This book will save you time and effort in your teaching. By using this book you'll teach your students how to win at team collaboration in software development.

About the Author

Bruce Scharlau
Bruce Scharlau

I engineer 'learn by doing' experiences for university students with lean, agile, & service design. I coach people and teams, facilitate open space & co-creative events.

Table of Contents

    • Chapter One: Introduction
    • Chapter Two: The Collaboration Phases
      • Phase one: Why bother to collaborate?
      • Phase two: Who’s on the team?
      • Phase three: How do we work together?
      • Phase four: How do we talk to each other?
      • Phase five: How do we stay in touch with each other?
      • Phase six: How do we know how much work there is to do?
      • Phase seven: How do we decide what order to do the work?
      • Phase eight: How do we remove risk from our work?
      • Phase ten: How do we review what we did?
    • Chapter Three: Think Like a Collaborator
      • Think like a collaborator
      • Collaborating in the first phase: why bother to collaborate?
      • Collaborating in phase two: who’s on the team?
      • Collaborating in phase three: how do we work together?
      • Collaborating in phase four: how do we talk to each other?
      • Collaborating in phase five: questions about staying in touch with each other
      • Collaboration in phase six: how do we know how much work there is to do?
      • Collaborating in phase seven: deciding on the order of work
      • Collaboration in phase eight: removing risk from the work
      • Collaborating in phase nine: how is our work pulled together?
      • Collaboration in phase ten: reviewing the work
    • Chapter Four: Setting up Software Students for Their Project
      • The class and team composition
      • The team clients
      • Team repositories
      • Meeting the client
      • Starting the collaboration
      • Organising the work
      • Team nightmares and charters
    • Chapter Five: Work in vertical slices with the Pizza Example
      • An online pizza ordering example
      • Create deployable thin vertical slices
    • Chapter Six: The Collaboration Rules
    • Always be collaborating, instead of working on your own.
    • Aim for diversity to improve your work.
    • Work in the open so that the team can see your work sooner.
    • Be humble and ask for help and feedback.
    • Meet regularly with a suitable cadence for your context.
    • Accept that it’s all guesswork and, start small to learn more.
    • Build deployable, small vertical slices to learn more quickly.
    • Keep doing the next riskiest item in order to reduce risks quickly.
    • Shorten your feedback loops, so that you learn faster.
    • Always be collaborating and reviewing your collaboration.
    • Care about each other, share what you know, and this will help you dare to try more.
      • A note on sources

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