MODX and WordPress, Side by Side
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MODX and WordPress, Side by Side

About the Book

This book is the product of having spent many hours building and customizing websites in both MODX and WordPress and entirely too much time in front of a computer.  I often found myself explaining to colleagues and clients how MODX or WordPress handles different situations.  At first I saved some of the emails I had written and resent them, and eventually this collection of explanations grew enough that I realized this could make for an interesting book.  When people would ask me about how one system handles a certain task, I felt a bit like a traveller explaining the things I had seen during my travels.

About the Author

Everett Griffiths
Everett Griffiths

Everett is a full-time developer based in Los Angeles.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Goals of this Book
    • Intended Audience
    • Organization of this Book
    • WordPress: Pros and Cons
    • MODX: Pros and Cons
    • Comparing Both Systems
    • Recommendations to Developers
  • Chapter 2: The Basics
    • Installation
    • Logging In
    • Documentation
  • Chapter 3: Content
    • Content in WordPress
    • Content in MODX
    • Symlinks
    • Articles
  • Chapter 4: Menus
    • Menus in WordPress
    • Menus in MODX
  • Chapter 5: URLS and Links
    • MODX Link Tricks
  • Chapter 6: Post-Types vs. Resource Types
    • Post-Types in WordPress
    • Custom Content Type Manager
    • Resource Types in MODX
  • Chapter 7: Themes and Templates
    • WordPress Themes
    • MODX Templates
    • Overview of MODX Resource Variables
  • Chapter 8: Custom fields vs. Template Variables
    • Adding Custom Fields to WordPress Posts or Pages
    • Adding Template Variables to MODx Documents
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Adding PHP Code to your Site
    • Plugins, Snippets, and Custom Manager Pages
    • PHP in a Template
    • MODX Snippets
    • PHP on a specific Page
    • Logging in MODX
    • Logging in WordPress
  • Chapter 10: Permissions
    • Users and Roles
    • Administrator
    • Editor
    • Subscriber
    • Author
    • Contributor
    • Resource Groups, Categories, and Beyond
    • Adding Custom Permissions
    • WordPress Permissions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Blogs
    • Why Blog?
    • What is a Blog?
    • Must we Have One?
    • Component Pages
    • Setting up a MODX Blog without Articles
    • Setting up a MODX Blog using Articles
  • Chapter 12: Taxonomies
    • Taxonomies in WordPress
    • Taxonomies in MODX
  • Chapter 13: Installing Updates
    • Updating WordPress
    • Updating MODX
  • Chapter 14: Moving Servers
    • Preparing to Back up MODX
    • General Backup Instructions
    • Installing your Backup on a New Server
    • Warning about WordPress
    • Migrating a MODX Site
  • Chapter 15: Internationalizing your Code
    • WordPress and gettext()
    • MODX Lexicon
    • Overriding Lexicon Messages
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Versioning Your Code
    • Introduction to Versioning
    • SVN vs. Git
    • WordPress: Versioning in SVN
    • SVN Clients
    • MODX: Versioning in Git
    • Summary
  • Chapter 17: Publishing Add-Ons
    • Releasing a WordPress Plugin
    • Releasing a MODX Add-On
    • Creating a Build Script by Hand
    • Repoman
    • Removing Packages
    • Uploading Your Package
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Caching
    • Caching in WordPress
    • Caching in MODX
    • Resource Cache
    • The Showdown: MODX vs. WordPress
    • And the Winner Is…
    • Summary
  • Chapter 19: Multiple Sites
    • WordPress Multi-Site
    • Limitations
    • MODX Multi-Context
    • The Assets Problem
    • Sessions
  • Chapter 20: Hacking Passwords
    • Hacking WordPress
    • Hacking MODX
    • Summary
  • Chapter 21: Hardening and Security
    • Basic Web Security
    • MODX Hardening
    • WordPress Hardening
    • Conclusion

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