Magento Product Types: Developer's Guide
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Magento Product Types: Developer's Guide

About the Book

In Detail

Magento is an open-source PHP e-commerce framework that incorporates a wide range of features that can satisfy nearly every imaginable e-commerce scenario. Thousands of online shops, big and small, use Magento.

Magento is a complex system and is known for its steep learning curve. The goal of this book is to provide information on one of the Magento core components: product types.


This book provides a detailed explanation of the four complex Magento product types: Configurable, Bundle, Grouped, and Downloadable. Each chapter is complemented by a step-by-step tutorial to give a practical insight into the discussed product type. The last tutorial explains how to create a custom product type: Affiliate.

Who this book is for

This book is not an introduction to Magento. For best results, those reading it should have a working knowledge of the system – knowledge that might contain some gaps, which this book aims to fill.

About the Author

Oleg Ishenko
Oleg Ishenko

Oleg Ishenko has been working in the IT industry since the late 90s as a software developer, and later in the roles of a Lead of Development and CTO. He graduated from Humboldt University Berlin as MSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik (IT in Business) in 2009 and since then has been working< primarily in e-commerce. 

For the last four years Magento has been his primary interest, and he has been spending countless hours hacking the code of this remarkable framework. 

He lives in Berlin, Germany. In 2014 he co-founded, a startup, where he currently works as CTO.

Table of Contents

  • Magento Product Types: Developer’s Guide
    • About the Author
    • Credits
  • Preface
    • Who is this book for?
    • What does this book cover?
    • What you’ll need
    • Conventions
    • Feedback
    • Sample code
    • Errata
    • Piracy and copyleft
  • Chapter 1. Introducing Product Types
    • Product type configuration
    • Basic product type functionality
    • Product type models and adding a product to the shopping cart
  • Chapter 2. Configurable Product Type
    • Managing configurable products in the back-end
    • Configurable product’s presentation in the front-end
    • JSON configuration object
    • Configurable product type model
    • Method _prepareProduct
    • Configurable attribute model
    • Configurable type and its effect on shop performance
    • Summary
  • Tutorial I. Configurable Product Type
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3. Bundle Product Type
    • Bundle product management in the back-end
    • Creating a Bundle product in Magento
    • Front-end display of the Bundle type products
    • Intermission
    • Bundle Option and Selection classes
    • Bundle product type class
    • Summary
  • Tutorial II. Bundle Product Type
    • Tutorial Objective
    • Step 1: Rewriting the back-end blocks
    • Step 2: Rewriting the front-end
    • Step 3: Modifying the JavaScript
    • Step 4: Rewriting the Bundle product type model
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4. Grouped Product Type
    • Class Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Grouped
    • Grouped product type and its associated products
    • Adding Grouped products to a cart or wishlist
    • Summary
  • Tutorial III. Grouped Product Type
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5. Downloadable Product Type
    • Mage_Downloadable module settings in the back-end
    • Creating a Downloadable product
    • Front-end display of Downloadable products
    • Downloadable product type configuration
    • Link and Sample models
    • Downloadable product type class
    • Buying a Downloadable product
    • Delivering Downloadable products
    • Summary
  • Tutorial IV. Downloadable Product Type
    • Summary
  • Tutorial V. Creating a Custom Product Type
    • Declaring the Affiliate product type
    • Adding a new attribute to affiliate products
    • Redirects and customer authentication
    • Front-end customizations
    • Summary

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