Laravel 10 Official Documentation
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Laravel 10 Official Documentation

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Table of Contents

    • Prologue
    • Getting Started
    • Architecture Concepts
    • The Basics
    • Digging Deeper
    • Security
    • Database
    • Eloquent ORM
    • Testing
    • Packages
  • Release Notes
    • Versioning Scheme
    • Support Policy
    • Laravel 11
  • Upgrade Guide
    • High Impact Changes
    • Low Impact Changes
    • Upgrading To 11.0 From 10.x {#upgrade-upgrade-11.0}
  • Contribution Guide
    • Bug Reports
    • Support Questions
    • Core Development Discussion
    • Which Branch?
    • Compiled Assets
    • Security Vulnerabilities
    • Coding Style
    • Code of Conduct
  • Installation
    • Meet Laravel
    • Creating A Laravel Project
    • Initial Configuration
    • Docker Installation Using Sail
    • IDE Support
    • Next Steps
  • Configuration
    • Introduction
    • Environment Configuration
    • Accessing Configuration Values
    • Configuration Caching
    • Debug Mode
    • Maintenance Mode
  • Directory Structure
    • Introduction
    • The Root Directory
    • The App Directory
  • Laravel Homestead
    • Introduction
    • Installation & Setup
    • Updating Homestead
    • Daily Usage
    • Debugging & Profiling
    • Network Interfaces
    • Extending Homestead
    • Provider Specific Settings
  • Laravel Valet
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Serving Sites
    • Sharing Sites
    • Site Specific Environment Variables
    • Proxying Services
    • Custom Valet Drivers
    • Other Valet Commands
    • Valet Directories & Files
  • Deployment
    • Introduction
    • Server Requirements
    • Server Configuration
    • Optimization
    • Debug Mode
    • Easy Deployment With Forge / Vapor
  • Request Lifecycle
    • Introduction
    • Lifecycle Overview
    • Focus On Service Providers
  • Service Container
    • Introduction
    • Binding
    • Resolving
    • Method Invocation & Injection
    • Container Events
    • PSR-11
  • Service Providers
    • Introduction
    • Writing Service Providers
    • Registering Providers
    • Deferred Providers
  • Facades
    • Introduction
    • When To Use Facades
    • How Facades Work
    • Real-Time Facades
    • Facade Class Reference
  • Contracts
    • Introduction
    • When To Use Contracts
    • How To Use Contracts
    • Contract Reference
  • Routing
    • Basic Routing
    • Route Parameters
    • Named Routes
    • Route Groups
    • Route Model Binding
    • Fallback Routes
    • Rate Limiting
    • Form Method Spoofing
    • Accessing The Current Route
    • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
    • Route Caching
  • HTTP Redirects
    • Creating Redirects
    • Redirecting To Named Routes
    • Redirecting To Controller Actions
    • Redirecting With Flashed Session Data
  • Middleware
    • Introduction
    • Defining Middleware
    • Registering Middleware
    • Middleware Parameters
    • Terminable Middleware
  • CSRF Protection
    • Introduction
    • Preventing CSRF Requests
  • Controllers
    • Introduction
    • Writing Controllers
    • Controller Middleware
    • Resource Controllers
    • Dependency Injection & Controllers
  • HTTP Requests
    • Introduction
    • Interacting With The Request
    • Input
    • Input Trimming & Normalization
    • Files
    • Configuring Trusted Proxies
    • Configuring Trusted Hosts
  • HTTP Responses
    • Creating Responses
    • Redirects
    • Other Response Types
    • Response Macros
  • Views
    • Introduction
    • Creating & Rendering Views
    • Passing Data To Views
    • View Composers
    • Optimizing Views
  • URL Generation
    • Introduction
    • The Basics
    • URLs For Named Routes
    • URLs For Controller Actions
    • Default Values
  • HTTP Session
    • Introduction
    • Interacting With The Session
    • Session Blocking
    • Adding Custom Session Drivers
  • Validation
    • Introduction
    • Validation Quickstart
    • Form Request Validation
    • Manually Creating Validators
    • Working With Validated Input
    • Working With Error Messages
    • Available Validation Rules
    • Conditionally Adding Rules
    • Validating Arrays
    • Validating Files
    • Validating Passwords
    • Custom Validation Rules
  • Error Handling
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • The Exception Handler
    • HTTP Exceptions
  • Logging
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Building Log Stacks
    • Writing Log Messages
    • Monolog Channel Customization
    • Tailing Log Messages Using Pail
  • Blade Templates
    • Introduction
    • Displaying Data
    • Blade Directives
    • Components
    • Anonymous Components
    • Building Layouts
    • Forms
    • Stacks
    • Service Injection
    • Rendering Inline Blade Templates
    • Rendering Blade Fragments
    • Extending Blade
  • Asset Bundling (Vite)
    • Introduction
    • Installation & Setup
    • Running Vite
    • Working With JavaScript
    • Working With Stylesheets
    • Working With Blade & Routes
    • Custom Base URLs
    • Environment Variables
    • Disabling Vite In Tests
    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
    • Script & Style Tag Attributes
    • Advanced Customization
  • Localization
    • Introduction
    • Defining Translation Strings
    • Retrieving Translation Strings
    • Overriding Package Language Files
  • Frontend
    • Introduction
    • Using PHP
    • Using Vue / React
    • Bundling Assets
  • Starter Kits
    • Introduction
    • Laravel Breeze
    • Laravel Jetstream
  • Laravel Mix
    • Introduction
  • Laravel Octane
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Server Prerequisites
    • Serving Your Application
    • Dependency Injection & Octane
    • Concurrent Tasks
    • Ticks & Intervals
    • The Octane Cache
    • Tables
  • Authentication
    • Introduction
    • Authentication Quickstart
    • Manually Authenticating Users
    • HTTP Basic Authentication
    • Logging Out
    • Password Confirmation
    • Adding Custom Guards
    • Adding Custom User Providers
    • Events
  • Laravel Sanctum
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • API Token Authentication
    • SPA Authentication
    • Mobile Application Authentication
    • Testing
  • Laravel Passport
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Issuing Access Tokens
    • Authorization Code Grant with PKCE
    • Password Grant Tokens
    • Implicit Grant Tokens
    • Client Credentials Grant Tokens
    • Personal Access Tokens
    • Protecting Routes
    • Token Scopes
    • Consuming Your API With JavaScript
    • Events
    • Testing
  • Laravel Pennant
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Defining Features
    • Checking Features
    • Scope
    • Rich Feature Values
    • Retrieving Multiple Features
    • Eager Loading
    • Updating Values
    • Testing
    • Adding Custom Pennant Drivers
    • Events
  • Laravel Pint
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Running Pint
    • Configuring Pint
  • Precognition
    • Introduction
    • Live Validation
    • Customizing Validation Rules
    • Handling File Uploads
    • Managing Side-Effects
    • Testing
  • Prompts
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Available Prompts
    • Progress Bars
  • Laravel Sail
    • Introduction
    • Installation & Setup
    • Starting & Stopping Sail
    • Executing Commands
    • Interacting With Databases
    • File Storage
    • Running Tests
    • Previewing Emails
    • Container CLI
    • PHP Versions
    • Node Versions
    • Sharing Your Site
    • Debugging With Xdebug
    • Customization
  • Authorization
    • Introduction
    • Gates
    • Creating Policies
    • Writing Policies
    • Authorizing Actions Using Policies
  • Email Verification
    • Introduction
    • Routing
    • Customization
    • Events
  • Encryption
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Using The Encrypter
  • Hashing
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Basic Usage
  • Resetting Passwords
    • Introduction
    • Routing
    • Deleting Expired Tokens
    • Customization
  • Artisan Console
    • Introduction
    • Writing Commands
    • Defining Input Expectations
    • Command I/O
    • Registering Commands
    • Programmatically Executing Commands
    • Signal Handling
    • Stub Customization
    • Events
  • Broadcasting
    • Introduction
    • Server Side Installation
    • Client Side Installation
    • Concept Overview
    • Defining Broadcast Events
    • Authorizing Channels
    • Broadcasting Events
    • Receiving Broadcasts
    • Presence Channels
    • Model Broadcasting
    • Client Events
    • Notifications
  • Cache
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Cache Usage
    • Atomic Locks
    • Adding Custom Cache Drivers
    • Events
  • Collections
    • Introduction
    • Available Methods
    • Method Listing
    • Higher Order Messages
    • Lazy Collections
  • Events
    • Introduction
    • Registering Events & Listeners
    • Defining Events
    • Defining Listeners
    • Queued Event Listeners
    • Dispatching Events
    • Event Subscribers
    • Testing
  • File Storage
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Obtaining Disk Instances
    • Retrieving Files
    • Storing Files
    • Deleting Files
    • Directories
    • Testing
    • Custom Filesystems
  • Helpers
    • Introduction
    • Available Methods
    • Arrays & Objects
    • Paths
    • URLs
    • Miscellaneous
    • Other Utilities
  • HTTP Client
    • Introduction
    • Making Requests
    • Concurrent Requests
    • Macros
    • Testing
    • Events
  • Mail
    • Introduction
    • Generating Mailables
    • Writing Mailables
    • Markdown Mailables
    • Sending Mail
    • Rendering Mailables
    • Localizing Mailables
    • Testing
    • Mail & Local Development
    • Events
    • Custom Transports
  • Notifications
    • Introduction
    • Generating Notifications
    • Sending Notifications
    • Mail Notifications
    • Markdown Mail Notifications
    • Database Notifications
    • Broadcast Notifications
    • SMS Notifications
    • Slack Notifications
    • Localizing Notifications
    • Testing
    • Notification Events
    • Custom Channels
  • Package Development
    • Introduction
    • Package Discovery
    • Service Providers
    • Resources
    • Commands
    • Public Assets
    • Publishing File Groups
  • Processes
    • Introduction
    • Invoking Processes
    • Asynchronous Processes
    • Concurrent Processes
    • Testing
  • Queues
    • Introduction
    • Creating Jobs
    • Job Middleware
    • Dispatching Jobs
    • Job Batching
    • Queueing Closures
    • Running The Queue Worker
    • Supervisor Configuration
    • Dealing With Failed Jobs
    • Clearing Jobs From Queues
    • Monitoring Your Queues
    • Testing
    • Job Events
  • Rate Limiting
    • Introduction
    • Basic Usage
  • Strings
    • Introduction
    • Available Methods
    • Strings
    • Fluent Strings
  • Task Scheduling
    • Introduction
    • Defining Schedules
    • Running The Scheduler
    • Task Output
    • Task Hooks
    • Events
  • Database: Getting Started
    • Introduction
    • Running SQL Queries
    • Database Transactions
    • Connecting To The Database CLI
    • Inspecting Your Databases
    • Monitoring Your Databases
  • Database: Query Builder
    • Introduction
    • Running Database Queries
    • Select Statements
    • Raw Expressions
    • Joins
    • Unions
    • Basic Where Clauses
    • Ordering, Grouping, Limit & Offset
    • Conditional Clauses
    • Insert Statements
    • Update Statements
    • Delete Statements
    • Pessimistic Locking
    • Debugging
  • Database: Pagination
    • Introduction
    • Basic Usage
    • Displaying Pagination Results
    • Customizing The Pagination View
    • Paginator / LengthAwarePaginator Instance Methods
    • Cursor Paginator Instance Methods
  • Database: Migrations
    • Introduction
    • Generating Migrations
    • Migration Structure
    • Running Migrations
    • Tables
    • Columns
    • Indexes
    • Events
  • Database: Seeding
    • Introduction
    • Writing Seeders
    • Running Seeders
  • Redis
    • Introduction
    • Configuration
    • Interacting With Redis
    • Pub / Sub
  • Eloquent: Getting Started
    • Introduction
    • Generating Model Classes
    • Eloquent Model Conventions
    • Retrieving Models
    • Retrieving Single Models / Aggregates
    • Inserting & Updating Models
    • Deleting Models
    • Pruning Models
    • Replicating Models
    • Query Scopes
    • Comparing Models
    • Events
  • Eloquent: Relationships
    • Introduction
    • Defining Relationships
    • Many To Many Relationships
    • Polymorphic Relationships
    • Querying Relations
    • Aggregating Related Models
    • Eager Loading
    • Inserting & Updating Related Models
    • Touching Parent Timestamps
  • Eloquent: Collections
    • Introduction
    • Available Methods
    • Custom Collections
  • Eloquent: Mutators & Casting
    • Introduction
    • Accessors & Mutators
    • Attribute Casting
    • Custom Casts
  • Eloquent: API Resources
    • Introduction
    • Generating Resources
    • Concept Overview
    • Writing Resources
    • Resource Responses
  • Eloquent: Serialization
    • Introduction
    • Serializing Models & Collections
    • Hiding Attributes From JSON
    • Appending Values To JSON
    • Date Serialization
  • Eloquent: Factories
    • Introduction
    • Defining Model Factories
    • Creating Models Using Factories
    • Factory Relationships
  • Testing: Getting Started
    • Introduction
    • Environment
    • Creating Tests
    • Running Tests
  • HTTP Tests
    • Introduction
    • Making Requests
    • Testing JSON APIs
    • Testing File Uploads
    • Testing Views
    • Available Assertions
    • Validation Assertions
  • Console Tests
    • Introduction
    • Success / Failure Expectations
    • Input / Output Expectations
    • Console Events
  • Laravel Cashier (Stripe)
    • Introduction
    • Upgrading Cashier
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Customers
    • Payment Methods
    • Subscriptions
    • Subscription Trials
    • Handling Stripe Webhooks
    • Single Charges
    • Invoices
    • Checkout
    • Handling Failed Payments
    • Strong Customer Authentication
    • Stripe SDK
    • Testing
  • Laravel Dusk
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Getting Started
    • Browser Basics
    • Interacting With Elements
    • Available Assertions
    • Pages
    • Components
    • Continuous Integration
  • Laravel Cashier (Paddle)
    • Introduction
    • Upgrading Cashier
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Core Concepts
    • Prices
    • Customers
    • Subscriptions
    • Subscription Trials
    • Handling Paddle Webhooks
    • Single Charges
    • Receipts
    • Handling Failed Payments
    • Testing
  • Database Testing
    • Introduction
    • Model Factories
    • Running Seeders
    • Available Assertions
  • Mocking
    • Introduction
    • Mocking Objects
    • Mocking Facades
    • Interacting With Time
  • Laravel Envoy
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Writing Tasks
    • Running Tasks
    • Notifications
  • Laravel Folio
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Creating Routes
    • Route Parameters
    • Route Model Binding
    • Render Hooks
    • Named Routes
    • Middleware
    • Route Caching
  • Laravel Fortify
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Authentication
    • Two Factor Authentication
    • Registration
    • Password Reset
    • Email Verification
    • Password Confirmation
  • Laravel Horizon
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Upgrading Horizon
    • Running Horizon
    • Tags
    • Notifications
    • Metrics
    • Deleting Failed Jobs
    • Clearing Jobs From Queues
  • Laravel Passport
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Issuing Access Tokens
    • Authorization Code Grant with PKCE
    • Password Grant Tokens
    • Implicit Grant Tokens
    • Client Credentials Grant Tokens
    • Personal Access Tokens
    • Protecting Routes
    • Token Scopes
    • Consuming Your API With JavaScript
    • Events
    • Testing
  • Laravel Scout
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Database / Collection Engines
    • Indexing
    • Searching
    • Custom Engines
  • Laravel Socialite
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Upgrading Socialite
    • Configuration
    • Authentication
    • Retrieving User Details
  • Laravel Telescope
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Upgrading Telescope
    • Filtering
    • Tagging
    • Available Watchers
    • Displaying User Avatars

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