Holistic InfoSec For Web Developers, Fascicle 0: Physical and People
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Holistic InfoSec For Web Developers, Fascicle 0: Physical and People

Creating and maintaining robust technical solutions that will resist attacks from your adversaries

About the Book

Homepage: https://f0.holisticinfosecforwebdevelopers.com

Contents: https://f0.holisticinfosecforwebdevelopers.com/toc.html

Discounts: If you would like a discount, please email me, letting me know how much you would be willing to pay. The less you pay, the more I may consult with you about your recommendations, direction, etc.

Authors Homepage: binarymist.io

Authors Other Books: https://binarymist.io/publication/kims-selected-publications/

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    • Agile
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    • DevOps
    • JavaScript
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    • .NET
    • DevOps
    • Docker
    • Functional Programming
    • Express
    • Node.js
    • Networking
    • Computer Security
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    • Computers and Programming
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About the Author

Kim Carter
Kim Carter

Kim is an experienced Senior Software Architect / Engineer, Entrepreneur and the founder of BinaryMist.

Website: https://binarymist.io

Blog: https://binarymist.io/blog

OWASP NZ Chapter Leader.

Experienced and passionate about mentoring and motivating cross functional, self managing teams.

One of my strengths is helping organisations realise how they can increase profit and reduce costs.

How I do this:

• Take a holistic view of the organisation and focus on the lowest hanging (biggest wins) fruit first

• Bring visibility to all areas of the organisation

• Help people discover their full potential, especially those involved in the software engineering field

• When needed: acquire, design and build robust software and networks

• Help people understand their security status: assets, risks, countermeasures, costs & trade-off's of possible solutions.

• Increasing quality awareness and helping people and organisations implement higher quality in a cost effective manner.

Very broad skill set, with many deep specialities. Some of which are:

• Enterprise Application Architecture

• Web Development

• Networking & hardening

• Security

• DevOps

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About the Contributors

Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell


Some contributions to the People chapter. Especially around phishing countermeasures. Chris is the creator of Pond

Drewe Hinkley
Drewe Hinkley


Some contributions to the Physical chapter

Leanne Carter
Leanne Carter


Russ McRee
Russ McRee

Technical Editor

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface
    • Description
    • Purpose
    • Reason
    • Acknowledgements
    • Influences
  • Introduction
  • Starting with the 30,000’ View
    • 1. SSM Asset Identification
    • 2. SSM Identify Risks
      • Rating of Threats
    • 3. SSM Countermeasures
    • 4. SSM Risks that Solution Causes
    • 5. SSM Costs and Trade-offs
  • 2. 10,000’ View and Lower
    • A 10,000’ View Scenario
  • 3. Tooling Setup
    • Kali Linux
      • What’s Included in Kali Linux
      • Kali Linux Install
      • Tools I Use in Kali Linux requiring config, etc
        • Metasploit
          • Useful metasploit commands
          • metasploit meterpreter client commands
          • Using the database and workspaces in metasploit
        • BeEF
        • Updating BurpSuite
      • Tools I Use That Need Adding to Kali Linux
        • Terminator
        • Discover Scripts
        • SmbExec
        • Gitrob
        • CMSmap
        • Veil Framework
        • Password Lists
        • Common User Passwords Profiler (cupp)
        • Http Screenshot
        • Psmsf
        • Responder
        • Custom Scripts from The Hacker Playbook 2
        • BypassUAC
        • NoSQLMap
        • Spiderfoot
        • OWASP SecLists
        • Net-creds
        • Unix-privesc-check
        • LinEnum
        • Chromium
        • Chromium Extensions
        • Iceweasel (FireFox with different Licensing) add-ons
      • Additional Hardware
        • TP-LINK TL-WN722N USB Wireless Adapter
          • Wi-Fi Adapter:
          • Useful commands:
          • Reconnaissance:
          • Provide USB privileges to guest:
          • Provide USB recognition to guest:
          • Blacklist Wi-Fi Module on Host:
          • Test:
    • Windows
      • Tools I Use That Need Adding to Windows
        • MinGW
        • Hyperion
        • psmsf
        • Nishang
        • PowerSploit
  • 4. Process and Practises
    • Penetration Testing
      • Reconnaissance
        • Reconnaissance Forms
        • Passive
        • Semi-Active
        • Active
          • Netcat
          • Nmap
        • Concealing NMap Source IP Address
          • Decoy host -D
          • Idle scan -sI
        • Service Fingerprinting
          • Depending on the Server field
          • Ordering of Header Fields
          • Malformed Requests
          • Non-existent protocol
          • Other Services
        • Web Application Firewall (WAF) Fingerprinting
          • Nmap
          • WAFW00F
        • DNS
          • Domain Information Groper (dig)
          • dnsenum
          • dnsrecon
        • theHarvester
        • Discover-scripts
        • recon-ng
        • Password Profiling
      • Vulnerability Scanning / Discovery
        • Nmap
        • Metasploit
      • Vulnerability Searching
        • Security Focus BugTraq
        • Exploit Database
        • Metasploit
      • Exploitation
        • Isolating, Testing Potential Malware
          • linux containers (LXC)
          • Docker
          • Virtual Machines
          • FireJail
          • Qubes
        • Offensive
      • Documenting and Reporting
        • Dradis
        • CaseFile
    • Agile Development and Practices
      • Architecture
      • Cheapest Place to Deal with Defects
      • Evil Test Conditions
      • Security Focussed TDD
      • Security Regression Testing
        • Zap REST API Regression Testing NodeGoat
          • NodeGoat Set-up on your local machine
          • Zap Running on a local VirtualBox guest
          • Start the Security Regression test(s) from your local machine
      • Hand-crafted Penetration Testing
      • Establish a Security Champion
      • Pair Programming
      • Code Review
        • Why?
        • Linting, Static Analysis
        • Dynamic Analysis
      • Techniques for Asserting Discipline
        • Static Type Checking
        • Design by Contract (DbC)
      • Essentials for Creating and Maintaining a High Performance Development Team
        • How and Why Many Software Development Shops Fail
          • The Scenario
        • Scrum Teams can Fail Too
          • How Does This Happen?
          • So… What do We Do?
          • How do We Do This
      • Forming Habits and Sharpening Skills
  • 5. Physical
    • 1. SSM Asset Identification
    • 2. SSM Identify Risks
      • Fortress Mentality
      • Internal Doors and Cabinets Left Unlocked
      • Insecure Doors and/or Windows
      • Easily Penetrable Building Materials
      • Service Labels
      • Sensitive Printed Matter
      • RFID Tags
      • Computers Logged in and Unlocked
      • Networking Equipment
      • Network Ports
      • Wi-Fi Access Points
        • Hiding the SSID
        • Wi-Fi Protected Set-up (WPS)
      • Transient Devices
      • Lack of Visibility
    • 3. SSM Countermeasures
      • Fortress Mentality
      • Internal Doors and Cabinets Left Unlocked
      • Insecure Doors and/or Windows
      • Easily Penetrable Building Materials
        • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
      • Service Labels
      • Sensitive Printed Matter
      • RFID Tags
      • Computers Logged in and Unlocked
      • Networking Equipment
      • Network Ports
      • Wi-Fi Access Points
        • Hiding the SSID
        • Wi-Fi Protected Set-up (WPS)
        • WPA2 and WPA
      • Transient Devices
      • Lack of Visibility
        • Cameras, Sensors and Alarms
    • 4. SSM Risks that Solution Causes
      • Fortress Mentality
      • Internal Doors and Cabinets Left Unlocked
      • Insecure Doors and/or Windows
      • Easily Penetrable Building Materials
      • Service Labels
      • Sensitive Printed Matter
      • RFID Tags
      • Computers Logged in and Unlocked
      • Networking Equipment
      • Network Ports
      • Wi-Fi Access Points
        • Hiding the SSID
        • Wi-Fi Protected Set-up (WPS)
        • WPA2 and WPA
      • Transient Devices
      • Lack of Visibility
        • Cameras, Sensors and Alarms
    • 5. SSM Costs and Trade-offs
      • Fortress Mentality
      • Internal Doors and Cabinets Left Unlocked
      • Insecure Doors and/or Windows
      • Easily Penetrable Building Materials
      • Service Labels
      • Sensitive Printed Matter
      • RFID Tags
      • Computers Logged in and Unlocked
      • Networking Equipment
      • Network Ports
      • Wi-Fi Access Points
        • Hiding the SSID
        • Wi-Fi Protected Set-up (WPS)
        • WPA2 and WPA
      • Transient Devices
      • Lack of Visibility
        • Cameras, Sensors and Alarms
  • 6. People
    • 1. SSM Asset Identification
    • 2. SSM Identify Risks
      • Ignorance
      • Morale, Productivity and Engagement Killers
        • Undermined Motivation
        • Adding people to a late project
        • Noisy, Crowded Offices
        • Email
        • Meetings
        • Context Switching
      • Employee Snatching
      • Weak Password Strategies
        • Password Profiling
          • Crunch
          • Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP)
          • Who’s your Daddy (WyD)
          • Custom Word List generator (CeWL)
          • Wordhound
        • Brute Forcing
          • Hydra
          • Medusa
          • nmap http-form-brute
      • Vishing (Phone Calls)
      • Spoofing Caller ID
      • SMiShing
      • Favour for a Favour
      • The New Employee
      • We Have a Problem
      • It’s Just the Cleaner
      • Emulating Targets Mannerisms
      • Tailgating
      • Phishing
      • Spear Phishing
      • Infectious Media
        • Social Engineering Toolkit (Set)
          • Teensy USB HID
        • USB Rubber Ducky
        • Other Offerings
        • Additional USB Hardware
    • 3. SSM Countermeasures
      • Ignorance
      • Morale, Productivity and Engagement Killers
        • Undermined Motivation
        • Adding people to a Late Project
        • Noisy, Crowded Offices
        • Email
        • Meetings
        • Context Switching
        • Top Developer Motivators in Order
      • Employee Snatching
        • Exit Interviews
      • Weak Password Strategies
        • Brute Forcing
      • Vishing (Phone Calls)
      • Spoofing Caller Id
      • SMiShing
      • Favour for a Favour
      • The New Employee
      • We Have a Problem
      • It’s Just the Cleaner
      • Emulating Targets Mannerisms
      • Tailgating
      • Phishing
      • Spear Phishing
      • Infectious Media
        • An Attacker with Physical Access.
        • An Attacker with No Access.
    • 4. SSM Risks that Solution Causes
      • Ignorance
      • Morale, Productivity and Engagement Killers
        • Undermined Motivation
        • Adding people to a late project
        • Noisy, Crowded Offices
        • Email
        • Meetings
        • Context Switching
        • Top Developer Motivators in Order
      • Employee Snatching
        • Exit Interviews
      • Weak Password Strategies
      • Vishing (Phone Calls)
      • Spoofing Caller ID
      • SMiShing
      • Favour for a Favour
      • The New Employee
      • We Have a Problem
      • It’s Just the Cleaner
      • Emulating Target’s Mannerisms
      • Tailgating
      • Phishing
      • Spear Phishing
      • Infectious Media
    • 5. SSM Costs and Trade-offs
      • Ignorance
      • Morale, Productivity and Engagement Killers
        • Undermined Motivation
        • Adding people to a late project
        • Noisy, Crowded Offices
        • Email
        • Meetings
        • Context Switching
        • Top Developer Motivators in Order
      • Employee Snatching
        • Exit Interviews
      • Weak Password Strategies
      • Vishing (Phone Calls)
      • Spoofing Caller ID
      • SMiShing
      • Favour for a Favour
      • The New Employee
      • We Have a Problem
      • It’s Just the Cleaner
      • Emulating Targets Mannerisms
      • Tailgating
      • Phishing
      • Spear Phishing
      • Infectious Media
  • Additional Resources
    • Starting with the 30,000’ View
      • Rating of Threats
    • Tooling Setup
    • Process
    • People
  • Attributions
    • Introduction
    • The 30,000’ View
      • Rating of Threats
    • Tooling Setup
    • Process
    • Physical
    • People

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