Survive Programming: A RoadMap to ES6

Survive Programming: A RoadMap to ES6

The Latest Version of JavaScript

About the Book

Learn the latest syntax in JavaScript, aka EcmaScript 6 (ES6) for short. This book is a roadmap to help you learn all the important new features quickly and easily. We'll cover all the good parts including: variables, functions, object oriented programming with new class syntax, synchronous vs asynchronous programming, callback functions, promises, iterators, generators, fetch API, maps, sets, JavaScript modules, transpilers and more!

Stop wasting your time using old syntax and struggling to make outdated code work with modern APIs and architecture. Enhance your skill set, enable yourself to write programs that are more precise, modern, easier to understand and efficient at executing tasks you define. It's time to update! Are you ready to go to the next level?

About the Author

Vijay Menon
Vijay Menon

Vijay Menon is a developer and community organizer. He has spent over the last 10 years of his life working in web development, especially with technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python and SQL. He also taught part time Front End Web Development classes including at schools like General Assembly. He currently organizes meetup groups in Los Angeles and Orange County in Southern California and helps people learn to code with the group JavaScriptLA.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Getting Started & Basic Qualifications (Read This Especially if You’re Newbie!)
    • Common Notations & Syntax
    • Setting Up Your Computer
    • Forward & Disclaimer:
    • Copyright & Legal Information
    • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 0 - ES6? Where did it come from and who updates it?
    • Can We Try Out Proposed Features Before They Are Formalized? Yes!
    • Recap:
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 1 - Variables, Template Strings, Loops
    • let
    • const
    • Template Strings
    • Multiline Template Strings
    • Tagged Templates
    • Loops
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 2 - Functions
    • Introducing Arrow Functions in ES6
    • Default parameters
    • Rest Operator
    • Spread Operator
    • String.includes() method
    • Recap:
    • Exercises:
  • Chapter 3 - Objects & Classes
    • Single notation
    • Destructuring Objects & Arrays
    • Classes
    • Inheritance
    • More Keywords Related To Classes
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 4 - Callbacks, Promises, Iterators, Generator
    • Asynchronous vs Synchronous Programming
    • Callbacks
    • Promises
    • Iterators:
    • Generators:
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 5 - More on Promises, Fetch, Async & Await
    • Promise.resolve
    • Promises and Order
    • Promise.all
    • Promise.race
    • Promises with Generators
    • fetch API
    • async / await
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 6 - Proxies, Maps, WeakMaps, Sets, WeakSets
    • Proxies
    • Maps
    • WeakMaps
    • Sets
    • WeakSets
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 7 - JavaScript Modules
    • The History
    • Modules in ES5 (Review)
    • Enter Module Dependency Management (Exploring AMD & CommonJS syntax)
    • ES6 Modules
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 8 - Keeping Up With ES6, 7, to the Moon!
    • First off, does it make sense to be using extremely new features?
    • Trying Out New Features (A Quick Look)
    • Wrap Up & Epilogue
    • Recap
    • Exercises
  • Closing Thoughts & Thank You

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