Everyday Unit Testing
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Everyday Unit Testing

About the Book

Everyday Unit Testing is about practical techniques and approaches to the things they don't tell you when you start to unit test. From tools to organization, what makes good tests to maintaining them as they grow old, this book touches on the real-life experience of unit testing and TDD.

This book is published incrementally. Every feedback is welcome.

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About the Author

Gil Zilberfeld
Gil Zilberfeld

Gil Zilberfeld has been in software since childhood, writing BASIC programs on his trusty Sinclair ZX81. With more than twenty years of developing commercial software, he has vast experience in software methodology and practices.

Gil is an agile consultant, applying agile principles over the last decade. From automated testing to exploratory testing, design practices to team collaboration, scrum to kanban, and lean startup methods – he’s done it all. He is still learning from his successes and failures.

Gil speaks frequently in international conferences about unit testing, TDD, agile practices and communication. He blogs at http://www.gilzilberfeld.com and in his spare time he shoots zombies, for fun.

Table of Contents

  • Thanks
  • Introduction
    • Why Another Unit Testing Book?
    • Testing Is A Mindset
    • A Bit Of History…
  • Testing Economics
    • Selling Unit Testing
    • The Deceptive Cost of Writing Tests
    • The Actual Cost of Tests
    • The Real Time Sink
    • Unit vs. Integration Tests
    • Risk And Reward
    • Maintenance Costs
    • Triangulation
  • Organization Strategy
    • The Stairs
    • The Hump
    • The Death Spiral Of Slow Tests
    • The Mocking Trap
    • Reluctant Teams
  • The Tools
    • Test Frameworks
    • Mocking Frameworks
    • Refactoring Tools
    • Source Control
    • Continuous Integration Tools
    • Summary
  • Test Attributes
    • Validity
    • Readability
    • Speed
    • Accuracy
    • Differentiation
    • Maintenance
    • Deterministic
    • Footprint
    • Isolation
    • Truthiness
  • Testing Strategy
    • Step 1: Understanding the problem.
    • Step 2: Designing a solution.
    • Step 3: Test categorization
    • Step 4: Testability design considerations
    • Step 5: Identify design constraints
    • Step 6: Prepare existing code
    • Step 7: Write the tests.
    • Step 8: Review
    • Step 9: Knowledge sharing
  • Writing Tests
    • Testability and Good Design
    • Should We Write That Test?
    • What Bug Will It Find?
    • Testing error handling and exceptions
    • Multiple Asserts: Yea or Nay?
    • Anti patterns
  • From Legacy Code To Testable Code
    • Improve Understanding
    • Improving Accessibility
    • Removing dependencies
    • Simplification
  • TDD
    • Deceptively Simple
    • The #1 Benefit of TDD
    • Introducing TDD
    • Emergent Design
    • TDD In Real Life
    • Step 2 - Define the acceptance criteria
    • Step 3 - Identify the main components that the stories flow through
    • Step 4 - Re-prioritize the stories
    • Step 5 - Component design decisions
    • Step 6 - Interface design decisions
    • Step 7 - Write the code
    • Step 8 - Integrate continuously
    • Step 9 - Complete the story and move to the next
  • Conclusion

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