Developing Cross Platform Mobile Applications with Cordova CLI
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Developing Cross Platform Mobile Applications with Cordova CLI

Use the command line to build your mobile apps with JavaScript, CSS and HTML

About the Book

Why should you buy this book? To save you from hours of exploration and learning. I have spent tens of hours exploring nooks and crannies of Cordova CLI, as well as having months of experience with the framework; all of that time is condensed down to this book.

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If you are a Cordova or PhoneGap developer who is interested in using the full power of the Cordova CLI, the command line interface for managing Cordova projects. this book is for you.

It assumes you know enough about Cordova to have installed at least one device platform toolset, and that you can build the default application and install it on an emulator.

I will cover some of the advanced features of Cordova CLI as well as a discussion of how to apply some software techniques like deployment environments and version control to Cordova projects. I'll talk about my development process as well, and how Cordova CLI integrates with that.I'll focus on Cordova CLI for the 2.9 and 3.0 versions of Cordova. Cordova CLI didn't vary much between these releases, so unless I call out something as being specific to one version only, the information applies equally to both.

I would love any feedback. Feel free to leave it here, or tweet me at @mooreds or send email me at leanpub at mooreds dot com.  You can also see other posts and articles I have written about the Cordova command line.

About the Author

Dan Moore
Dan Moore

Dan Moore has been developing for the web since 1997, using all manner of (unixish) technologies, from perl to java to php to javascript to Cordova.

Recently he's been working more with the AWS technology stack, and is has been an instructor for AWS training programs.

Table of Contents

  • Who Is This Book For?
    • What Is Covered
  • What is Cordova?
    • Which Version of Cordova?
    • What is Cordova CLI?
    • Requirements
    • Alternatives
  • Version Control
    • What to Version Control
    • Limits of Version Control
  • Installing, Upgrading and Basic Usage
    • Installation
    • Workflow
    • Upgrading Cordova CLI
    • The Upgrade Process
    • Upgrade catches
    • Downgrading
  • Config.xml
    • Sample config.xml
    • Deployment
    • Workarounds
  • Hooks
    • Execution
    • Stopping builds
    • Hooks in Node.js
  • Plugins
    • How to Find Plugins
    • New Plugins
    • How to ‘plugman’ify an existing plugin
  • Platform Web Assets
    • Organization
    • Possible Uses
  • Platform Assets
    • Common Uses
    • Code example
  • Deployment Environments
    • Switching Deployment Environments
    • Web Development Challenges
    • Accessing Network Resources in the Browser
  • Unit Testing
    • JavaScript
    • Hooks
    • Plugins
  • Device Installation
    • Testing on a Device
    • Production Deployment
  • PhoneGap CLI
    • PhoneGap CLI Benefits
    • PhoneGap CLI Issues
    • Well, What Should I Do?
  • Conclusion
    • Finally

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