Database Management made Simple through Python
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Database Management made Simple through Python

Be a better programmer!

About the Book

This book is for Oracle developers and database administrators (DBA) who us SQL. The book is designed as a reference the material is intentionally present as concisely as possible. Since i assume that you are already somewhat familiar with python and relational concepts and basics of the sql language, I attempted to provide you with the information you need in a location and format that allows you to access it quickly, as required. If you are looking for clear , conceptual concise information about oracle implementation using python with the plenty of summary tables and quick reference to syntax and usage, then you have come to the right place. However ,if you are trying to learn SQL, and want a tutorial that will teach you about it from start to finish, you will probably want to start with an introductory text. I certainly don't want to deter you from buying and using this book, but i want to know that my approach is to cram as much concise and fast-moving material as possible into these pages.

About the Author

Suryaprakash S
Suryaprakash S

Competitive Python programmer, Interested in Database management system(sql * plus) 

Table of Contents

  • Data, Database, Database management system:
    • Actors on the scene:
    • Workers behind the scene:
    • Categories of Data models:
    • File management system (FMS):
    • Relational database system (RDS):
    • Codd’s rules:
    • Advantages of using DBMS approach:
    • Disadvantages of using DBMS:
    • Database Basics:
    • DBMS languages and commands:
  • Data definition language:
    • To connect to mysql:
    • Database:
    • Table:
    • Alter:
    • To increase or decrease the width:
    • To add a new column:
    • To change the data type:
    • To remove a column from table:
    • To truncate the table:
    • To drop a table:
  • Data manipulating language:
    • To insert a Value into the table:
    • To insert NULL values into the table:
    • To insert the limited values into the table:
    • Select statements:
    • To list the all details from the table:
    • To list only one column from the table:
    • To list the columns with aliasing name from the table:
    • Where clause:
    • Using of simple where clause:
    • Using arithmetic operator in where clause:
    • Using of relational operators in where clause:
    • Using logical operators in where clause:
    • Using of between in where clause:
    • To negate the values in the select statement:
    • Distinct clause:
    • Using distinct clause in select statement:
    • Order by clause:
    • Using of order by clause in select statement:
    • Update:
    • Using update statement:
    • Delete:
    • Using DELETE statement:
  • Transaction control language:
    • Commit:
    • Save point:
    • Rollback:
    • Data control language (DCL):
    • Grant:
    • Revoke:
  • Special functions and operators of sql:
    • IN operator:
    • Using of IN operator:
    • Like operator:
    • Using of LIKE operator:
    • Round function:
    • Using of round function:
    • Dual:
    • System date function:
    • Using of sysdate () function:
    • System_user ():
    • Using of System_user ():
    • Greatest ():
    • Using of greatest ():
    • Numeric functions:
    • Using of abs ():
    • Using of ceil ():
    • Using of floor:
    • Using of trigonometric functions:
    • Using of exp ():
    • Using of power ():
    • Using of ln ():
    • Using of mod ():
    • Character function:
    • Soundex:
    • Extract:
  • Aggregate functions:
    • Count:
    • Sum:
    • Max:
    • Average:
    • Min:
  • Group by clause and having clause:
    • Group by clause:
    • Having clause:
  • Special functions and operators of sql:
    • IN operator:
    • Using of IN operator:
    • Like operator:
    • Using of LIKE operator:
    • Round function:
    • Using of round function:
    • Dual:
    • System date function:
    • Using of sysdate () function:
    • System_user ():
    • Using of System_user ():
    • Greatest ():
    • Using of greatest ():
    • Numeric functions:
    • Using of abs ():
    • Using of ceil ():
    • Using of floor:
    • Using of trigonometric functions:
    • Using of exp ():
    • Using of power ():
    • Using of ln ():
    • Using of mod ():
    • Character function:
    • Soundex:
    • Extract:
  • Constraints:
    • Domain integrity constraints:
    • Not null constraints:
    • Check constraints:
    • Example for creating a table with check constraints:
    • Entity integrity constraints:
    • Unique constraints:
    • Primary key constraints:
    • Table level and column level constraints:
    • Example for creating a table with a unique key constraint:
    • Example for creating a table with a primary key constraint:
    • Referential integrity constraint:
    • Example for creating table with referential integrity constraint:
  • Set operators:
    • Example for union operator:
    • Example for union all operators:
  • Joins:
    • Simple join:
    • Equi-join:
    • Non equi-join:
    • Cross join:
    • Examples for simple join (cross join):
    • Example for simple joins (equi join):
    • Example of simple join (non equi join):
    • Self join:
    • Examples for self join:
    • Outer join:
    • Example of Right outer join:
    • Example of left outer join:
    • Natural join:
    • Example of natural join;
  • Sub queries and locking:
    • Sub queries:
    • Example of sub query:
    • Concept of locking:
    • Row level locking:
    • Example of row level locking:
    • Table level lock:
    • Share lock:
    • Share update lock:
    • Exclusive lock:
    • No wait:
    • Dead lock:
  • Database objects:
    • Synonyms:
    • Sequences:
    • Views:
    • Example of view with check option:
    • Without check option:
    • DML statements and join views:
    • Key preserved tables:
    • Functions in a view:
    • Partition view:
    • Index:
    • Unique index:
    • Composite index:
    • Reverse key index:
    • Bitmap index:
    • Clusters:
    • Cluster key:
  • Gui development using python and dbms:

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