Become a Blockchain Developer with Ethereum and Solidity
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Become a Blockchain Developer with Ethereum and Solidity

Exploring the immersed part of the iceberg

About the Book

The blockchain is about so much more than crypto-currencies and financial applications. In fact, some argue that crypto-currencies are to blockchains what the email was to the Internet: an impressive proof-of-concept, but only a first one. The immersed part of the iceberg is this new generation of decentralized applications you can build on top of public blockchains like Ethereum in order to massively disrupt organizations, governance, energy, real estate, and so many more industries, all the way to democracy itself. This book explains everything you need to know about why the blockchain exists, how it works, and more importantly how you can leverage it to build your very own decentralized application. In that regard, it helps you create your first project from scratch, develop your first smart contract and the web application to interact with it, and even shows you how to deploy all of that to an actual blockchain network.

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About the Authors

Sebastien Arbogast
Sebastien Arbogast

Software engineer by training and by passion, Sebastien has always been fascinated by the impact software can have on our lives, our thinking and our societies. He has always tried to find the most effective and expressive ways to write software so that he could focus on what it could achieve, rather than how it could do it. When he first came in contact with decentralization and blockchain, he was hooked right away, but concerned at the same time: sure, it had enormous potential, but in order to realize it, it needed to involve more people, not only developers but as many people as possible in the general population. And that's why he created the ChainSkills initiative with his friend Said Eloudrhiri, and started giving conferences everywhere, producing online courses with more than 10,000 students and writing books about it. Today, in addition to all of that, Sebastien still develops mobile, web and backend applications for corporate customers and produces a French-speaking podcast, the ProofOfCast, about crypto-currencies, blockchain and decentralization, all the while travelling the world as a digital nomad.

Said Eloudrhiri
Said Eloudrhiri

Since the beginning of his career in 1992, Said has been involved in several projects as a developer, software architect, team leader or agile coach. This long experience let him identify the potential of some promising technologies while learning how to use them. As a speaker, Said loves to share his experience on different fields such as mobile and web development, agile methodologies or the blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain is one of these promising technologies in which Said is now very involved. Said co-founded ChainSkills with his friend Sébastien Arbogast. This initiative aims at educating managers and developers about the power and techniques of open blockchains as a development platform. They created a course on Udemy and talked about Ethereum in several conferences. Last but not least, Said is a husband and a proud father of three kids.

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgements
    • Said
  • Introduction
  • Why the Blockchain?
    • How do you represent value?
    • The Internet of Value
    • Blockchain Use Cases
  • What is the Blockchain (and What It’s Not)?
    • The 3-layer Model
    • Blockchain Design Goals
    • Blockchain Implementations
    • Blockchain Instances
    • Open Blockchains as tricameral systems
    • Key Components of a Blockchain
    • What a blockchain is not (hint: it’s NOT a solution to every problem)
  • Cryptography 101
    • Hashing functions
    • Asymmetric Cryptography
    • Merkle Trees
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
    • Installing the development environment on MacOS
      • Homebrew
      • Geth
      • Ganache
      • Node.js and NPM
      • Truffle 5
      • Visual Studio Code
      • Summary
    • Installing the development environment on Windows
      • Geth
      • Ganache
      • Node.js and NPM
      • Truffle 5
      • Visual Studio Code
      • Git
      • Summary
    • Installing the development environment on Linux
      • Geth
      • Ganache
      • Git
      • Node.js and NPM
      • Truffle 5
      • Visual Studio Code
      • Summary
    • Create a private Ethereum node on MacOS
      • Genesis block
      • Private node
      • Create 3 accounts
      • Startup script
      • Geth console
      • Send ether between accounts
      • Stop the private node
      • Summary
    • Create a private Ethereum node on Windows
      • Genesis block
      • Private node
      • Create 3 accounts
      • Startup script
      • Geth console
      • Send ether between accounts
      • Stop the private node
      • Summary
    • Create a private Ethereum node on Linux
      • Genesis block
      • Private node
      • Create 3 accounts
      • Startup script
      • Geth console
      • Send ether between accounts
      • Stop the private node
      • Summary
    • Install MetaMask
      • Protecting your accounts
      • Installation
      • Finalize the setup
      • Welcome page
      • Initialize the vault
      • Import accounts
      • Networks
      • Change networks and logs
      • Account Management
      • Backup potential existing keys (optional)
      • Help
      • Summary
    • Introduction to Solidity: write, compile and deploy a smart contract
      • DApp, Smart Contract ?
      • Our case study: Greetings
      • Start the Ethereum node
      • Prepare the environment
      • Create the Smart Contract
      • Create compilation and deployment scripts
      • Deploy the contract
      • Prepare the contract instance
      • Get current message
      • Change the message
      • Summary
    • Introduction to Truffle: compile and deploy a smart contract
      • Prepare the environment
      • Create the project
      • Analyse the project structure
      • The Greetings smart contract
      • Deploy the Greetings smart contract
      • Deploy the contract
      • Interact with the contract
      • Exit the console
      • Deploy to Ganache
      • Summary
    • Transactions and Blocks
      • Prepare the environment
      • Inspect the transaction
      • Inspect the block
      • Inspect contract calling transactions
      • Summary
    • Understanding Gas
      • Start Ganache
      • Open the console log
      • Analyzing transaction cost
      • Checking account balances
      • Gas vs Gas Usage
      • Read the state of a smart contract
      • Change the smart contract state
      • Gas and Metamask
      • Summary
    • Bytecode, Opcode and EVM
      • Prepare the environment
      • Inspect transactions in Ganache
      • Bytecode and EVM
      • Bytecode to OpCode
      • OpCodes and Gas
    • Sending Ether between accounts
  • How do you design and develop a DApp?
      • The ChainList Project
    • Sell an article - create the smart contract
      • Prepare the environment
      • Create the project
      • Create the contract
      • Deploy the ChainList contract
      • Interact with the smart contract
      • Summary
    • Sell an article - Tests
      • Prepare the environment
      • Testing with JavaScript
    • Summary
    • Sell an article - Frontend
      • Prepare the environment
      • Analyse the project structure
      • Run the sample application
      • Adapt the sample application
      • Summary
    • Show the article from the contract in the frontend
      • Prepare the environment
      • Connect to the backend
      • Checkpoint #1 - test your frontend
      • Summary
    • Sell an article from the frontend
      • Prepare the environment
      • Implement the call to sellArticle
      • Inspect the transaction
      • Summary
    • Sell an article through Metamask
      • Prepare the environment
      • Prepare Metamask
      • Configure the Dapp
      • Run the Dapp
      • Sell an article
      • Summary
    • Be notified when an article goes for sale (contract)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Add the event
      • Interact with the smart contract
      • Update our test
      • Summary
    • Be notified when an article goes for sale (frontend)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Listen to events
      • Display the event
      • Test your frontend
      • Summary
    • Deployment to a private network
      • Prepare the environment
      • Deploy contracts to your private network
      • Test your frontend
      • Summary
    • Buy an article (contract)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Add the buy feature
      • Interact with the smart contract
      • Exceptions
      • Summary
    • Testing the article buying functionality
      • Prepare the environment
      • Update the Happy Path Test Suite
      • Add the Exceptions Test Suite
      • Summary
    • Buy an article (frontend)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Update the frontend
      • Step 2-3: Update the display of an article (JS function)
    • Step 3: Test the implementation
      • Summary
      • Bonus: Subscribe to events by default
    • Managing several sellers and buyers (contract)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Implement the Article structured type
      • Declare the mapping
      • Make it possible to sell multiple articles
      • Make it possible to buy a specific article
      • Getters
      • Interact with the smart contract
      • Summary
    • Testing your contract’s multiple article management
      • Prepare the environment
      • Update the Happy Path Test Suite
      • Update the Exceptions Test Suite
      • Summary
    • Managing several sellers and buyers (frontend)
      • Prepare the environment
      • Update the frontend
      • Test the implementation
      • Summary
    • Smart contract deactivation
      • Prepare the environment
      • Adapt the contract
      • Test the contract
      • Summary
    • Function modifiers
      • Prepare the environment
      • Create a function modifier
      • Test the contract
      • Summary
    • Contract inheritance
      • Prepare the environment
      • Create the base contract
      • Extend the Ownable contract
      • Test the contract
      • Bonus
      • Summary
    • Deployment of ChainList to our private network
      • Prepare the environment
      • Deploy the Dapp frontend
      • Test the Dapp on Geth
      • Summary
    • Dapp deployment to public networks
      • Why Infura?
      • Why Ropsten?
      • Create your Infura account
      • Create a project
      • Create a HD Wallet
      • Deposit some ether
      • Configure the project
      • Deploy to Infura
      • Use ChainList on Ropsten
      • Deploy to the Main Net
      • Summary
    • Conclusion

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