Using XMetaL Author 10 Enterprise To Streamline Your Topic-Based Authoring
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Using XMetaL Author 10 Enterprise To Streamline Your Topic-Based Authoring

A Visual GuideTo Learning XMetaL Author 10 In Three Hours Or Less

About the Book

This visual tutorial guide will give you a deep understanding of XMetaL Author 10 by walking you through seven step-by-step use cases (projects) that build upon one another. 323 pages total. Just sit down with this guide, crank up XMetaL, and in three hours or less you’ll be an XMetaL Author 10 Pro. You can’t beat that.

About the Authors

Table of Contents

Introduction to XMetaL Author 10 Enterprise. 1

Audience for This Tutorial. 1

Required Background.. 1

In a Nutshell: What’s in this Tutorial 1

How to Use this Tutorial. 2

The Three Ways to Use this Tutorial 3

Use Case Approach.. 3

This is a Standalone Tutorial: 80:20.. 3

Just What is XMetaL Author Anyway?. 4

What’s Topic-based Authoring?. 4

The XMetaL Author Interface. 6

How XMetaL Author is different than Microsoft Word.. 7

XMetaL Authoring Process in a Nutshell. 8

How to read and do the procedures. 11

Review Questions. 11

Chapter 1: Creating a Bike Document. 13

Where We Are Headed: Generating PDF Output. 13

Initial Setup: Creating Six Folders That Will Hold Your Files. 14

Procedure: Using Windows, create your six folders. 14

Creating Your First Map.. 14

Procedure: Creating your first Map.. 14

Creating Topic Headings. 18

Procedure: Adding topic headings. 19

Adding Concepts. 21

Procedure: Adding Concepts. 21

Placing the Concepts Into Your Headings. 31

Procedure: Inserting the Concepts into your Headings. 31

Adding Tasks. 33

Procedure: Adding tasks. 34

Generating an Output. 39

Procedure: Generating an output PDF.. 39

Adding References. 41

Procedure: Adding References. 42

Procedure: Generate output. 50

Opening, Closing and Navigating Through Your Topics. 53

Procedure: Navigating through your Topics. 53

Shortcut Method for Creating Concepts and Tasks. 56

Procedure: Shortcut. 57

Troubleshooting Your Output. 61

Best Practices. 62

Summary. 62

Overview of Document Creation.. 63

Detailed Document Creation.. 64

Review Questions. 65

Chapter 2: Editing and Adding New Content. 67

Adding Images to Tasks. 67

Procedure: Find Change bike tire in Google Images. 67

Procedure: Adding Images to Tasks. 67

Procedure: Generate output. 71

Adding Images to Concepts. 74

Procedure: Finding a People Image using Google. 74

Procedure: Adding Images to Concepts. 75

Adding Cross-References. 79

Procedure: Adding Cross-References. 80

Adding Metadata to your Topics. 85

Procedure: Adding Metadata to a topic. 86

Document Creating Process—an Overview.. 91

Documentation Creation Process--Specific Steps. 92

Review Questions. 93

Chapter 3: Creating a Book with Bookmap.. 95

The Use Case: Creating the Mindfulness Book. 95

Generic DITA Bookmap.. 97

Procedure: Viewing the Generic Bookmap.. 98

Procedure: Generating a PDF.. 101

Organizational Folders. 103

Procedure: Creating the Organizational Folders. 103

Maps. 103

Procedure: Creating the map for the Mindfulness Book.. 104

Book Content. 106

Procedure: Adding the Acknowledgement page. 106

Repositioning Your Topics. 111

Procedure: Repositioning the Acknowledgement Topic. 111

Preface. 111

Procedure: Adding the Preface. 112

Error Messages and Troubleshooting. 119

Introduction.. 120

Procedure: Adding the Introduction.. 121

Chapters. 124

Procedure: Adding Chapters. 125

Adding a Task.. 134

Procedure: Adding the Loving Kindness Meditation under The Core Meditation Techniques  134

Procedure: Generate output. 140

Procedure: Generating Output to see the Chapters. 142

Parts. 145

Procedure: Adding Two Parts. 145

Generating Output. 153

Appendixes. 155

Procedure: Adding Two Appendixes. 155

Procedure: Generate Output to show Appendixes. 162

Glossary. 165

Procedure: Adding a Glossary with two words. 165

Adding Additional Words to the Glossary. 170

Procedure: Adding another word to the glossary.. 171

Procedure: Generate Output to see the Glossary.. 171

Index. 173

Procedure: Adding an Index and selecting two words. 174

Procedure: Generate Output to see the Index. 176

Review Questions. 180

Chapter 4: Reusing Content. 181

Reusing Content in a Single topic. 182

Procedure: Create Acknowledgements folder. 182

Procedure: Reusing Content in a Single Topic. 183

Procedure: Inserting the paragraph into the Acknowledgements page. 184

Procedure: Verify the insertion of the topic in your output. 190

Reusability in Action.. 193

Procedure: Seeing Reusability in action.. 194

Reusing Content in Multiple Topics. 197

Procedure: Create Biographies folder and White Papers folders in the All About Bikes folder  198

Procedure: Creating and placing our three Biographies into one Concept. 198

Creating the White Paper Future Trends. 203

Procedure: Creating a white paper Future Trends. 204

Inserting a Biography into the White Paper Future Trends. 206

Procedure: Inserting a Biography into the white paper. 206

Procedure: Inserting Future Trends into the All About Bikes map.. 209

Review Questions. 214

Chapter 5: Creating a New Book from Your Two Other Books. 216

Procedure: Create Initialization folder. 216

Procedure: Creating the Mindfulness and Bicycling book.. 217

Procedure: Adding Two Chapters. 220

Procedure: Adding two topics from All About Bikes folder. 224

Procedure: Generating PDF output for our new book. 229

Illustrating the Updating of Linked Files. 230

Procedure: Illustrating Updating. 231

Review Questions. 233

Chapter 6: Creating Conditional Documents. 235

Procedure: Create the category labels for your two books. 237

Procedure: Adding content to our book.. 242

Procedure: Labeling topics for inclusion/exclusion.. 246

Procedure: Publishing the Realists book.. 248

Procedure: Publishing the Optimists book.. 251

Review Questions. 255

Chapter 7:  Obtaining the Output You Want. 256

Procedure: Selecting and Outputting a Document Type. 256

Procedure: Configuring Your Generate Output. 260

Review Questions. 263

Appendix A: Topic-based Authoring. 265

Best Topic-based Authoring References. 266

Appendix B: XMetaL Author Document Views. 267

Procedure 1: Selecting the Views Via the Icons. 267

Procedure 2: Selecting the Views from the Menu.. 267

Normal View... 269

Tags On View... 270

Appendix C: A Short Story: HTML, CSS, XML, DITA, XMetaL Author. 272

HTML—Hypertext Markup Language. 272

CSS—Cascading Style Sheets. 273

XML—eXtensible Markup Language. 273

DITA comes along. 275

DITA—Darwin Information Typing Architecture. 276

XMetaL Author 10 Enterprise. 277

Appendix D: Making Life Easier: Using the most Popular Shortcut Keys. 280

Appendix E: Macros: Making Your Life Even Easier. 282

Example 1: Record a typing macro.. 282

Procedure: Record a typing macro.. 282

Procedure: Run your macro from the Macros dialog. 286

Procedure: Run your macro with the shortcut key.. 287

Example 2. Add a script macro to XMetaL. 288

Procedure: Write a script macro.. 288

Procedure: Test your new macro.. 291

Example 3: Macro to insert a step into a task.. 292

Procedure: Write a macro to insert a new <step>.. 292

Procedure: Make incremental changes to a macro.. 296

Appendix F: XMetaL 10 Author Cheat Sheet. 303

XMetaL Author Procedure Detailed Process Diagram... 305

Appendix G: Answers to Review Questions. 317

Introduction.. 317

Chapter 1: Creating a Bike Document. 317

Chapter 2: Editing and Adding New Content. 317

Chapter 3: Creating a Book with Bookmap.. 317

Chapter 4: Reusing Content. 318

Chapter 5: Creating a New Book from two other books. 318

Chapter 6: Creating Conditional Documents. 318

Chapter 7: Obtaining the Output You Want. 318

Glossary. 319

Index. 323


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