7 Days of HTML
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7 Days of HTML

Learn HTML in just one week

About the Book

The book is designed in a didactic and progressive way, starting with an introduction to HTML and ending with the integration of CSS and JavaScript. Each day focuses on a different aspect of HTML, with clear explanations and practical examples. Plus, at the end of each chapter, you'll find exercises to put into practice what you've learned and solidify your skills.

Some of the topics this book covers include:

  • Day 1: HTML Fundamentals
  • Day 2: Links and Images
  • Day 3: Structure and Sections
  • Day 4: Tables and Forms
  • Day 5: Multimedia and Embedding Content
  • Day 6: Accessibility and SEO
  • Day 7: Integration with CSS and JavaScript

'7 Days of HTML' is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to learn how to create websites from scratch, improve their coding skills, or better understand how the web works. Whether you're a student, a professional looking to change careers, or just a learning enthusiast, this book will provide you with the tools you need to start your journey in web development.

Start your web development adventure today!

This book is a translation into English of 7 Días de HTML which was originally written in Spanish.

About the Author

Kiko Palomares
Kiko Palomares

Kiko Palomares estudió Multimedia en el Centro de la Imagen y Tecnología Multimedia, de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Más tarde hizo el "Master Mobile Business & Apps Design" de la UPC School.

En 2014 comenzó a trabajar como desarrollador en una startup de Barcelona, pasando durante su carrera por diferentes roles técnicos: frontend, fullstack, Android developer, lead programmer, CTO.

En 2018 decidió lanzarse a crear contenido en las redes sociales empezando por YouTube donde enseña tecnologías y comparte experiencias.

También lo puedes encontrar en Instagram donde es todo un Rey de los memes de programación.

Table of Contents

    • The 7dias.dev Collection
    • Introduction
      • Brief History of HTML
      • Importance of HTML in the Web
      • Objectives of the Book
    • Day 1: HTML Fundamentals
      • What is HTML?
      • Basic Structure of an HTML Document
      • Tags and Attributes
      • Text Elements (Headings, Paragraphs, Lists, etc.)
      • Exercise: Create a Simple Page
    • Day 2: Links and Images
      • Hyperlinks or Links
      • Linking Internal and External Pages
      • Images and Attributes
      • Anchor Tag
      • Exercise: Create a Page with Links and Images
    • Day 3: Structure and Sections
      • Semantic Elements
      • Header, Footer, and Navigation Tags
      • Articles and Sections
      • Address and Details Tags
      • Exercise: Create a Structured Web Page
    • Day 4: Tables and Forms
      • Tables: Structure and Tags
      • Table Styles
      • Introduction to Forms
      • Input Fields and Buttons
      • Exercise: Create a Page with Tables and Forms
    • Day 5: Multimedia and Embedding Content
      • Embedding Audio and Video
      • Responsive Image Tag:
      • Embedding External Content: