Spring Boot - Quick Start
Spring Boot - Quick Start
Version: 3.0 - Date: 12.2021
About the Book
This is first Book in the series
Intention of this Book is to quickly get you started using Spring Boot to develop Web Applications.
Book covers basic functionalities like: Controllers, Endpoints, Entities, DTOs, Services, Repositories.
Standalone Tutorials
The core of this Book are standalone tutorials that explain different functionalities of Spring Boot.
Each tutorial contains minimum amount of code needed to explain specific functionality.
And also minimum amount of encompassing text that explains related theory and different parts of the code.
This approach allows students to grasp presented concepts in a very fast and efficient manner.
Full code, which can also be downloaded from GitHub, prevents any time being wasted trying to make the code work.
Simple examples allow for full understanding of the functionality without any unnecessary distractions.
Theoretical Background
Where needed tutorials are preceded by chapters focusing on theoretical background.
This way reader can fully understand functionalities explained in the subsequent chapters.
But such chapters are in minority and of secondary importance because the main focus is on practical applications.
Demo Applications
Book contains demo Applications that show how to combine functionalities covered in previous tutorials. More complex Application "Authors & Books" is broken into multiple steps showing how to add additional functionalities at each step.
Bundles that include this book
Table of Contents
- 1. Quick Start
- 1.1 Install
- 1.1.1 Java
- 1.1.2 IntelliJ IDEA
- 1.2 Create Project with IntelliJ
- 1.2.1 Community Edition (free)
- 1.2.2 Ultimate Edition (paid)
- 1.3 Other
- 1.3.1 Run Application
- 1.3.2 Create Spring Boot Web Application
- 1.3.3 Clone Project from GitHub Repository
- 2. Terms
- 2.1 Project
- 2.1.1 Spring Initializer
- 2.1.2 Spring Boot Starters
- 2.1.3 Spring Boot Project
- 2.2 Types of Java Classes
- 2.2.1 Controller
- 2.2.2 Service
- 2.2.3 Repository
- 2.2.4 Entity
- 2.2.5 DTO
- 3. Basic Functionality
- 3.1 Profiles
- 3.1.1 Assign Profile - To Class
- 3.1.2 Assign Profile - To application.properties
- 3.2 application.properties
- 3.2.1 Read Property - From Controller
- 3.2.2 Read Property - From HTML
- 3.3 @Autowired
- 3.3.1 Manually
- 3.3.2 Inject into - Property
- 3.3.3 Inject into - Setter Parameter
- 3.3.4 Inject into - Constructor Parameter
- 3.3.5 Interface - @Primary
- 3.3.6 Interface - @Qualifier
- 3.3.7 Interface - @Profile
- 3.4 Service
- 3.4.1 Business Logic - Inside Controller
- 3.4.2 Business Logic - Inside Service
- 3.4.3 Instantiate Service - Using Class
- 3.4.4 Instantiate Service - Using Class - @Autowired
- 3.4.5 Instantiate Service - Using Interface
- 3.4.6 Instantiate Service - Using Interface - @Autowired
- 4. Controller
- 4.1 Annotations
- 4.1.1 @Controller
- 4.1.2 @RestController
- 4.1.3 @RequestMapping
- 4.2 Endpoints
- 4.2.1 HTTP Method - @RequestMapping
- 4.2.2 HTTP Method - @GetMapping
- 4.2.3 HTTP Method - @PostMapping
- 4.2.4 HTTP Parameters - @RequestParam
- 4.2.5 HTTP Parameters - @PathVariable
- 4.2.6 Return - Data - Text
- 4.2.7 Return - View - HTML
- 4.2.8 Return - View - Thymeleaf
- 4.2.9 Return - View - JSP
- 4.2.10 Download - Excel
- 4.2.11 Download - Excel - With Header
- 4.3 Load Request Parameters into DTO
- 4.3.1 Using DTO Setters
- 4.3.2 Using DTO Setters - Custom
- 4.3.3 Using Map
- 4.3.4 Using Map & ObjectMapper - DTO Properties
- 4.3.5 Using Map & ObjectMapper - DTO Setters
- 4.3.6 Using Map & ObjectMapper - DTO Setters - Custom
- 4.4 Read HTML Form Fields
- 4.4.1 Into @RequestParam - Using Postman
- 4.4.2 Into @RequestParam - Using HTML Page
- 4.4.3 Into PersonDTO - Using Postman
- 4.4.4 Into PersonDTO - Using HTML Page
- 5. JSON
- 5.1 Deserialize
- 5.1.1 Properties
- 5.1.2 Setters
- 5.1.3 Setters - Custom
- 5.1.4 Constructor
- 5.1.5 Constructor - Custom
- 5.1.6 Order of use
- 5.1.7 JSON Array
- 5.1.8 JSON Array - Children
- 5.1.9 @JsonProperty - Properties
- 5.1.10 @JsonProperty - Setters
- 5.1.11 @JsonProperty - Constructor
- 5.1.12 @JsonFormat - Properties
- 5.1.13 @JsonFormat - Setters
- 5.1.14 @JsonFormat - Constructor
- 5.1.15 @JsonDeserialize
- 5.2 Serialize
- 5.2.1 Properties
- 5.2.2 Getters
- 5.2.3 Getters - Custom
- 5.2.4 @JsonProperty - Properties
- 5.2.5 @JsonProperty - Getters
- 5.2.6 @JsonFormat - Properties
- 5.2.7 @JsonFormat - Getters
- 5.2.8 @JsonSerialize
- 6. XML
- 6.1 Deserialize
- 6.1.1 Properties
- 6.1.2 Setters
- 6.1.3 Annotations - Properties
- 6.1.4 Annotations - Setters
- 6.2 Serialize
- 6.2.1 Properties
- 6.2.2 Getters
- 6.2.3 Annotations - Properties
- 6.2.4 Annotations - Getters
- 7. Object Mapping
- 7.1 Manual Mapping
- 7.2 JMapper
- 7.2.1 Example
- 7.3 Map Struct
- 7.3.1 Example
- 7.4 Model Mapper
- 7.4.1 Default Mapping
- 7.4.2 Custom Mapping
- 7.4.3 Exclude Mapping
- 8. Database
- 8.1 Entity
- 8.1.1 Properties - Public
- 8.1.2 Properties - Private - Getters & Setters
- 8.1.3 Properties - Private - Getters & Constructor
- 8.1.4 @Entity
- 8.1.5 @Id
- 8.1.6 @IdClass
- 8.1.7 @EmbeddedId
- 8.1.8 @Table
- 8.1.9 @Column
- 8.1.10 @Transient
- 8.1.11 @CreationTimestamp, @UpdateTimestamp
- 8.1.12 PostgreSQL - jsonb
- 8.1.13 PostgreSQL - Store byte[] - OID
- 8.1.14 PostgreSQL - Store byte[] - bytea
- 8.2 Connectors
- 8.2.1 H2
- 8.2.2 MySQL
- 8.2.3 PostgreSQL
- 8.2.4 MongoDB
- 8.3 Relationships
- 8.3.1 @OneToOne - Join Table
- 8.3.2 @OneToOne - Foreign Key
- 8.3.3 @OneToMany - Join Table
- 8.3.4 @OneToMany - Foreign Key
- 8.3.5 @ManyToMany - Join Table
- 8.3.6 Eager vs Lazy
- 9. Demo Applications
- 9.1 Simple Applications
- 9.1.1 Store Entity from JSON
- 9.1.2 Store Entities from JSON Array
- 9.2 Authors & Books
- 9.2.1 Step 1: Create Project
- 9.2.2 Step 2: Entity - Author
- 9.2.3 Step 3: Entity - Book
- 9.2.4 Step 4: Relationship @OneToMany
- 9.2.5 Step 5: Service - Add Author
- 9.2.6 Step 6: Service - Add Book
- 9.2.7 Step 7: Service - Get Books
- 9.2.8 Step 8: Service - Add Author & Book
- 10 Appendix
- 10.1 Lombok
- 10.1.1 Lombok API - Use
- 10.1.2 Lombok Plugin - Install for IntelliJ
- 10.1.3 Lombok Plugin - Lombok
- 10.1.4 Lombok Plugin - Delombok
- 10.2 IntelliJ
- 10.2.1 Copy Project
- 10.2.2 DB Tools
- 10.3 IntelliJ - JAR
- 10.3.1 Create JAR - Using Artifact
- 10.3.2 Create JAR - Using Maven - Targets
- 10.3.3 Create JAR - Using Maven - Configuration
- 10.3.4 Execute JAR - Using IntelliJ
- 10.3.5 Execute JAR - Using Command Prompt
- 10.4 IntelliJ - Automatically reload Application
- 10.4.1 Install Chrome Extension: Live Reload
- 10.4.2 IntelliJ Registry: compiler.automake
- 10.4.3 Run Configuration: Update classes and resources
- 10.4.4 Settings: Build Project Automatically
- 10.4.5 Create Spring Boot Project
- 10.5 Database - H2
- 10.5.1 Application Example
- 10.5.2 DB: Specify Name
- 10.5.3 Console: Enable
- 10.5.4 Console: Open
- 10.5.5 Console: Show Records
- 10.5.6 Console: Security
- 10.6 Database - MySQL
- 10.6.1 Create Schema/Database
- 10.6.2 Create User
- 10.6.3 Add Privileges to User
- 10.7 Database - PosgreSQL
- 10.7.1 Create Database
- 10.7.2 Create User
- 11 Errors
- 11.1 Maven
- 11.1.1 Plugin 'spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found
- 11.2 Controller
- 11.2.1 Circular view path
- 11.2.2 No qualifying bean of type available
- 11.2.3 Could not find acceptable representation
- 11.2.4 Unrecognized field
- 11.2.5 Cannot deserialize value of type `java.time.LocalDate`
- 11.2.6 Endpoint doesn't return JSON
- 11.3 Database
- 11.3.1 Cannot Resolve Table
- 11.3.2 Records are not inserted into DB
- 11.3.3 Database Tool Window can't see H2 Tables
- 11.3.4 Driver org.postgresql.Driver claims to not accept jdbcUrl
- 11.3.5 ids for this class must be manually assigned
- 11.3.6 @OneToOne or @ManyToOne references an unknown entity
- 11.3.7 object references an unsaved transient instance
- 11.3.8 Table [book] contains logical column name
- 11.3.9 nested exception is javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
- 11.3.10 query did not return a unique result: 2
- 11.3.11 Column name was not found in ResultSet
- 11.4 Mappers
- 11.4.1 Map Struct: Cannot resolve symbol 'Mappers'
- 11.4.2 Map Struct: No property named "authorAge" exists in source parameter(s)
- 11.4.3 Map Struct: Unknown property "age" in result type
- 11.4.4 Map Struct: Cannot find implementation for MyMapper
- 11.4.5 Model Mapper: Not mapping
- 11.4.6 Model Mapper: NullPointerException
- 11.5 Other
- 11.5.1 Not a managed type
- 11.5.2 @Value doesn't load application property
- 11.5.3 UnsupportedClassVersionError
- 11.5.4 Registry key has value '1.8', but '1.7' is required
- 12 Summary
- 12.1 Application
- 12.1.1 Create & Run
- 12.1.2 Deploy
- 12.1.3 Objects
- 12.2 Basic Functionality
- 12.2.1 application.properties
- 12.2.2 Profiles
- 12.2.3 @Autowired
- 12.2.4 Service
- 12.3 Controller & Endpoints
- 12.3.1 Controller
- 12.3.2 URL Mapping
- 12.3.3 Endpoint - Input Parameters
- 12.3.4 Endpoint - Return Data
- 12.3.5 Endpoint - Return Web Page
- 12.4 Read All Request Parameters
- 12.4.1 Using Setters
- 12.4.2 Using Map
- 12.4.3 Using Map & ObjectMapper
- 12.5 JSON
- 12.5.1 Deserialize/Serialize single Object
- 12.5.2 Deserialize JSON Array
- 12.5.3 @JsonDeserialize
- 12.5.4 @JsonSerialize
- 12.6 XML
- 12.6.1 Serialize/Deserialize single Object
- 12.7 Object Mapping
- 12.7.1 JMapper
- 12.7.2 Model Mapper
- 12.7.3 Map Struct
- 12.8 Databases
- 12.8.1 Connections
- 12.8.2 Entity
- 12.8.3 Relationships
- 13 Syntax Summary
- 13.1 Application
- 13.2 Basic Functionality
- 13.3 Controller & Endpoints
- 13.3.1 Read Input Parameters
- 13.3.2 Read All Request Parameters
- 13.3.3 Return Data
- 13.3.4 Return Web page
- 13.4 Deserialize/Serialize
- 13.4.1 JSON
- 13.4.2 XML
- 13.5 Object Mapping
- 13.6 Database
- 13.6.1 Relationships
- 14 Practice
- 14.1 Tasks
- 14.2 Answers
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