Python 201
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Python 201

Intermediate Python

About the Book

Python 201 is the sequel to my first book, Python 101. If you already know the basics of Python and now you want to go to the next level, then this is the book for you! This book is for intermediate level Python programmers only. There won't be any beginner chapters here. This book is based on Python 3.

The book will be broken up into five parts. Here's how:

Part I - Intermediate Modules

Chapter 1 - The argparse module

Chapter 2 - The collections module

Chapter 3 - The contextlib module (Context Managers)

Chapter 4 - The functools module (Function overloading, caching, etc)

Chapter 5 - All about imports

Chapter 6 - The importlib module

Chapter 7 - The itertools module

Chapter 8 - The re module (An Intro to Regex in Python)

Chapter 9 - The typing module (Type Hinting)

Part II - Odds and Ends

Chapter 10 - generators / iterators

Chapter 11 - map, filter, reduce

Chapter 12 - unicode

Chapter 13 - benchmarking

Chapter 14 - encryption

Chapter 15 - Connecting to databases

Chapter 16 - super

Chapter 17 - descriptors (magic methods)

Chapter 18 - Scope (local, global and the new non_local)

Part III - Web

Chapter 19 - Web scraping

Chapter 20 - Working with web APIs

Chapter 21 - ftplib

Chapter 22 - urllib

Part IV - Testing

Chapter 23 - Doctest

Chapter 24 - unittest

Chapter 25 - mock

Chapter 26 -

Part V - Concurrency

Chapter 27 - The asyncio module

Chapter 28 - The threading module

Chapter 29 - The multiprocessing module

Chapter 30 - The concurrent.futures module

About the Author

Michael Driscoll
Michael Driscoll

Michael has been programming with Python since 2006. He is the author of the popular Python blog, The Mouse Vs. the Python. Michael has been a technical reviewer for Packt Publishing and No Starch Press.  He is also a contributor on Real Python.

He also co-authored The Essential Core Python Cheat Sheet for DZone.

Michael released his first book, Python 101, June 3rd, 2014. He wrote the follow up, Python 201: Intermediate Python and published it in the summer of 2016. He is also the author of wxPython Cookbook from Apress as well as Python Interviews from Packt Publishing.

Michael is currently working on some new books as well.

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About the Contributors

Varya Kolesnikova
Varya Kolesnikova


Varya Kolesnikova is a talented illustrator from St. Petersburg, Russia. Varya did the cover art for the book, Python 201: Intermediate Python by Michael Driscoll. You can see some of her other art on her Behance profile page

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
      • About the Author
      • Conventions
      • Requirements
      • Reader Feedback
      • Errata
      • Code Examples
  • Part I - The Intermediate Modules
  • Chapter 1 - An Intro to Argument Parsing using argparse
      • Getting Started
      • Adding Arguments
      • Short Options and Long Options
      • Options that Conflict
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 2 - The collections module
      • ChainMap
      • Counter
      • defaultdict
      • deque
      • namedtuple
      • OrderedDict
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 3 - Context Managers
      • Creating a Context Manager class
      • Creating a Context Manager using contextlib
      • contextlib.closing(thing)
      • contextlib.suppress(*exceptions)
      • contextlib.redirect_stdout / redirect_stderr
      • ExitStack
      • Reentrant Context Managers
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 4 - The functools module
      • Caching with functools.lru_cache
      • functool.partial
      • Function Overloading with functools.singledispatch
      • functools.wraps
      • Wraps to the Rescue!
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 5 - All About Imports
      • Regular Imports
      • Using “from module import something”
      • Relative Imports
      • Optional Imports
      • Local Imports
      • Import Pitfalls
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 6 - The importlib Module
      • Dynamic Imports
      • Module Import Checking
      • Import From Source File
      • import_from_github_com
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 7 - Iterators and Generators
      • Iterators
      • Creating Your Own Iterators
      • Generators
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 8 - The itertools Module
      • The Infinite Iterators
      • Iterators That Terminate
      • The Combinatoric Generators
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 9 - Regular Expressions
      • The Matching Characters
      • Pattern Matching Using search
      • Escape Codes
      • Compiling
      • Compilation Flags
      • Finding Multiple Instances
      • Backslashes Are Complicated
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 10 - The typing Module
      • Type Hints and Overloaded Functions
      • Wrapping Up
  • Part II - Odds and Ends
  • Chapter 11 - Python Built-ins
      • any
      • enumerate
      • eval
      • filter
      • map
      • zip
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 12 - Unicode
      • Encoding / Decoding
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 13 - Benchmarking
      • timeit
      • Importing timeit for Testing
      • Use a decorator
      • Create a Timing Context Manager
      • cProfile
      • line_profiler
      • memory_profiler
      • profilehooks
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 14 - Encryption and Cryptography
      • Hashing
      • Key Derivation
      • PyCrypto
      • The cryptography Package
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 15 - Databases
      • Basic SQL Syntax
      • adodbapi
      • pyodbc
      • pypyodbc
      • MySQL
      • PostgreSQL
      • Object Relational Mappers
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 16 - The super built-in
      • Python 2 vs Python 3
      • Method Resolution Order (MRO)
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 17 - Descriptors
      • The Descriptor Protocol
      • Calling a Descriptor
      • Descriptor Examples
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 18 - Scope
      • Local Scope
      • Global Scope
      • nonlocal Scope
      • Wrapping Up
  • Part III - Working with the Web
  • Chapter 19 - Web Scraping
      • Tips for Scraping
      • Preparing to Scrape
      • BeautifulSoup
      • Scrapy
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 20 - Web APIs
      • Twitter
      • Reddit
      • Wikipedia
      • Other API Libraries
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 21 - Working with FTP
      • Connecting to an FTP Server
      • Navigating Directories with ftplib
      • Downloading a File via FTP
      • Uploading Files to an FTP Server
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 22 - The urllib Module
      • urllib.request
      • urllib.parse
      • urllib.robotparser
      • Wrapping Up
  • Part IV - Testing
  • Chapter 24 - The doctest Module
      • How it Works
      • Check Your Test With a Text File
      • Option Flags and Directives
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 24 - The unittest Module
      • A Simple Example
      • Command-Line Interface
      • Creating a More Complex Test
      • Creating Test Suites
      • How to Skip Tests
      • Integrating with doctest
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 25 - The mock Module
      • Simple Examples
      • Side Effects
      • Autospeccing
      • The Patch
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 26 - An Intro to
      • Additional Information
      • Wrapping Up
  • Part V - Concurrency
  • Chapter 27 - The asyncio Module
      • Definitions
      • async and await
      • A Bad Coroutine Example
      • A Better Coroutine Example
      • Scheduling Calls
      • Tasks
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 28 - The threading Module
      • Intro to threads
      • Locks and Synchronization
      • Timers
      • Other Thread Components
      • Thread Communication
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 29 - The multiprocessing Module
      • Getting Started With Multiprocessing
      • Locks
      • Logging
      • The Pool Class
      • Process Communication
      • Wrapping Up
  • Chapter 30 - The concurrent.futures Module
      • Creating a Pool
      • Deadlocks
      • Wrapping Up

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