1000 Python Examples
1000 Python Examples
About the Book
Table of Contents
Fixtures and Mocking in Python
- How do you test Moon-landing?
- How do you test a system …
- Plan
- About me
- Goal
- Fixtures
- Fixtuers in Pytest
- Traditional xUnit fixtures
- Dependency Injection
- Temporary directory - tmpdir
- Capture STDOUT and STDERR - capsys
- Home-made fixture
- Home-made fixture - conftest
- Home-made fixture with tempdir
- Home-made fixture with yield
- Fixture Autouse
- Fixture Autouse with yield
- Fixture for MongoDB
- Test Doubles
- Test Doubles explained
- Verify behavior or state?
- What is Mocking and Monkey Patching?
- Situations
- Unit testing vs. Integration testing
- Experiment with mocking in various situations
- Examples are simple
- Hard coded path
- Manually Patching attribute
- Monkey Patching attribute
- Monkey Patching functions
- Monkey Patching dictionary items
- Mocking a whole class
- Mocking input/output
- Mocking input/output
- Mocking random numbers
- Exercises
- Work in pairs
- Exercise: test login expiration
- Solution: test login expiration
- Exercise: Record e-mail sending
- Solution: Record e-mail sending
- Exercise: Fixture database
- Exercise: One Dimentsional space-fight
- Exercise: web client
- Exercise: Open WeatherMap client
- Exercise: Mocking A Bank
- Testing the whole application
- Resources
- Retrospective
- Job searching help
- Solutions - game
- Solutions - Mocking the database access
First steps
- What is Python?
- What is needed to write a program?
- The source (code) of Python
- Python 2 vs. Python 3
- Installation
- Installation on Linux
- Installation on Apple Mac OSX
- Installation on MS Windows
- Editors, IDEs
- Documentation
- Program types
- Python on the command line
- First script - hello world
- Examples
- Comments
- Variables
- Exercise: Hello world
- What is programming?
- What are the programming languages
- A written human language
- A programming language
- Words and punctuation matter!
- Literals, Value Types in Python
- Floating point limitation
- Value Types in Numpy
- Rectangle (numerical operations)
- Multiply string
- Add numbers
- Add strings
- Exercise: Calculations
- Solution: Calculations
Second steps
- Modules
- A main function
- The main function - called
- Indentation
- Conditional main
- Input - Output I/O
- print in Python 2
- print in Python 3
- print in Python 2 as if it was Python 3
- Exception: SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call
- Prompting for user input in Python 2
- Prompting for user input in Python 3
- Python2 input or raw_input?
- Prompting both Python 2 and Python 3
- Add numbers entered by the user (oups)
- Add numbers entered by the user (fixed)
- How can I check if a string can be converted to a number?
- Converting string to int
- Converting float to int
- Conditionals: if
- Conditionals: if - else
- Divide by 0
- Conditionals: if - else (other example)
- Conditionals: else if
- Conditionals: elif
- Ternary operator (Conditional Operator)
- Case or Switch in Python
- Exercise: Rectangle
- Exercise: Calculator
- Exercise: Age limit
- Exercise: What is this language?
- Exercise: Standard Input
- Solution: Area of rectangle
- Solution: Calculator
- Solution: Calculator eval
- Solution: Age limit
- Solution: What is this language?
- Command line arguments
- Command line arguments - len
- Command line arguments - exit
- Exercise: Rectangle (argv)
- Exercise: Calculator (argv)
- Solution: Area of rectangle (argv)
- Solution: Calculator (argv)
- Solution: Calculator eval
- Compilation vs. Interpretation
- Is Python compiled or interpreted?
- Flake8 checking
- Pylint checking
- Numbers
- Operators for Numbers
- Integer division and the future
- Pseudo Random Number (unform distribution)
- Fixed random numbers
- Rolling dice - randrange
- Random choice
- built-in method
- Exception: TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable
- Fixing the previous code
- Exception: AttributeError: module ‘random’ has no attribute
- Exercise: Number guessing game - level 0
- Exercise: Fruit salad
- Solution: Number guessing game - level 0
- Solution: Fruit salad
Comparison and Boolean
- if statement again
- Comparison operators
- Compare numbers, compare strings
- Do NOT Compare different types!
- Complex if statement with boolean operators
- Boolean operators
- Boolean truth tables
- Boolean values: True and False
- Using True and False in variables
- Comparison returns True or False
- Assign comparisons to variables
- Flag
- Toggle
- Short circuit
- Short circuit fixed
- Does this value count as True or False?
- True and False values in Python
- Incorrect use of conditions
- Exercise: compare numbers
- Exercise: compare strings
- Solution: compare numbers
- Solution: compare strings
- Single quoted and double quoted strings
- Long lines
- Triple quoted strings (multiline)
- String length (len)
- String repetition and concatenation
- A character in a string
- String slice (instead of substr)
- Change a string
- How to change a string
- String copy
- String functions and methods (len, upper, lower)
- index in string
- index in string with range
- rindex in string with range
- find in string
- Find all in the string
- in string
- index if in string
- Encodings: ASCII, Windows-1255, Unicode
- raw strings
- ord
- ord in a file
- chr - number to character
- Exercise: one string in another string
- Exercise: to ASCII CLI
- Exercise: from ASCII CLI
- Solution: one string in another string
- Solution: compare strings
- Solution: to ASCII CLI
- Solution: from ASCII CLI
- Loops: for-in and while
- for-in loop on strings
- for-in loop on list
- for-in loop on range
- Iterable, iterator
- for in loop with early end using break
- for in loop skipping parts using continue
- for in loop with break and continue
- while loop
- Infinite while loop
- While with complex expression
- While with break
- While True
- Duplicate input call
- Eliminate duplicate input call
- do while loop
- while with many continue calls
- Break out from multi-level loops
- Exit vs return vs break and continue
- Exercise: Print all the locations in a string
- Exercise: Number guessing game
- Exercise: Count unique characters
- Exercise: Convert for-loop to while-loop
- Solution: Print all the locations in a string
- Solution 1 for Number Guessing
- Solution 2 for Number Guessing (x)
- Solution 3 for Number Guessing (s)
- Solution for Number Guessing (debug)
- Solution for Number Guessing (move)
- Solution for Number Guessing (multi-game)
- Solution: Count unique characters
- Solution: Convert for-loop to while-loop
Formatted printing
- format - sprintf
- Examples using format - indexing
- Examples using format with names
- Format columns
- Examples using format - alignment
- Format - string
- Format characters and types
- Format floating point number
- f-strings (formatted string literals)
- printf using old %-syntax
- Format braces, bracket, and parentheses
- Examples using format with attributes of objects
- raw f-strings
- Anything can be a list
- Any layout
- Lists
- List slice with steps
- Change a List
- Change with steps
- List assignment and list copy
- Shallow vs. Deep copy of lists
- join
- join list of numbers
- split
- for loop on lists
- in list
- Where is the element in the list
- Index improved
- [].insert
- [].append
- [].remove
- Remove element by index [].pop
- Remove first element of list
- Remove several elements of list by index
- Use list as a queue
- Queue using deque from collections
- Fixed size queue
- List as a stack
- stack with deque
- Exercies: Queue
- Exercise: Stack
- Exercise: MasterMind
- Solution: Queue with list
- Solution: Queue with deque
- Solution: Reverse Polish calculator (stack) with lists
- Solution: Reverse Polish calculator (stack) with deque
- Solution: MasterMind
- MasterMind to debug
- Debugging Queue
- sort
- sort numbers
- sort mixed
- key sort
- sort with sorted
- sort vs. sorted
- key sort with sorted
- Sorting characters of a string
- range
- Looping over index
- Enumerate lists
- List operators
- List of lists
- List assignment
- List documentation
- tuple
- Sort tuples
- Exercise: color selector menu
- Exercise: count digits
- Exercise: Create list
- Exercise: Count words
- Exercise: Check if number is prime
- Exercise: DNA sequencing
- Solution: menu
- Solution: count digits
- Solution: Create list
- Solution: Count words
- Solution: Check if number is prime
- Solution: DNA sequencing
- Solution: DNA sequencing with filter
- Solution: DNA sequencing with filter and lambda
- [].extend
- append vs. extend
- split and extend
- File types: Text vs Binary
- Open vs. Read vs. Load
- Binary files: Images
- Reading an Excel file
- Open and read file (easy but not recommended)
- Open and read file using with (recommended)
- Read file remove newlines
- Filename on the command line
- Filehandle with return
- Read all the lines into a list
- Read all the characters into a string (slurp)
- Not existing file
- Open file exception handling
- Open many files - exception handling
- Writing to file
- Append to file
- Binary mode
- Does file exist? Is it a file?
- Direct access of a line in a file
- Exercise: count numbers
- Exercise: strip newlines
- Exercise: print lines with Report:
- Exercise: color selector
- Exercise: ROT13
- Exercise: Combine lists
- Solution: count numbers
- Solution: strip newlines
- Solution: print lines with Report:
- Solution: color selector
- Solution: Combine lists
- Filehandle using with and not using it
Dictionary (hash)
- What is a dictionary
- When to use dictionaries
- Dictionary
- keys
- Loop over keys
- Loop over dictionary keys
- Loop using items
- values
- Not existing key
- Get key
- Does the key exist?
- Does the value exist?
- Delete key
- List of dictionaries
- Shared dictionary
- immutable collection: tuple as dictionary key
- immutable numbers: numbers as dictionary key
- Sort dictionary by value
- Sort dictionary keys by value
- Insertion Order is kept
- Change order of keys in dictionary - OrderedDict
- Set order of keys in dictionary - OrderedDict
- Exercise: count characters
- Exercise: count words
- Exercise: count words from a file
- Exercise: Apache log
- Exercise: Combine lists again
- Exercise: counting DNA bases
- Exercise: Count Amino Acids
- Exercise: List of dictionaries
- Exercise: Dictinoary of dictionaries
- Exercise: Age limit with dictionaries
- Solution: count characters
- Default Dict
- Solution: count characters with default dict
- Solution: count words
- Solution: count words in file
- Solution: Apache log
- Solution: Combine lists again
- Solution: counting DNA bases
- Solution: Count Amino Acids
- Do not change dictionary in loop
- sets
- set operations
- Creating a set
- Creating an empty set
- Adding an element to a set (add)
- Merging one set into another set (update)
- set intersection
- set subset
- set symmetric difference
- set union
- set relative complement
Functions (subroutines)
- Why use functions?
- Defining simple function
- Passing positional parameters to a function
- Function parameters can be named
- Mixing positional and named parameters
- Default values, optional parameters, optional parameters
- Default value in first param
- Several defaults, using names
Arbitrary number of arguments
- Fixed parmeters before the others
Arbitrary key-value pairs in parameters
- Extra key-value pairs in parameters
- Every parameter option
- Duplicate declaration of functions (multiple signatures)
- Pylint duplicate declaration
- Return more than one value
- Recursive factorial
- Recursive Fibonacci
- Non-recursive Fibonacci
- Unbound recursion
- Variable assignment and change - Immutable
- Variable assignment and change - Mutable
- Parameter passing of functions
- Passing references
- Function documentation
- Sum ARGV
- Copy-paste code
- Copy-paste code fixed
- Copy-paste code further improvement
- Palindrome
- Exercise: statistics
- Exercise: recursive
- Exercise: Tower of Hanoi
- Exercise: Merge and Bubble sort
- Exercise: Refactor previous solutions to use functions
- Solution: statistics
- Solution: recursive
- Solution: Tower of Hanoi
- Solution: Merge and Bubble sort
- Before modules
- Create modules
- path to load modules from - The module search path
- sys.path - the module search path
- Flat project directory structure
- Absolute path
- Relative path
- Python modules are compiled
- How “import” and “from” work?
- Runtime loading of modules
- Conditional loading of modules
- Duplicate importing of functions
- Script or library
- Script or library - import
- Script or library - from import
- assert to verify values
- mycalc as a self testing module
- doctest
- Scope of import
- Export import
- Export import with all
- import module
- Execute at import time
- Import multiple times
- Exercise: Number guessing
- Exercies: Scripts and modules
- Exercise: Module my_sum
- Exercise: Convert your script to module
- Exercise: Add doctests to your own code
- Solution: Module my_sum
Regular Expressions
- What are Regular Expressions (aka. Regexes)?
- What are Regular Expressions good for?
- Examples
- Where can I use it ?
- grep
- Regexes first match
- Match numbers
- Capture
- Capture more
- Capture even more
- findall
- findall with capture
- findall with capture more than one
- Any Character
- Match dot
- Character classes
- Common characer classes
- Negated character class
- Optional character
- Regex 0 or more quantifier
- Quantifiers
- Quantifiers limit
- Quantifiers on character classes
- Greedy quantifiers
- Minimal quantifiers
- Anchors
- Anchors on both end
- Match ISBN numbers
- Matching a section
- Matching a section - minimal
- Matching a section negated character class
- DOTALL S (single line)
- Two regex with logical or
- Alternatives
- Grouping and Alternatives
- Internal variables
- More internal variables
- Regex DNA
- Substitution
- findall capture
- Fixing dates
- Duplicate numbers
- Remove spaces
- Replace string in assembly code
- Full example of previous
- Split with regex
- Exercises: Regexes part 1
- Exercise: Regexes part 2
- Exercise: Sort SNMP numbers
- Exercise: parse hours log file and give report
- Exercise: Parse ini file
- Exercise: Replace Python
- Exercise: Extract phone numbers
- Solution: Sort SNMP numbers
- Solution: parse hours log file and give report
- Solution: Processing INI file manually
- Solution: Processing config file
- Solution: Extract phone numbers
- Regular Expressions Cheat sheet
- Fix bad JSON
- Fix very bad JSON
- Raw string or escape
- Remove spaces regex
- Regex Unicode
- Anchors Other example
- PyCharm Intro
- PyCharm configurations
- PyCharm Project
- PyCharm Files
- PyCharm - run code
- PyCharm Python console at the bottom left
- Refactoring example with PyCharm
Python standard modules
- Some Standard modules
- sys
- Writing to standard error (stderr)
- Current directory (getcwd, pwd, chdir)
- OS dir (mkdir, makedirs, remove, rmdir)
- python which OS are we running on (os, platform)
- Get process ID
- OS path
- Traverse directory tree - list directories recursively
- os.path.join
- Directory listing
- expanduser - handle tilde ~
- Listing specific files using glob
- External command with system
- subprocess
- subprocess in the background
- Accessing the system environment variables from Python
- Set env and run command
- shutil
- time
- sleep in Python
- timer
- Current date and time datetime now
- Converting string to datetime
- datetime arithmeticis
- Rounding datetime object to nearest second
- Signals and Python
- Sending Signal
- Catching Signal
- Catching Ctrl-C on Unix
- Catching Ctrl-C on Unix confirm
- Alarm signal and timeouts
- deep copy list
- deep copy dictionary
- Exercise: Catching Ctrl-C on Unix 2nd time
- Exercise: Signals
- Ctrl-z
- JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
- dumps
- loads
- dump
- load
- Round trip
- Pretty print JSON
- Sort keys in JSON
- Set order of keys in JSON - OrderedDict
- Exercise: Counter in JSON
- Exercise: Phone book
- Exercise: Processes
- Solution: Counter in JSON
- Solution: Phone book
Command line arguments with argparse
- Modules to handle the command line
- argparse
- Basic usage of argparse
- Positional argument
- Many positional argument
- Convert to integers
- Convert to integer
- Named arguments
- Boolean Flags
- Short names
- Exercise: Command line parameters
- Exercise: argparse positional and named
- argparse print help explicitely
- Argparse xor - mutual exlucise - only one - exactly one
Exception handling
- Hierarchy of calls
- Handling errors as return values
- Handling errors as exceptions
- A simple exception
- Working on a list
- Catch ZeroDivisionError exception
- Module to open files and calculate something
- File for exception handling example
- Open files - exception
- Handle divide by zero exception
- Handle files - exception
- Catch all the exceptions and show their type
- List exception types
- Exceptions
- How to raise an exception
- Stack trace
- Exercies: Exception int conversion
- Exercies: Raise Exception
- Solution: Exception int conversion (specific)
- Solution: Exception int conversion (all other)
- Solution: Raise Exception
Classes - OOP - Object Oriented Programming
- Why Object Oriented Programming?
- Generic Object Oriented Programming terms
- OOP in Python
- OOP in Python (numbers, strings, lists)
- OOP in Python (argparse)
- Create a class
- Import module containing class
- Import class from module
- Initialize a class - constructor, attributes
- Attributes are not special
- Create Point class
- Initialize a class - constructor, attributes
- Methods
- Stringify class
- Inheritance
- Inheritance - another level
- Modes of method inheritance
- Modes of method inheritance - implicit
- Modes of method inheritance - override
- Modes of method inheritance - extend
- Modes of method inheritance - delegate - provide
- Composition - Line
- Some comments
- Class in function
- Serialization of instances with pickle
- Quick Class definition and usage
- Exercise: Add move_rad to based on radians
- Exercise: Improve previous examples
- Exercise: Polygon
- Exercise: Number
- Exercise: Library
- Exercise: Bookexchange
- Exercise: Represent turtle graphics
- Solution - Polygon
PyPi - Python Package Index
- What is PyPi?
- Easy Install
- pip
- Upgrade pip
- Virtualenv
- Virtualenv for Python 3
SQLite Database Access
- SQLite
- Connecting to SQLite database
- Create TABLE in SQLite
- INSERT data into SQLite database
- SELECT data from SQLite database
- A counter
- Install MySQL support
- Create database user (manually)
- Create database (manually)
- Create table (manually)
- Connect to MySQL
- Connect to MySQL and Handle exception
- Select data
- Select more data
- Select all data fetchall
- Select some data fetchmany
- Select some data WHERE clause
- Select into dictionaries
- Insert data
- Update data
- Delete data
- Exercise MySQL
- Exercise: MySQL Connection
- Solution: MySQL Connection
- PostgreSQL install
- Python and Postgresql
- PostgreSQL connect
- INSERT (from command line)
- SQLAlchemy hierarchy
- SQLAlchemy engine
- SQLAlchemy autocommit
- SQLAlchemy engine CREATE TABLE
- SQLAlchemy engine INSERT
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT all
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT fetchall
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT aggregate
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT IN
- SQLAlchemy engine SELECT IN with placeholders
- SQLAlchemy engine connection
- SQLAlchemy engine transaction
- SQLAlchemy engine using context managers
- Exercise: Create table
- SQLAlchemy Metada
- SQLAlchemy types
- SQLAlchemy ORM - Object Relational Mapping
- SQLAlchemy ORM create
- SQLAlchemy ORM schema
- SQLAlchemy ORM reflection
- SQLAlchemy ORM INSERT after automap
- SQLAlchemy ORM SELECT cross tables
- SQLAlchemy ORM logging
- Solution: Create table
- Exercise: Inspector
- SQLAlchemy CREATE and DROP
- SQLAlchemy Notes
- SQLAlchemy Meta SQLite CREATE
- SQLAlchemy Meta Reflection
- SQLAlchemy Meta INSERT
- SQLAlchemy Meta SELECT
- Types of NoSQL databases
- MongoDB CRUD
- Install MongoDB support
- Python MongoDB insert
- MongoDB CLI
- Python MongoDB find
- Python MongoDB find refine
- Python MongoDB update
- Python MongoDB remove (delete)
- Python MongoDB replace
- Python MongoDB upsert
- Python Mongodb: TypeError: upsert must be True or False
- Redis CLI
- Redis list keys
- Redis set get
- Redis incr
- Redis incrby
- Redis setex
Web client
- urllib the web client
- urllib2 the web client
- httpbin.org
- requests get
- Download image using requests
- Download image as a stream using requests
- Download zip file
- Extract zip file
- Interactive Requests
- requests get JSON
- requests get JSON UserAgent
- requests get JSON UserAgent
- requests get header
- requests change header
- requests post
- Tweet
- API config file
- bit.ly
- Exercise: Combine web server and client
Python Web server
- Hello world web
- Dump web environment info
- Web echo
- Web form
- Resources
Python Flask
- Python Flask intro
- Python Flask installation
- Flask: Hello World
- Flask: Run Hello World
- Flask: testing hello world
- Flask generated page - time
- Flask generated page - time tested
- Flask: Echo GET
- Flask: Echo POST
- Flask: templates
- Flask: templates
- Flask: templates with parameters
- Flask: runner
- Exercise: Flask calculator
- Static files
- Flask Logging
- Flask: Counter
- Color selector without session
- Session management
- Flask custom 404 page
- Flask Error page
- Flask URL routing
- Flask Path params
- Flask Path params (int)
- Flask Path params add (int)
- Flask Path params add (path)
- Jinja loop, conditional, include
- Exercise: Flask persistent
- Exercise: Flask persistent
- Flask Exercises
- Flask login
- Flask JSON API
- Flask and AJAX
- Flask and AJAX
- passlib
- Flask Testing
- Flask Deploy app
- Flask Simple Authentication + test
- Flask REST API
- Flask REST API - Echo
- Flask REST API - parameters in path
- Flask REST API - parameter parsing
- Flask REST API - parameter parsing - required
- Secure shell
- ssh
- ssh from Windows
- Parallel ssh
- telnet
- prompt for password
- Python nmap
- ftp
Interactive shell
- The Python interactive shell
- REPL - Read Evaluate Print Loop
- Using Modules
- Getting help
- Exercise: Interactive shell
Testing Demo
- How do you test your code?
- What is testing?
- What is testing really?
- Testing demo tools
- Testing demo methodology
- Testing demo - AUT - Application Under Test
- Testing demo - use the module
- Testing demo: doctest
- Testing demo: doctest with failure
- Testing demo: Unittest success
- Testing demo: Unittest failure
- Testing demo: pytest using classes
- Testing demo: pytest using classes - failure
- Testing demo: pytest without classes
- Testing demo: pytest run doctests
- Testing demo: pytest run unittest
- Exercise: Testing demo
- Solution: Testing demo
Types in Python
- mypy
- Types of variables
- Types of function parameters
- Types used properly
- TODO: mypy
Testing Intro
- The software testing equasion
- The software testing equasion (fixed)
- The pieces of your software?
- Manual testing
- What to tests?
- Continuous Integration
Functional programming
- Functional programming
- Iterators (Iterables)
- range
- range with list
- range vs. list size
- for loop with transformation
- map
- map delaying function call
- map on many values
- map with list
- double with lambda
- What is lambda in Python?
- lambda returning tuple
- map returning tuples
- lambda with two parameters
- map for more than one iterable
- map on uneven lists
- replace None (for Python 2)
- map on uneven lists - fixed (for Python 2)
- map mixed iterators
- map fetch value from dict
- Exercise: string to length
- Exercise: row to length
- Exercise: compare rows
- Solution: string to length
- Solution: row to length
- Solution: compare rows
- filter
- filter with lambda
- filter - map example
- filter - map in one expression
- Get indexes of values
- reduce
- reduce with default
- zip
- Creating dictionary from two lists using zip
- all, any
- Compare elements of list with scalar
- List comprehension - double
- List comprehension - simple expression
- List generator
- List comprehension
- Dict comprehension
- Lookup table with lambda
- Read lines without newlines
- Read key-value pairs
- Create index-to-value mapping in a dictionary based on a list of values
- Exercise: min, max, factorial
- Exercise: Prime numbers
- Exercise: Many validator functions
- Exercise: Calculator using lookup table
- Exercise: parse file
- Solution: min, max, factorial
- Solution: Prime numbers
- Solution: Many validator functions
- Solution: Calculator using lookup table
- map with condtion
- map with lambda
- map with lambda with condition
- List comprehension - complex
Iterators - with and without Itertools
- Advantages of iterators and generators
- The Fibonacci research institute
- Fibonacci plain
- Fibonacci copy-paste
- Iterators Glossary
- What are iterators and iterables?
- A file-handle is an iterator
- range is iterable but it is not an iterator
- Iterator: a counter
- Using iterator
- Iterator without temporary variable
- The type of the iterator
- Using iterator with next
- Mixing for and next
- Iterable which is not an iterator
- Iterator returning multiple values
- Range-like iterator
- Unbound or infinite iterator
- Unbound iterator Fibonacci
- Operations on Unbound iterator
- itertools
- itertools - count
- itertools - cycle
- Exercise: iterators - reimplement the range function
- Exercise: iterators - cycle
- Exercise: iterators - alter
- Exercise: iterators - limit Fibonacci
- Exercise: iterators - Fibonacci less memory
- Exercise: read char
- Exercise: read section
- Exercise: collect packets
- Exercise: compare files
- Solution: iterators - limit Fibonacci
- Solution: iterators - Fibonacci less memory
- Solution: read section
- Solution: compare files
- Solution: collect packets
Generators and Generator Expressions
- Generators Glossary
- Iterators vs Generators
- List comprehension and Generator Expression
- List comprehension vs Generator Expression - less memory
- List comprehension vs Generator Expression - lazy evaluation
- Generator: function with yield - call next
- Generators - call next
- Generator with yield
- Generators - fixed counter
- Generators - counter
- Generators - counter with parameter
- Generators - my_range
- Fibonacci - generator
- Infinite series
- Integers
- Integers + 3
- Integers + Integers
- Filtered Fibonacci
- The series.py
- generator - unbound count (with yield)
- iterator - cycle
- Exercise: Alternator
- Exercise: Prime number generator
- Exercise: generator
- Exercise: Tower of Hanoi
- Exercise: Binary file reader
- Exercise: File reader with records
- Simple logging
- Simple logging - set level
- Simple logging to a file
- Simple logging format
- Simple logging change date format
- getLogger
- Time-based logrotation
- Size-based logrotation
- Counter local - not working
- Counter with global
- Create incrementors
- Create internal function
- Create function by a function
- Create function with parameters
- Counter closure
- Make incrementor with def (closure)
- Make incrementor with lambda
- Exercise: closure bank
- Solution: closure bank
- Solution: counter with parameter
- Function assignment
- Function inside other function
- Decorator
- Use cases for decorators in Python
- A recursive Fibonacci
- trace fibo
- tron decorator
- Decorate with direct call
- Decorate with parameter
- Decorator accepting parameter
- Decorate function with any signature
- Decorate function with any signature - implementation
- Exercise: Logger decorator
- Exercise: memoize decorator
- Solution: Logger decorator
- Solution: Logger decorator (testing)
- Solution memoize decorator
Context managers (with statement)
- Why use context managers?
- Context Manager examples
- cd in a function
- open in function
- open in for loop
- open in function using with
- Plain context manager
- Param context manager
- Context manager that returns a value
- Use my tempdir - return
- Use my tempdir - exception
- cwd context manager
- tempdir context manager
- Context manager with class
- Context managers with class
- Context manager: with for file
- With - context managers
- Exercise: Context manager
- Exercise: Tempdir on Windows
- Solution: Context manager
Advanced lists
- Change list while looping: endless list
- Change list while looping
- Copy list before iteration
- for with flag
- for else
- enumerate
- do while
- list slice is copy
Advanced Exception handling
- Exceptions else
- Exceptions finally
- Exit and finally
- Catching exceptions
- Home made exception
- Home made exception with attributes
- Home made exception hierarcy
- Home made exception hierarcy - 1
- Home made exception hierarcy - 2
- Home made exception hierarcy - 3
- Exercise: spacefight with exceptions
- Exercies: Raise My Exception
- Solution: spacefight with exceptions
- Solution: Raise My Exception
- Exception finally return
- Warnings
- Reading CSV the naive way
- CSV with quotes and newlines
- Reading a CSV file
- CSV dialects
- CSV to dictionary
- Exercise: CSV
- Solution: CSV
- Spreadsheets
- Python Excel
- Create an Excel file from scratch
- Worksheets in Excel
- Add expressions to Excel
- Format field
- Number series and chart
- Read Excel file
- Update Excel file
- Exercise: Excel
- XML Data
- Expat - Callbacks
- XML DOM - Document Object Model
- XML SAX - Simple API for XML
- SAX collect
- XML elementtree
SciPy - for Scientific Computing in Python
- Data Science tools in Python
- Data Analysis resources
Python and Biology
- Biopython
- Biopython background
- Bio python sequences
- Download data
- Read FASTA, GenBank files
- Search nucleotids
- Download nucleotids
- Exercise: Nucleotid
- Biology background
- Chemistry links
- Bond length
- Covalent radius
- Python energy landscape explorer
- Other chemistry links
- What is NumPy
- Numpy - vector
- NumPy 2D arrays
- Numpy - set type
- NumPy arrays: ones and zeros
- Numpy: eye
- NumPy array random
- NumPy Random integers
- NumPy array type change by division (int to float)
- Numpy: Array methods: transpose
- Numpy: reference, not copy
- Numpy: copy array
- Numpy: Elementwise Operations on Arrays
- Numpy: multiply, matmul, dot for vectors
- Numpy: multiply, matmul, dot for vector and matrix
- Numpy: multiply, matmul, dot for matrices
- Numpy: casting - converting from strings to integer.
- Numpy: indexing 1d array
- Numpy: slice is a reference
- Numpy: slice - copy
- Numpy: abs value on a Numpy array
- Numpy: Logical not on a Numpy array
- Numpy: Vectorize a function
- Numpy: Vectorize len
- Numpy: Vectorize lambda
- Numpy: Filtering array
- Numpy: Filter matrix values
- Numpy: Filter matrix rows
- Numpy: Stat
- Numpy: Serialization
- Numpy: Load from Matlab file
- Numpy: Save as Matlab file
- Numpy: Horizontal stack vectors (hstack)
- Numpy: Append or vertically stack vectors and matrices (vstack)
- Numpy uint8
- Numpy int8
- Pandas
- Planets
- Pandas Planets - Dataframes
- Pandas Stocks
- Pandas Stocks
- Merge Dataframes
- Analyze Alerts
- Analyze IFMetrics
- Create Excel file for experiment with random data
- Calculate Genome metrics
- Calculate Genome metrics - add columns
- Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized
- Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized numpy
- Genes using Jupyter
- Combine columns
- Pandas more
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Series with names
- About Matplotlib
- Matplotlib Line
- Matplotlib Line with dates
- Matplotlib Simple Pie
- Matplotlib Simple Pie with params
- Matplotlib Pie
- Matplotlib Pie 2
- Plot, scatter, histogram
- Searborn use examples
- Seaborn tip
- Seaborn Anscombes Quartet
Jupyter notebooks
- Jupyter on Windows
- Jupyter on Linux and OSX
- Jupyter add
- Planets
- Jupyter notebook Planets
- Jupyter StackOverflow
- Jupyter StackOverflow - selected columns
- Jupyter processing chunks
- Jupyter StackOverflow - selected rows
- Jupyter StackOverflow - biggest countries (in terms of number of responses)
- Jupyter StackOverflow - historgram
- Jupyter StackOverflow - filter by country
- Jupyter StackOverflow - OpenSourcer
- Jupyter StackOverflow - cross tabulation
- Jupyter StackOverflow - salaries
- Jupyter StackOverflow - replace values
- Jupyter StackOverflow - selected rows
- Jupyter notebook Intellisense (TAB completition)
- Jupyter examples
- IPy Widgets
- Traditional Organizations
- Quality Assurance
- Web age Organizations
- TDD vs Testing as an Afterthought
- Why test?
- Testing Modes
- Testing Applications
- Testing What to test?
- Testing in Python
- Testing Environment
- Testing Setup - Fixture
- Testing Resources
Testing with unittest
- Use a module
- Test a module
- The tested module
- Testing - skeleton
- Testing
- Test examples
Testing with PyTest
- Pytest features
- Pytest setup
- Testing with Pytest
- Testing functions
- Testing class and methods
- Pytest - execute
- Pytest - execute
- Pytest simple module to be tested
- Pytest simple tests - success
- Pytest simple tests - success output
- Pytest simple tests - failure
- Pytest simple tests - failure output
- Exercise: test math functions
- Exercise: test this app
- Exercise: test the csv module
- Solution: Pytest test math functions
- Solution: Pytest test this app
- Solution: test the csv module
- PyTest bank deposit
- PyTest expected exceptions (bank deposit)
- PyTest expected exceptions (bank deposit) - no exception happens
- PyTest expected exceptions (bank deposit) - different exception is raised
- PyTest expected exceptions
- PyTest expected exceptions output
- PyTest expected exceptions (text changed)
- PyTest expected exceptions (text changed) output
- PyTest expected exceptions (other exception)
- PyTest expected exceptions (other exception) output
- PyTest expected exceptions (no exception)
- PyTest expected exceptions (no exception) output
- PyTest: Multiple Failures
- PyTest: Multiple Failures output
- PyTest Selective running of test functions
- PyTest: stop on first failure
- Pytest: expect a test to fail (xfail or TODO tests)
- Pytest: expect a test to fail (xfail or TODO tests)
- PyTest: show xfailed tests with -rx
- Pytest: skipping tests
- Pytest: show skipped tests woth -rs
- Pytest: show extra test summmary info with -r
- Pytest: skipping tests output in verbose mode
- Pytest verbose mode
- Pytest quiet mode
- PyTest print STDOUT and STDERR using -s
- PyTest failure reports
- PyTest compare numbers
- PyTest compare numbers relatively
- PyTest compare strings
- PyTest compare long strings
- PyTest is one string in another strings
- PyTest test any expression
- PyTest element in list
- PyTest compare lists
- PyTest compare short lists
- PyTest compare short lists - verbose output
- PyTest compare dictionaries
- PyTest compare dictionaries output
- PyTest Fixtures
- PyTest Fixture setup and teardown
- PyTest Fixture setup and teardown output
- PyTest: Class setup and teardown
- PyTest: Class setup and teardown output
- Pytest Dependency injection
- Pytest fixture - tmpdir
- Pytest capture STDOUT and STDERR with capsys
- Pytest Fixture - home made fixtures
- More fixtures
- Pytest: Mocking - why?
- Pytest: Mocking - what?
- Pytest: One dimensional spacefight
- Pytest: Mocking input and output
- Pytest: Mocking random
- Pytest: Flask echo
- Pytest: testing Flask echo
- PyTest: Run tests in parallel with xdist
- PyTest: Order of tests
- PyTest: Randomize Order of tests
- PyTest: Force default order
- PyTest: no random order
- Anagram on the command line
- PyTest testing CLI
- PyTest test discovery
- PyTest test discovery - ignore some tests
- PyTest select tests by name
- PyTest select tests by marker
- PyTest: Test Coverage
- Exercise: module
- Exercise: Open Source
- Pytest resources
- Pytest and tempdir
- PyTest compare short lists - output
- PyTest with parameter
- PyTest with parameters
- Pytest reporting in JUnit XML format
- No test selected
Advancted functions
- Variable scopes
- Name resolution order (LEGB)
- Scoping: global seen from fuction
- Assignment creates local scope
- Local scope gone wrong
- Changing global variable from a function
- Global variables mutable in functions
- Scoping issues
- sub in sub
- Scoping sub in sub (enclosing scope)
- Function objects
- Functions are created at run time
- Mutable default
- Use None as default parameter
- Inner function created every time the outer function runs
- Static variable
- Static variable in generated function
- Inspect
Variable number of function arguments
- Python function arguments - a reminder
- Functions with unknown number of argumerns
- Variable length argument list with * and **
- Passing arguments as they were received (but incorrectly)
- Unpacking args before passing them on
- Exercise: implement the my_sum function
- Solution: implement the my_sum function
- Exercise: implement the reduce function
- Soluton: implement the reduce function
- Exercise: sort pairs
- Solution: sort pairs
Python Packages
- Why Create package
- Create package
- Internal usage
- use module in package - relative path
- use package (does not work)
- package importing (and exporting) module
- use package (module) with import
- use package with import
- Creating an installable Python package
- Create tar.gz file
- Install Package
- Dependencies
- Add README file
- Add README file (setup.py)
- Include executables
- Add tests
- Add tests calc
- Add tests all
- setup.py
- Run tests and create package
- Packaging applications (creating executable binaries)
- Using PyInstaller
- Other PyInstaller examples
- Other
- Py2app for Mac
- Exercise: package
- Exercise: create executable
- ctypes - hello
- concat
- links
Advanced OOP
- Class count instances
- Class Attributes
- Class Attributes in Instances
- Attributes with method access
- Instance Attribute
- Methods are class attributes
- Monkey patching
- Classes: instance method
- Class methods and class attributes
- Classes: constructor
- Class methods - alternative constructor
- Abstract Base Class
- Abstract Base Class with abc
- ABC working example
- ABC - cannot instantiate the base-class
- ABC - must implement methods
- Use Python @propery to fix bad interface (the bad interface)
- Use Python @propery to fix bad interface (first attempt)
- Use Python @propery to fix bad API
- Use Python @propery decorator to fix bad API
- Use Python @propery for value validation
- class and static methods
- Destructor: del
- Destructor delayed
- Destructor delayed for both
- Opearator overloading
- Operator overloading methods
- Exercise: rectangular
- Exercise: SNMP numbers
- Exercise: Implement a Gene inheritance model combining DNA
- Exercise: imaginary numbers - complex numbers
- Solution: Rectangular
- Solution: Implement a Gene inheritance model combining DNA
- Instance counter
- Convertig from Python 2 to Python 3
- division
- print in Python 2
- print in Python 3
- input and raw_input
- Code that works on both 2 and 3
- Compare different types
- Octal numbers
- 2to3 Resources
Design Patterns
- What are Design Patterns?
- Don’t replace built-in objects
- Facade - simple interface to complex system
- Monkey Patching
- Creation DPs “Just One”
- Singleton
- Monostate (Borg)
- Dispatch table
- Types of Problems
- Types of solutions
- How many parallels to use?
- Dividing jobs
- Performance Monitoring
- Python Threading docs
- Threaded counters
- Simple threaded counters
- Simple threaded counters (parameterized)
- Pass parameters to threads - Counter with attributes
- Create a central counter
- Lock - acquire - release
- Counter - plain
- GIL - Global Interpreter Lock
- Thread load
- Exercise: thread files
- Exercise: thread URL requests.
- Exercise: thread queue
- Solution: thread queue
- Solution: thread URL requests.
- Fork
- Forking
- Fork skeleton
- Fork with load
- Fork load results
- Marshalling / Serialization
- Fork with random
- Exercise: fork return data
- Solution: fork return data
Asyncronus programming with AsyncIO
- Sync chores
- Async chores
- Explanation
- Coroutines
- More about asyncio
- Async files
Asynchronus programming with Twisted
- About Twisted
- Echo
- Echo with log
- Simple web client
- Web client
- Multiprocess CPU count
- Multiprocess Process
- Multiprocess N files: Pool
- Multiprocess load
- Multiprocess: Pool
- Multiprocess load async
- Multiprocess and logging
- Exercise: Process N files in parallel
- Exercise: Process N Excel files in parallel
- Exercise: Fetch URLs in parallel
- Exercise: Fetch URLs from one site.
- Solution: Fetch URLs in parallel
- What is Multitasking?
- Multitasking example
- Multitasking example with wait
- Multitaksing - second loop waits for first one
- Multitasking counter
- Multitasking counter with thread locking
Improving Performance - Optimizing code
- Problems
- Optimization strategy
- Locate the source of the problem
- Optimizing tactics
- DSU: Decorate Sort Undecorate
- Profile code
- Slow example
- profile slow code
- cProfile slow code
- Benchmarking
- Benchmarking subs
- Levenshtein distance
- Generate words
- Levenshtein - pylev
- Levenshtein - editdistance
- Editdistance benchmark
- A Tool to Generate text files
- Count characters
- Memory leak
- Garbage collection
- Weak reference
- Exercise: benchmark list-comprehension, map, for
- Exercise: Benchmark Levenshtein
- Exercise: sort files
- Exercise: compare split words:
- Exercise: count words
GUI with Python/Tk
- Sample Tk app
- GUI Toolkits
- Installation
- Python Tk Documentation
- Python Tk Button
- Python Tk Button with action
- Python Tk Label
- Python Tk Label - font size and color
- Python Tk Keybinding
- Python Tk Entry (one-line text entry)
- Python Tk Entry for passwords and other secrets (hidden text)
- Python Tk Checkbox
- Python Tk Radiobutton
- Python Tk Listbox
- Python Tk Listbox Multiple
- Python Tk Menubar
- Python Tk Text
- Python Tk Dialogs
- Python Tk Filedialog
- Python Tk messagebox
- Python Tk Combobox
- Python Tk OptionMenu
- Python Tk Scale
- Python Tk Progressbar
- Python Tk Frame
- Not so Simple Tk app with class
- Tk: Hello World
- Tk: Quit button
- Tk: File selector
- Tk: Checkbox
- Tk: Runner
- Tk: Runner with threads
- Getting started with Tk
- Exercise: Tk - Calculator one line
- Exercise: Tk Shopping list
- Exercise: Tk TODO list
- Exercise: Tk Notepad
- Exercise: Tk Copy files
- Exercise: Tk Implement Master Mind board
- Exercise: Tk
- Solution: Tk - Calculator one line
- Solution: Tk Implement Master Mind board
- Solution: Tk
- Solution: Tk Notepad
- Simple file dialog
Python Pitfalls
- Reuse of existing module name
- Use the same name more than once
- Compare string and number
- Compare different types
- Sort mixed data
- Static Code Analyzis - Linters
- PEP8
- F811 - redefinition of unused
- Warn when Redefining functions
Python .NET
- IronPython
- Use .NET libraries from Python
- Python and .NET console
- Python and .NET examples
- Exercise Python and .NET
Python and Java
- Jython
- Calling Java from Python
Jython - Python running on the JVM
- Jython Installation
- Jython Installation
- Jython load Java class
- Jython load Java class in code
- Jython test Java class
PIL - Pillow
- Install Pillow
- Create First Image
- Write Text on Image
- Select font for Text on Image
- Font directories
- Get size of an Image
- Get size of text
- Resize an existing Image
- Crop an existing Image
- Combine two images
- Rotated text
- Rotated text in top-right corner
- Embed image (put one image on another one)
- Draw a triangle
- Draw a triangle and write text in it
- Draw a triangle and write rotated text in it
- Draw a rectangular
- Draw a rectangle
- Draw circle
- Draw heart
- Rectangle with rounded corners
- How not to name example scirpts?
- Platform independent code
- How to profile a python code to find causes of slowness?
- pdb = Python Debugger
- Avoid Redefining functions
- print_function
- Dividers (no break or continue)
- Lambdas
- Abstract Class
- Remove file
- Modules: more
- import hooks
- Python resources
- Progress bar
- from future
- Variable scope
- scope
- type
- Look deeper in a list
- Exercise: iterators - count
- Simple function (before generators)
Other slides
- Other slides
- Atom for Python
- IDLE - Integrated DeveLopment Environment
- sh-bang - executable on Linux/Apple
- Strings as Comments
- pydoc
- How can I check if a string can be converted to a number?
- Spyder Intro
- Interactive Debugging
- Parameter passing
- Command line arguments and main
- Infinite loop
- break
- continue
- While with many conditions
- while loop with many conditions
- Format with conversion (stringifiation with str or repr)
- Name of the current function in Python
- Name of the caller function in Python
- Stack trace in Python using inspect
- Module Fibonacci
- PyTest - assertion
- PyTest - failure
- PyTest - list
- SAX with coroutine
- Getting the class name of an object
- Inheritance - super
- Inheritance - super - other class
- iterator - pairwise
- iterator - grouped
- itertools - groupby
- Circular references
- Context managers: with (file) experiments
- itertools - izip
- mixing iterators
- mixing iterators
- itertools - pairwise
- itertools - grouped
- range vs xrange in Python
- profile (with hotshot) slow code
- Abstract Base Class without abc
- Abstract Base Class with abc Python 2 ?
- Abstract Base Class with metaclass
- Create class with metaclass
- Python Descriptors
- alter iterator
- Create a counter queue
- A Queue of tasks
- Filtered Fibonacci with ifilter
- Python from .NET
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