Java EE 8 (The Book + Code Samples)
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Java EE 8

Only What's New

About the Book

About The Book

Leveling up on a new platform version means reading specification documentation and digging around blog posts, it's time-consuming and tedious, but not anymore.

This book contains all you need to know about what's new in Java EE 8. You already know Java EE, so why read a long book that explains what you already know? All features are discussed in detail with plenty of code examples to show how it works.

You can save yourself considerable time and learn only what you don't know. If you are time poor, then this book is for you.

By the end of this book you will be up to speed on the latest features of Java EE 8.

What the book covers:

The two new APIs:

I discuss the two new APIs in details and provide code examples for each feature.

  • Java API for JSON Binding 1.1 (JSR 367)
  • Java EE Security API 1.1 (JSR 375)

The three major updated APIs:

The headline features for each API are explored and supported with working code examples.

  • Servlet 4.0 (JSR 369)
  • Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380)
  • Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0 (JSR 365)

The four minor updated APIs:

The important additions to each API is demonstrated with code.

  • Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.1 (JSR 370)
  • JavaServer Faces 2.3 (JSR 372)
  • Java API for JSON Processing 1.1 (JSR 374
  • Java Persistence API 2.2 (JSR 338)

Bonus Chapter

I have included a chapter about the new HTTP/2 protocol. The chapter covers the topology of a connection, request/response multiplexing, header compression, stream prioritization, server push, flow control and much more. This chapter contains all you need to know about HTTP/2.

How are the chapters structured?

Each chapter is dedicated to one API and is divided into six main sections. 


The overview section introduces the main features of the JSR and notable changes. The API’s evolution, motivations and goal are discussed in order to provide a background for the subsequent decision where appropriate.

Change Impact

The impact of adopting the new API is discussed in terms of the benefits and cost.

Headline Features

The headline features of the JSR are identified. Minor changes are included in this section for completeness.

Feature n

Each important feature of the JSR is discussed with code examples that demonstrate the feature in action.

Test Your Knowledge

Each chapter finishes with a few multiple choice questions that test your knowledge of the JSRs new features. Answers are given at the end of each chapter.

Interesting Links

At the end of each chapter is a collection of links to useful and interesting resources. These link will include the specification and associated Github repositories, interesting articles and other resources that may be of interest to the reader.


The answers to the Test Your Knowledge are given at the end of each chapter.

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About the Author

Alex Theedom
Alex Theedom

ALEX THEEDOM is a Java EE consultant and developer who passionately evangelize about Enterprise Java. He is an Instructor at LinkedIn Learning and the author of Java EE 8: Only What’s New published by and co-author of Professional Java EE Design Patterns published by Wrox Press. He blogs profusely at and writes for IBM developerWorks about Java EE. When he’s not in front of the screen you can often find him presenting at conferences on his favorite Java EE related topics.

Table of Contents

  • Author Bio
  • Introduction
    • Who is this Book for?
    • What this Book Covers?
    • How is this book structured?
    • What you need to use this book
    • Motivation for Writing
    • Source Code
    • Errata
    • Credits
    • Warranty
  • Java EE Course
    • Published Courses
    • Courses in Progress
  • Chapter 1: Java EE 8 What’s New
    • Introduction
    • New APIs
    • Java API for JSON Binding 1.0 (JSR 367)
    • Java EE Security API 1.0 (JSR 375)
    • New Major Versions
    • Servlet 4.0 (JSR 369)
    • Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380)
    • Context and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0 (JSR 365)
    • New Minor Versions
    • Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.1 (JSR 370)
    • JavaServer Faces 2.3 (JSR 372)
    • Java API for JSON Processing 1.1 (JSR 374)
    • Java Persistence API 2.2 (JSR 338)
    • Interesting Links
  • Chapter 2: Java EE Security API
    • Overview
    • Prevailing Issues with Java EE Security
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Authentication Mechanism API
    • Identity Store
    • Security Context
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 3: Java API for JSON Binding 1.0
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Getting Started
    • Headline Features
    • The JSON-B Interfaces
    • Default Behaviour
    • Advanced Customization
    • Conclusion
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 4: Java Servlet 4.0
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Server Push
    • Server Push Browser Perspective
    • Servlet Mapping API
    • Integration With JSF
    • Java Server Page Integration
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 5: Bean Validation 2.0
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Headline Features
    • Java 8 Date/Time Data Types Supported
    • Validating Container Elements
    • Cascaded Validation
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 6: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • CDI in Java SE
    • Request Context Management
    • Observers and Events
    • Async Events
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 7: Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.1
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Reactive Client
    • Server Sent Events
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 8: JavaServer Faces Specification 2.3
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • FacesContext Injectable
    • Websocket Integration
    • Server Push
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
  • Chapter 9: Java API for JSON Processing 1.1
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Two JSON Processing Models
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
    • Answers
  • Chapter 10: Java Persistence API 2.2
    • Overview
    • Change Impact
    • Headline Features
    • Getting Started
    • Stream Query Result
    • Annotations are Now Marked @Repeatable
    • Java 8 Date and Time Types
    • Source Code
    • Test Your Knowledge
    • Interesting Links
  • Chapter 11: HTTP/2 Protocol
    • A Brief History of HTTP
    • HTTP Today
    • Essential HTTP/2: Headline Features
    • HTTP/2 in the Wild
    • HTTP/2 and You
    • Interesting Links
    • Credits

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