Do What Makes Your Soul Sing
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Do What Makes Your Soul Sing

Notes on Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Volume 8 (2012-2013)

About the Book

A collection of notes from the inspirational lecture series "Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders". Read advice from 24 different lectures including leaders such as Tim Draper (DFJ), Stephen Cohen (Palantir), Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly), and Nassim Taleb (Author).

Read notes on lectures by:

  • Ge Wang, Jeff Smith (Smule)
  • Olivia Fox Cabane (Author)
  • Geoff Yang (Redpoint Ventures)
  • Steve Garrity, Roelof Botha, Kit Rodgers, Divya Nag, Heidi Roizen, Chuck Eesley, William Miller (Stanford)
  • Noam Wasserman (HBS)
  • Jess Lee, Peter Fenton (Polyvore)
  • Melinda Gates (Gates Foundation)
  • Sue Siegel (GE)
  • Hank Wuh (Skai Ventures)
  • Steven McCormick (Moore Foundation)
  • John Lilly (Greylock)
  • Tim Draper (DFJ)
  • Cindy Padnos, Tom Kosnik (Illuminate Ventures)
  • Stephen Cohen (Palantir)
  • Dan Berkenstock, Julian Mann, John Fenwick, Ching-Yu Hu (Skybox Imaging)
  • Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly)
  • Nassim Taleb (Author)
  • Monica Lam (Stanford)
  • Akshay Kothari, Ankit Gupta (Pulse)
  • Kate Mitchell (Scale Venture)
  • Justin Rosenstein (Asana)
  • Chris Redlitz, Beverly Parenti, Heracio Harts (The Last Mile)
  • Jocelyn Goldfein, Tina Seelig (Facebook)
  • Ferdinando Buscema (Magic Experience Designer)

About the Author

Will Johnson

PersonalOpz aims to provide tools to improve your business and life.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • A Startup in Harmony
  • Build Your Personal Charisma
  • Timing Matters
  • Impact: Stanford Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • The Founder’s Dilemmas
  • Path and Purpose of a First-TIme CEO
  • Pursue Passions with a Vengeance
  • A Healthy Respect for Innovation
  • Disruptive Innovation Can Happen Anywhere
  • Drive Change Through Entrepreneurship
  • White Space is Everywhere
  • Calling All Entrepreneurial Heroes
  • An Enterprising Approach to Investment
  • The Path to Palantir
  • Launching into Uncharted Space
  • Create More Value Than You Capture
  • How Things Gain from Disorder
  • Mobile Can Disrupt Social
  • What You Learn by Doing
  • Own Your Own Success
  • Leading Big Visions From the Heart
  • From Lockup to Startup
  • Deep Inside Facebook
  • Magician Leadership
  • Thanks for Reading

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