The Elements of Data Analytic Style (Edición Española)
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The Elements of Data Analytic Style (Edición Española)

Una guía para las personas que quieren analizar datos.

Sobre este libro

El análisis de datos es, al menos en igual medida, arte y ciencia. Este libro se enfoca en los detalles del análisis de datos que a veces se pasan por alto en las clases y los libros de texto de estadísticas tradicionales. Se fundamenta en parte en las entradas de blog del autor, materiales de conferencias y tutoriales como:

El autor es uno de los co-desarrolladores de la especialización de Johns Hopkins en Ciencia de Datos, el programa de ciencia de datos más grande del mundo que ha matriculado a más de 1.76 millones de personas. El libro es útil como acompañante en los cursos introductorios de ciencia de datos o análisis de datos. También es una herramienta de referencia útil para las personas encargadas de leer y criticar análisis de datos.

Este libro es una traducción al Español de The Elements of Data Analytic Style, que fue originalmente escrito en Inglés.

Sobre de los autores

Jeffrey Leek
Jeff Leek

Jeff Leek es Profesor Asociado de Bioestadística y Oncología Médica en la Escuela de Salud Pública Bloomberg de Johns Hopkins. Su investigación se centra en la intersección del análisis de datos de alta dimensión, genómica y salud pública. Es coeditor del popular Blog Simply Statistics y codirector de la Especialización en Ciencia de Datos de Johns Hopkins, el programa de ciencia de datos más grande del mundo que ha inscrito a más de 1.76 millones de personas.


TranslateAI: GPT-4 Powered AI Translations!

Who Is This For?

The TranslateAI service is for authors who want their books automatically translated, either from English into up to 31 languages, or from one of those 31 languages into English.

Now, if you want to translate your book into multiple languages, we also have an amazing bundle called GlobalAuthor, which includes using TranslateAI to translate your book into 3, 8 or 31 languages, as well as including a number of promotional benefits! Seriously, if you're a Leanpub author with a completed book, GlobalAuthor is probably the best deal on Leanpub!

How do I buy TranslateAI?

To learn more about the Leanpub TranslateAI service, or to buy it for one of your books, go here.

How do I buy GlobalAuthor?

To learn more about the Leanpub GlobalAuthor service, or to buy it for one of your books, go here.

How Long Does It Take?

The TranslateAI service typically takes under 48 hours. The GlobalAuthor service typically takes 5 business days.

Due to the nature of the service (since we use OpenAI's API), we can't guarantee a specific turnaround time, but we will either deliver the finished product or give you a progress update within two days (for TranslateAI) of five business days (for GlobalAuthor).

Can I See An Example of TranslateAI Translations?

To see the output of TranslateAI right now, you can check out these two books: How To Be a Modern Scientist and The Elements of Data Analytic Style by bestselling Leanpub author Jeffrey Leek.

Both of these books have been translated into 31 languages using our innovative TranslateAI service for non-fiction authors! Scroll down on the books' landing pages to see the translations. (Both these books and all their translations have a free minimum price, so feel free to buy it for free in both the English language version and in one or more translations if you want to see what TranslateAI can do.)

(The languages that these books have been translated into are the 31 languages in the GlobalAuthor Max bundle. The GlobalAuthor bundle comes in 3, 8 and 31 language versions.)

We’ve been working hard on our TranslateAI service for a long time now, and it’s an amazing opportunity to get self-published books in the hands of new audiences all around the world. Learn more here.

Why Did Leanpub Build This?

We built TranslateAI for one obvious reason: the more languages your book is available in, the more readers you can reach.

Leanpub exists to serve our authors. We want to help you reach as many readers as possible, and we want to help you make as much money as possible. We also want to help you save time, so you can spend more time writing and less time doing other things.

Now, the best way for readers to read your book is in their preferred language. This is their first language: what they grew up speaking, and what they are most comfortable reading in.

For our authors who write in English: just because many people in the world can read English as a second language to some extent doesn't mean they should have to read your book that way. Furthermore, billions of people cannot read English, even as a second language. If you want to reach these people, you need to translate your book into their language. First and foremost, this is a question of accessibility: if your readers cannot read your book, it does not matter how good it is.

For our authors who write in a language other than English: TranslateAI is even more valuable for you, especially if you're writing a computer programming book or business book. English is the largest market for these books, and you're really missing out by not having an English version of your book!

So, just as Leanpub automates the process of creating a PDF and EPUB ebook from your book manuscript, and automates the process of producing a print-ready PDF, we also wanted to automate the process of translating your book into other languages.

We've worked very hard on TranslateAI, spending months tuning it and testing it, and we're very happy with the results. We hope you will be too!

How Does It Work?

You just click a button, and Leanpub takes care of everything else.

  1. Pick the language you want us to translate your book into, and buy the TranslateAI service.
  2. Leanpub will create a new book for you in that language in Browser mode.
  3. The original book authors are set as the authors (with the same royalty percentages).
  4. The translation has your original book cover with a footer added to below the bottom of the image which specifies the language.
  5. Your translation is put into read-only mode.
  6. Leanpub will use the OpenAI API to use GPT-4 to translate your book.
  7. Leanpub will automatically validate the output, including ensuring that code samples are handled appropriately.
  8. Once your translation is complete, Leanpub will automatically preview your book as a PDF and EPUB ebook, and will ensure your translated ebook successfully generates.
  9. Leanpub will take your translated ebook out of read-only mode.
  10. Leanpub will email you to let you know your translated book is ready for you to publish.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're not happy with the results, or if your book is not a good fit for the service, we'll fully refund your money.

Yes, our 60 Day 100% Happiness Guarantee applies here, just like it does with all Leanpub purchases!

Now, this is technically risky for us, since you'll have the translated manuscript either way, and the OpenAI API cost is expensive. But we're so confident in our services and in our authors that we're happy to offer our full money back guarantee for all our services.

You can only find out how good the service is by trying it, and because of our 100% money back guarantee there's literally no risk to do so!

So, there's no reason not to try the service, is there?

More Questions?

Great! Email us at, and we will be happy to answer them.

However, the best thing to do might be to just try the service, since there's literally no risk...

Tabla de contenidos

  • 1. Introducción
  • 2. La pregunta analítica de los datos
  • 3. Ordenando y limpiando los datos
  • 4. Comprobando los datos
  • 5. Análisis exploratorio
  • 6. Modelado estadístico e inferencia
  • 7. Predicción y aprendizaje automático
  • 8. Causalidad
  • 9. Análisis escritos
  • 10. Creando figuras
  • 11. Presentación de datos
  • 12. Reproducibilidad
  • 13. Algunos asuntos de forma
  • 14. La lista de verificación del análisis de datos
  • 15. Recursos adicionales

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Aprende más sobre los formatos de Leanpub y dónde puedes leerlos

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Más información sobre cómo escribir en Leanpub